I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 465 Banquet Guests Arrive

Although Hephaestus also went to talk about Welf's matter, the result was little effect.

Now Welf himself can figure out that this is actually the best situation.

As a craftsman, it is of course okay to cherish the weapons you forge, even if you treat the weapons you forge as your own children. But as a craftsman, you must first consider the person who uses the weapon.

If you blindly put yourself first, you will never be able to become a unique craftsman.

Hephaestus would not say this. She would only give her children choices instead of interfering.

If the person involved can figure it out, then he will be qualified to become a unique craftsman in the future.

If the person involved never understands it, it means that his qualifications as a craftsman are only to this extent.


Seeing Hermes coming with his captain, Hephaestus couldn't help but smile and joked:

"Hermes, is it 27 addictive to be beaten?"

"No, no, I don't have that special interest."

Hermes strongly denied that being beaten was an interest.

Although he knows that there are people with such interests among the gods, he himself is not sensitive to this.

"Seeing how weak your hands were, I thought you just had that kind of interest."

Hermes didn't know how to refute Hephaestus's complaints. Fortunately, he was relatively thick-skinned, so he didn't have to worry about questions he couldn't answer at this time.

"Hey, Hestia and Bell-kun haven't come yet?"

This topic changed really hard, but at this time Hephaestus was too lazy to argue so much with Hermes.

"Loki and Hestia are still quarreling about the dress. They won't come over until the quarrel is over."

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like Loki will win. Hermes couldn't imagine Loki winning the argument.

Loki had often quarreled with Hestia in the past, but in the end they always ended up humiliating themselves.

After all, poor figure is really a serious flaw for Loki.

Therefore, Hestia used to specifically attack Loki's shortcomings in this area, which was definitely really hurt.


"Loki, I'm telling you, don't use your weak body to compare with me, you will never be my opponent.

Just when Hermes was determining the outcome of the two in his mind, he heard Hestia's voice.

Turning his gaze, he saw that Hestia was no longer as poor as before. Instead, she was wearing a gorgeous blue dress. Her grace and splendor finally showed her demeanor as a goddess at this moment.

Hestia held her head high like a victorious phoenix, and behind her was Loki, who was dressed in a red dress, but looked as depressed as a prodigal dog.

Those eyes seemed to have seen the enemy who killed his father, staring at Hestia who had just humiliated him in front of him, and uttered curse-like words in a low voice:

"Damn big cow, just wait for me, I'll curse you to sag sooner or later!"

It is really a very vicious curse. For any woman, this is an extremely vicious curse.

Unfortunately, this time the person Loki cursed was Hestia, who is also a god.

"Ahem, God Loki, I must remind you that as gods, you and Lord God do not have the ability to grow. Naturally, without the ability to grow, you and Lord God do not have the ability to age. .”

"...In your words!?"

Loki was about to cry at this moment.

As a god, she does not have the ability to grow or age. It can be said that all the gods have not changed in appearance since the moment they were born. Loki naturally knew that the curse on the dwarf was just a mouthful.

But even if it was true, Loki didn't want anyone to reveal this fact.

"Are you here specifically to target me?"

Bell was very innocent about this, he just stated the facts. It's just that God Loki is unwilling to accept this fact.

"This is not what I'm targeting, I'm just explaining the facts to you."

Isn't that just targeting me? Loki thought to himself unhappily.

"Also, please control your emotions. Today is a banquet for the Loki Familia. As the host, you cannot be so depressed."

Although he knew that God Loki was very angry at the moment, Bell still hoped that God Loki could control his mood and not get angry yet.

Loki felt extremely aggrieved at this moment.

When I was changing my dress just now, I wanted to ridicule the dwarf, but in the end I was ridiculed by the dwarf. Looking back now, Loki felt that he had made a mistake in his mind and wanted to ridicule the little dwarf.

I know clearly that my body is my biggest weakness, but I stupidly hand over my weakness to others to laugh at me.

Is there something wrong with me? Or am I overjoyed that Finn and the others have upgraded? At this moment, Loki regretted why he went to trouble the dwarf. Wasn't this causing trouble for himself?

But in this situation, no matter how much you regret it, you have to endure it.


In a good mood and wearing a blue dress, Hestia had already stepped on blue high heels and came to Hephaestus' side.

"I'm really going to die laughing! Those 847 idiots Loki are actually planning to laugh at me."

"Humph, she didn't even look at her barren figure. What thoughts gave her the confidence to laugh at me.

Hephaestus glanced at the dark-faced Loki, and it was really hard to imagine what was wrong with Loki to laugh at you.

"Hey~ Hestia.


Hestia, who was still smiling just now, immediately stopped her smile when she saw Hermes, and turned to look at Hermes with squinted eyes like a thief.

"You are here too."

Do you need to be like this? Hermes couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

He knew that he was going to be hated by Hestia, but he didn't expect that Hestia would immediately treat him as a thief and guard him.

"Hestia, Freya didn't mean to bother you on purpose."

"But it was you who brought Freya in."

Just because of this matter, Hestia had to remember Hermes for at least thirty years, otherwise she would be sorry for what Hermes had done.

Speaking of this matter, Hestia couldn't help but glance around, looking for another troublesome figure.

At this time, there was a commotion outside.

"God Freya, welcome your arrival."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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