I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 474 Good Night, God Freya

"100 million faris..."

The Cat Waitress's ears twitched instinctively when she heard this number. As a former bounty hunter, the money she had saved from doing so many tasks in the past was actually less than 100 million Faris. As a result, now she only needs to catch A Level 5 can get such a large sum of money from the guild.

I have to say, she was moved.

"Don't think so much, silly girl."

Miya's mother saw money symbols popping out of the little girl's eyes, and she snorted angrily.

"That's Lv. 5, and it's Lv. 5 of the dark faction. Do you think it's that easy to catch?"

.....Hmm, that's right. If it was so easy to catch, how could the guild give such a large bounty? "

Dispelled from the impulse, the cat girl's ears instantly drooped in disappointment.

These 100 million faris may be there waiting for someone to take it, but it is just like the "910" commission "Destroy the Freya Familia" posted on the black market. Some people dare to ask for a commission, but no one dares to take it.

Is not this nonsensical?

Can a Lv.7 and a group of Lv.6 family members be a request that adventurers below Lv.6 can accept?

You must know that Orario's Level 6 adventurers are rare animals and are at the national treasure level. But there are three national treasure-level LV.6s among Freya Familia, and there are even four Lv.5 combinations of "Four Flame Gold Warriors" that can be compared to Lv.6 bugs. They belong to Freya Familia. The fourth level is 6.

With such a group of perverts and a Level 7 standing on top of Orario, no adventurer below Level 6 would choose to accept such a commission.

This is not a commission, this is courting death.

There are actually many death-seeking missions like this on the black market, among which "Destroy the Loki Familia" is a commission that was posted a long time ago.

However, since the Loki Familia jumped out to three Level 7s a month ago, this commission has been considered to be even more outrageous than "Destroy the Freya Familia."

One Level 7 is already confusing. Facing three Level 7s at the same time is really not as fast as committing suicide.

"A guest is coming, why don't you go and receive it quickly?"

Mia's eyes turned to the front seat of the bar where a customer had already appeared.


The cat maid looked over, and sure enough, a young man wearing a white coat was sitting there.

"Was there someone sitting here just now?"

The cat girl's brain reaction was obviously bad, but she still acted very quickly.

"Is this your first time at Rich Hostess? Do you want me to recommend some special dishes?"

"No, this is my second time here."

The second time? How come I don’t have any impression at all? The cat lady has absolutely no impression of this hooded boy.

"Besides, I came here this time just for an invitation from the goddess."

It turned out to be this kid. Mia's mother instantly understood who this hooded boy dressed in white was.

"Invitation from the goddess? Why would a goddess invite people here for nothing? Could it be that God Loki invited you here?"

The cat lady asked curiously.

"God Loki has recently been dealing with internal issues within the Familia. The upgrades of Finn, Riveria and Grace are unstable. Those three recently wiped out the Familia of two dark factions and repatriated the two gods. The Loki Familia clan is now in a highly excited state, and God Loki needs to stabilize the internal stability and not escape casually."

These remarks made the catwoman couldn't help but understand the situation within the Loki Familia. But soon her brows furrowed. This was not information that outsiders could know.

The instability within the Loki Familia is a big secret. Once someone catches the pain, they may be attacked immediately. So how did the person in front of me know this kind of information? And how could he tell it so directly?

"Actually, this question is very simple. The current Loki Familia is definitely a Familia that no force is willing to provoke."


"The Loki Familia with Level 7 and the Loki Familia with only Level 6 are completely different things. Even a fool will know this simple thing, so the dark faction will not act casually in a short time, even if the Loki Familia The Foundation Familia revealed a flaw, and they also need to consider whether this was a flaw deliberately revealed by the Loki Familia."

I see. The cat girl finally understood why Orario had been so quiet since her two families were wiped out by Loki's family. Even the dark factions seemed to be hiding.

"But why do you, the guest, know about such a thing?"

"So, didn't I say that? I was also invited by a goddess, so naturally I can know some inside information."

"But such information..."

"Okay, Yuan girl."

Mia's mother immediately interrupted the conversation, which startled the cat lady.

But Mia's mother did not say harsh words, but pointed to the kitchen with her fingers as thick as a child's wrist...

"Go get Hill."

The cat girl went to the kitchen to call someone with a confused look on her face.

Mia's mother, on the other hand, had her eyes locked on this person.

But the young man had no intention of speaking, but quietly waited for the arrival of the goddess.

Soon, a silver-haired girl wearing a green maid costume and a white apron came out of the kitchen.

"Mom Mia, are you looking for me?"

"I'm not looking for you, it's a guest looking for you."

Mia's mother pointed her finger at the boy sitting in the front seat of the bar.

The moment she saw the boy, the color of the silver-haired girl's eyes changed slightly.

"Then half a month. We must fulfill our agreement after half a month."

"Just from the fluctuations of my soul, I felt that there was someone here with similar soul fluctuations to yours, and I was sure that this place was the eye liner of God Freya. But I didn't expect that there would be such a selfless person who could get Freya. God’s love.”

"No, I came here this time hoping that God Freya would give me half a month more preparation time. One month is just to complete the physical adjustment, and I still need half a month to adjust my condition."

"Does it take another half month?"

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

Half a month is not a long time. "Freya" smiled slightly.

The young man bowed slightly.

The innocence and liveliness that had been present in the silver-haired maid a moment ago were replaced by maturity and excitement.

So direct? Miya's mother glanced around, but none of the customers who were still in the store made any move, as if they didn't hear anything at all.

"It seems you knew I was here from the beginning."

But soon "Freya" focused her attention on the boy.

"Good night, God Freya."

The young man also stood up from his seat at this moment.

"So, you came to me this time to fulfill our agreement?"

"Freya" smiled slightly and placed her hands slightly on her chest.

"Freya" guessed that she came to refuse to fulfill the agreement, but she didn't expect to set a time to meet.

"Don't worry, half a month is enough."

"After all, this child is also very lovable. It is also this child's choice to lose himself, escape from himself, and become me.

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