I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 454 What Needs To Be Done In These Two Days

"So, the abandonment of the original plan was also because of Freya?"

This made Bell look a little helpless.

"It is indeed because of God Freya."

"Originally, my plan was going to go smoothly, but God Freya's actions completely ruined my plan. All plans and calculations were completely in vain because of God Freya's choice."

But even so, Bell didn't have any surprises. This situation was actually predicted from the beginning.

There are not many ways forward that he can choose. Naturally, there will inevitably be some unexpected surprises on this road that he has not planned for before.

"Although the previous plan was shelved and God Freya entered the rear because she chose the guild, the situation still hasn't changed too much."

"Is this also part of your plan?" "587" "No, it completely deviated from my plan after God Freya entered the guild. But the only thing that surprised me was that I could not be attacked by God Freya. Impact. And this is now the fundamental reason why the situation has not changed."

I see. Loki understood what this meant.

Freya's move was indeed amazing, but the fundamental reason was not solved.

Freya's surrender to the guild only solved the problem of not being able to find the boy Bell, but there was nothing she could do to affect the boy.

"Your kid is indeed awake."

Loki finally understood that this boy would never continue.

No matter what the nymphomaniac said, this boy would never pick her up. Unless the nymphomaniac did something extraordinary, this boy would definitely not fall for it with his character.

"It's exactly what you said."

"Even if that nymphomaniac did something, she only chose this move when soft and hard methods have no effect. Now her soft and hard methods have no effect. As long as you don't accept it, that nymphomaniac will also There is no good way to deal with you."

It can be said that this is still Freya's disadvantage. In the end, it was the nymphomaniac who was a step too late.

If that nymphomaniac had been targeted by Bell when he first entered Orario, then things wouldn't have been as troublesome as the little dwarf.

Unfortunately, Freya was a step too late.

Naturally, this gap will be difficult to make up.

"Before you come back, Hermes has already come here as a lobbyist."

Bell nodded slightly, not surprised that such a bad thing was thrown at the God Hermes.

"As a neutral god, he is indeed the most suitable person to come and say these words. However, isn't Lord God angry?"

Bell now doubts whether the god Hermes is still intact.

"Of course I'm angry!"

Hestia puffed her face and huffed.

"That guy Hermes actually came to my place and said those kinds of things. It's a good thing I didn't kick him out."

Bell thinks so. Hermes will definitely be kicked out if he does bad things.

“Although Freya’s incident is irritating, given the current situation, there’s nothing wrong with you going to see Freya.

Hephaestus was naturally worried, but that was before, and she was not very worried now.

"Even so, what Freya did is too much."

Hestia was still brooding over the things Freya had done.

Even if we now know that Bell is not affected by Freya, it would still be too thrilling to experience it.

What if Bell is unable to resist Freya's power? Then at this moment, Bell's will has been completely changed by Freya?

"indeed so."

Bell is not a god, so he doesn't know how severe the problems he is experiencing are. But looking at the reactions of Hestia, Hephaestus and Loki, we know that this is definitely not a small matter.

"But even so, I still have to go to God Freya."


Hestia's face was about to explode, but she knew she had to go.

Although she did not openly side with the guild and was in almost the same situation as Hermes, she still needed the guild to cover up Bell's situation. Therefore, "the power of the guild is also necessary.

And if Bell goes to the appointment, Freya might make the decision to forcibly expose Bell.

This approach may not be beneficial, but as long as the person doing it is Freya, I always feel that there are more reasonable reasons...

At least Hestia understood the rule of not trying to reason with Freya.

Because Freya often won't do reasonable things unless Freya is at an absolute disadvantage.

"This is the end of God Freya's affairs for the time being."

Bell stopped the topic here.

"The problem of God Freya is difficult to analyze based on current thinking. Maybe our decision was also taken into consideration by God Freya. So I think it is better to look at God Freya's attitude before considering it."


Although she was very reluctant, Hestia also knew that this was the only way now.

After stretching his muscles a little, Bell had just finished busy with the expedition, and now he was a little tired. He wanted to take a good rest.

"God Loki, please don't expose the information that I have left the dungeon. Before the expedition team comes back, I still hope to take advantage of these two days to make preparations.

Loki didn't refuse the request either.

"Freya will definitely not come to me to ask about anything. She has plotted against me before, and she knows that I will definitely be careful about being plotted by her a second time. She will definitely not come to me at this time.

"She can't easily arrange for people to investigate the chaotic situation in the dungeon. Besides, with your way of doing things, wouldn't she know? Even if you go to investigate, you can't. You can delay the invitation until the expedition team comes back. 5.6 is talking."

Bell glanced at God Loki, and it seemed that God Freya had really made a lot of efforts to find him, and even God Loki was involved in the scheme.

But that’s fine too.

"That's good."

Don’t worry about the future for now.

Bell will definitely not be able to go to the dungeon in the past two days. After all, the hotbed function of the dungeon has not been restored, and it will take at least two days to do so.

But Bell doesn't have nothing to do.

In these two days, you can strengthen and absorb the matter of costumes.

All the gifts cannot be absorbed at the same time. It is reasonable to allocate time to absorb them. There are many things that can be dealt with in these two days.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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