I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 497 God Loki, What Do You Think?

[If you want to save your compatriots, the first thing you need to do is find their location. 】

[If you take the initiative to look for it, I think they will definitely lead you into their stronghold. But once you really go in, what awaits you is a bloody massacre. 】

[It is difficult to save people, and you may even get involved in it. 】

Winnie bit her lip, knowing that those people must have set enough traps.

[There are many more people on the other side than you think. 】

[They have always been well hidden, so they can always hide in the dungeon without taking the initiative to show up. But it is precisely because they hide well that they are even more disadvantageous to you. 】

[The enemy is in the dark, but you are in the light, how can you fight against them?]

"Even so, I still want to save them."

Wei Ni could tell that those words just now were all advice, but when she thought of the compatriots she had just become familiar with being captured and tortured by those people, Wei Ni couldn't bear it anymore.

Bell wasn't surprised at all. Being able to take the initiative to contact him probably meant that he was already prepared.

[It seems that you are indeed ready. 】

[It’s rare that Orario doesn’t have anything else to do recently, so I’ll just stay with you. In contrast, you should also prepare yourself for enlightenment. 】

[As bait, you have to attract those guys out of 127, otherwise it will be too difficult to find a group of rats' nests in such a large dungeon. 】

The space inside the dungeon is already astonishingly large starting from the middle level. Starting from the 30th floor, the space of the dungeon is almost equivalent to an entire maze city.

The dungeon has become so vast starting from the 30th floor. Naturally, the space on the lower floors will be larger than Orario. Otherwise, how could it accommodate so many monsters and floor owners with dozens of floors?

Without being sure of the specific location of the man-made maze, it took a lot of effort to find such a special space in the dungeon.

Therefore, Bell's first idea was not to find the location of the space bit by bit, but to let the mice jump out on their own initiative.

"I know."

When Wei Ni heard that she was going to be used as bait, she didn't hesitate at all. This was her decision.

[Then be mentally prepared and I will contact you when I am ready. 】

【During this period, I have to endure the anxiety in my heart. 】


The call ends here.

Wei Ni's anxious heart slowly let go.

I don't know what the basis is, but Wei Ni always feels that that person's words can calm her uneasy mood.

Although I am still worried about the compatriots who were captured, what is needed now is patience and waiting.

After ending the call, Bell did not go out, but turned to look at God Loki sitting on the side of the sofa.

"So, this is it, God Loki."

Loki's eyes widened after being dumped. She had only been immersed in happiness for a few days, and she was about to face the dark faction again.

"Are those bastards mentally ill?"

The thought of his vacation was interrupted, and Loki almost left directly.

Hestia, on the other hand, rolled her eyes.

"Don't you know if those people are mentally ill?"

So scolding!

This completely turned off Loki. Aren't those bastards just crazy? There must be something wrong in their minds.

After just calming down his bad mood, Loki couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"Those guys are just sick. Why bother with those heretics when they have nothing to do?"

"I think this issue should still be raised with the guild."

Bell reminded Loki of one of the reasons why those heretics were targeted.

This left Loki speechless for a moment, so he continued speaking forcefully.

"Let's not mention the problems with the guild for now. What we are thinking about right now is how to solve the troubles of the heretics in front of us?"

"I think it mainly depends on the attitude of God Loki and the guild."

"How to say?"(chfj)

"Just like what I just said to her, the guys who are chasing the heretics have a relationship with the dark sect. God Loki, do you still remember what happened to God Ishtar?"

Loki frowned when she mentioned that slut, but she still thought about Ishtar.


Suddenly such a word appeared in Loki's mind.

"Are you saying that the reason why the heretics are targeted by those guys has something to do with tangible interests? Are they crazy? Don't you want to kill monsters if you are so short of money?"

"I think what they are looking for is the heretic's characteristics of being like a demon but not a devil, and like a human but not a human being. The heretic is a heretic among monsters. I think this special characteristic gives the heretic a lot of market."

"Is that why?"

Loki couldn't help but get a little angry when he heard "special" and "market".

It's not like she didn't know about the dragon girl. She had seen it through Bell's eyes before during the expedition, and she also knew that the dragon girl had a pure heart, just like a newborn child.

Even though Loki knew that children in the lower world were more taboo about appearance, Loki also felt that the dragon girl was not a traditional monster in the dungeon, but just a child.

But there are people who prey on such children, and now they are being bought and sold by those bastards because of the so-called "special" and "market".

Just hearing Loki made me feel very angry, even a little angry.

"I think this should be the most direct reason."

Bell didn't mean to cause trouble, but thinking from normal logic, this should be one of the most likely reasons.

"It is impossible for the dark faction to completely break away from Orario. They also need materials and funds to purchase some scarce materials. For example, making "Fire Flame Stone" is not a small expense. If they collect it themselves The material is too eye-catching. "

"For these reasons, it is obvious that they should find some work that can make a living.


Loki slammed the table angrily.

"Still making a living? I think those bastards are really crazy."

Even Loki looked down upon things like the sale of children from the lower world. What kind of person could do such a shameless thing?

Maybe the gods don't love the children of the lower world, but just want to find fun in the children of the lower world.

But the gods are not so depraved as to use this method to entertain themselves.

And if there are gods who can entertain themselves in this way, then Loki can definitely say that those bastards are pure scum.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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