I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 45 The Power Of Magic Skin

"Royal Thunder???"

Listening to Lord God's description, Bell's expression was as weird as it was. He just wanted magic that could transform himself into thunder and lightning, but the magic that was born turned out to be "Lei Yu". Especially after knowing the two annotations of "Quick Attack Magic" and "Emperor Raiden", Bell knew that this magic was slightly excessive, even more excessive than the "Flame Lightning" of the hero of the original book.

In the original work, the male protagonist can still be regarded as magic, but is the imperial envoy thunder and lightning this magic? Surely this isn't power? But is power something that can be obtained from a magic book? Even if Bell's ability to accept is very good, he is still a little confused by this guess. He really didn't want to have a power, but this kind of play couldn't belong to the category of magic at all.

After hesitating for a long time, Bell couldn't help but ask the question in his heart.

"Lord God, is this magic or power?"

Bell's question made Hestia subconsciously answer.

"Of course it's magic. Power is a special authority possessed by the gods, and it's the principle of the gods. Power and magic are completely different things. The power of the gods is the right to entrust a certain kind of principle, and Magic is just a form in which it is manifested through incantation and magic as a medium."

"Simply put, magic itself needs the power to organize. Power is the power that the gods can use almost instinctively without the need to organize. Some forms of magic are indeed a bit like power, but most of those magics are through magic. The form of it only manifests part of its power.”

But after subconsciously explaining it like this, and after she re-understood the concept of magic and power, Hestia realized how similar Bell's awakened magic and power are. A quirky idea was born out of Hestia's novel. I saw Hestia stiffened her neck and turned to He Faith Tos behind her.

"He Faith Toss, what do you think?"

At this moment, He Faith Toss' whole body was stiff. After hearing Hestia's reiteration of the concept of magic and power just now, He Faith Tos also reacted immediately. Power and magic are different, magic needs to be prepared, but power is instant, and the concept of power is very broad and the application is relatively broad, not magic can be compared. But can't these descriptions applied to power also be applied to the magic awakened by Bell?

"Isn't this an awakening of power?"

"Can powers be awakened by children of the lower realm?"

He Faith also had a lot of disbelief in her heart, but she also felt more and more that the problem was very big. Even demigods cannot awaken their powers, so how can children in the lower realms awaken their powers? So, not an awakened power, but a product in the name of magic instead of power? Isn't this more crap?

"Hestia, even a demigod cannot awaken power."

"I know. Even if the god in charge of the principle of sovereignty can let down his authority, it is not something that a demigod can steal, but what's going on with Mr. Bell? As far as introduction is concerned, it's almost like authority."

"Demigods can't awaken their power, let alone a child of the lower realm." How could Hestia, one of the gods, not know this truth? But that's because it's even weirder to know. Even Hestia could see that there was something wrong with Bell's awakening magic. To put it bluntly, this is the power of the skin of "magic", otherwise this magic would not have such a wide range of applications.

And the word "envoy" is also very problematic. Can magic be envoys? Power is the envoy, right?

The harder she tried to think about this, the more Hestia felt that her child's awakening magic problem was very serious. This Nima really doesn't look like awakening magic, but rather like awakening power. If there is a difference, the favor system points to the power and says "this is magic".

"Maybe, it's a little less in terms of ability."

He Faith also didn't know how to say this, because the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it. It was the first time she had encountered something like this awakening magic, but awakened a power. Or maybe there is only such a real case in the whole Orari. Moreover, if this magic is really a skinned product of power, then no matter what happened to the child Bell, Hestia really made a lot of money.

After the lower realm of the gods, excessive use of power is not allowed. Power and divine power are linked, and once power is used excessively, it will resonate with divine power. Maybe the gods are not forbidden to use their powers, but everyone has a degree in their hearts. If it exceeds this degree, it is really the same as choosing to be directly extradited to the heaven.

But if Hestia's child awakens the power of the magic skin, then Hestia is like having a god who can use power unscrupulously. In this case, it is too much to make in the family. It is even said that the children of the Hestia family may be able to reproduce the glory of the Hera family and the Zeus family.

This prediction made He Faith look at Hestia, the idiot, once again.

"This idiot has absolutely saved the world before. How could this idiot have such good luck if he hadn't saved the world? Meeting a child who was delivered to his door by himself, and who in just a few days was a space, precocious and Skills and magic like luck. Now this child has awakened his powers beyond the magic skin."

At this moment, Hestia doubted her luck. In fact, the luck of every god should be good, except for those poor gods and mildew gods. But why is she not as lucky as Hestia? Why can this waste god be able to have such a child delivered to her door when she lives in her house?

"Ah, this kid seems to have come to join me in the first place."

Her Faith Toss paused. When this child came to Orali a few days ago, he came to her side to find a way to find a family, and the requirements were very low, and even his own position was clearly placed. It was she who recommended this child to Hestia at that time. After thinking about it, He Faith couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart. But this trace of regret disappeared after seeing Hestia's smile.

"Hey, this is also the fate of this child and Hestia. I just didn't expect that the fate of this child and Hestia was still me."

After lamenting the impermanence of the world, He Faith smiled and skipped what happened just now.

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