I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 488 Sudden Attack

"Even if you say this, Loki will definitely be furious."

Freya seemed to be able to see Loki jumping, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

..... Here, I still ask God Freya to be noble. I still have a lot of deals with God Loki, but I don’t want to offend her on this issue. "

Bell had a bitter look on his face. He really didn't want these sounds to fall into God Loki's ears, otherwise he would definitely be locked by God Loki's resentful eyes.

Bell's depressed face always had a special magic that attracted Freya's interest. She let her chin hang on the back of the hand holding the table, as if doing so could better appreciate the depression.

"When she was in the heaven, Loki had a bad temper and could be offended at any time. But as long as there were certain things that exceeded her, she could still talk to people well.

"You can see that he has a bad temper. Lord God often said, "Loki often causes wars among the gods up there. That guy just likes to see war and blood, but he always laughs next to him after causing farce. Like a madman." "

"Well~ Hestia is right."

Freya agreed with Hestia's conclusion. In fact, Loki really looked like that in the heaven, but she could also understand why Loki looked like that.

"After all, the gods have lived for too long, and it seems a bit abnormal that there are no crazy gods for such a long time. Although the gods achieved omniscience and omnipotence when they were in the heaven, it was just a huge cage."

"It's like someone raised a group of canaries in a closed space for a certain purpose. After a long time, those canaries will go crazy one by one. But those canaries that are not crazy are in a group of crazy canaries. It looks so different in front of me."

"...So it turns out that God Freya has always known it.

Bell realized that the goddess in front of him had always known about it.

Freya just smiled flatly.

"I've actually gone crazy. Among those guys, only Hestia seems normal. She won't be affected by external situations, just like the power she controls."

"That's why I placed my heart on a person who shouldn't be there. Only by doing this can my spirit not go completely crazy before I leave that cage.

She has already gone completely crazy. Her calmness was based on putting the paranoia and madness in her heart on the illusory other half, which allowed her to get through that difficult period.

"So, everyone went completely crazy when they knew that they could go down to the next world. But after everyone came down, the crazy personality before has also restrained a lot. At the same time, we also have a special idea in our hearts."

“It’s like a fixed ‘mission’. "

Seeing the ridicule in God Freya's eyes, Bell knew what kind of "mission" the God was instilled with. In fact, such a "mission" is really ridiculous. Why would the gods think that way? Maybe they were destined to have a good ending from the beginning.

"A fixed destiny. God Freya, this shouldn't be absolutely mandatory, right?"

"Well, it is indeed not absolutely mandatory, it is just an influence on consciousness. They probably haven't discovered it yet. However, there are also some gods who have also discovered this phenomenon, and it is under such a phenomenon that the gods have made their own decisions. seal."

"It seems that it is absolutely mandatory."

"Yes, it is absolutely mandatory. Only gods who have independently sealed their divine power can pass through the barrier of heaven to the lower realm, and form a mark with the barrier of heaven. As long as the seal is lifted, they will be sent back to heaven. As long as they are fatally injured They will be sent back to the heaven to meet very harsh conditions in the lower realm."

I think that it was because Freya noticed that slight influence that she paid more attention when she was in the lower realm. But just such an attention made her know so many things. But just because she knew it, Freya was able to test the bottom line of the seal very well.

After putting away her divergent thinking, Medical Leya looked at Bell with a meaningful smile.

"As an ordinary adventurer, you know a lot of secrets."

These words made Bell's face twitch for a few times, and then he quickly returned to his normal state and nodded very shamelessly.


"Yes, as an ordinary adventurer, I know too much. Therefore, when I usually walk in the dangerous city of Orario, I will be more careful. This is also why I don't show my true face to others."

Freya couldn't help but sigh, this child would really do this under any circumstances. Hide yourself completely unmoved, completely hiding "just to prevent yourself from being exposed."

"Let's not talk about that topic for now."

Anyway, this child will definitely not be exposed on his own, and it is not suitable to continue talking about this topic.

"But if you come to Orario for power..."

Just when the topic was progressing, a strong magic power suddenly enveloped the entire tavern.

This sudden interruption caused a cold light to flash in Freya's eyes, but the emotion in her eyes was quickly suppressed.

"Lady Freya!"

The catman who had been standing among the waitresses immediately rushed to Freya.

Several other waitresses also made a fighting stance.

Don't underestimate the four waitresses, the rich hostess. None of the waitresses in this tavern are easy to bully.

As the store manager, Miya's mother is at level 6. The other four key waitresses are also at level 4. Only Xi'er, the waitress, is the weakest person. .

The interior of the tavern wrapped in magic seemed to be dyed with a strange red color, and everyone felt that their bodies were under heavy pressure and their movement was greatly restricted.

At this moment, a figure quickly flew in from outside the tavern.

Before the four waitresses could react, the bloody blade had already arrived in front of Freya.

Even a Level 4 adventurer couldn't react quickly. Naturally, as a god, Freya couldn't react immediately.

But at this moment, Freya clearly saw the blade, and also saw who was coming, but she still looked at the child opposite with a smile.

"What would you do?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the price.

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