I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 449 The Choice Of Compromise

"The biggest problem with God Freya is that her power will affect me. But now if I know that God Freya's power has no effect on me, then the power of God Freya to intimidate me will plummet. "

In the past, what Bell was most worried about was that something had been discovered about him and that he would be targeted by God Freya.

It is for this reason that Bell has always maintained a mystery in the past, minimizing the chance of showing his face in public as much as possible, thereby reducing the risk of God Freya seeing some clues.

After all, Bell doesn't have the magic skill "Wanting" to resist "Charm", so it's necessary to worry more.

But now I can finally let go of this worry.

Although I don't know what the wall in my soul world is, it is a good thing to be able to block the influence of power.

"But Freya made a desperate move, which prevented you from planning the confrontation between her and Luo "493" Ji."

Originally, this was a good situation. As long as Loki and Freya faced off, Bell could be given some time to grow.

This is what Bell expected.

But this situation was completely overturned, because a decision made by God Freya made the confrontation between the Loki Familia and Freya Familia completely impossible.

This is where Hephaestus feels troubled now.

"Yes, God Freya's choice exceeded my guess."

Bell is also troubled by such changes. He is not fully prepared yet, and it is still too early for him to actually jump out at Level 4.

That is because it is still too early, so Bell hopes to raise the power of the three pillars of the Loki Familia, or even the overall strength level of the Loki Familia.

Only when the strength levels of Orario's two kings reach the same level can there be a confrontation between them.

After all, this phenomenon would only exist among the Familia with comparable strength.

"It's not a big problem."

"The biggest problem before was the power of God Freya and the strength of Freya's family. However, after half a year, the strength has been leveled a lot. Now I know that the power of God Freya has no impact on me. , even if it fails to achieve the original vision, it will have little impact.”

Although he said that, Hephaestus still heard some helplessness.

She knew Bell still needed time to grow up.

In half a year, Bell has grown from 0 to the current level 4. He is already riding a rocket.

Even though Bell possesses two kinds of powers, it is really difficult to defeat the Freya Familia across levels without being able to fully utilize the powers.

"What should we do?"

The disrupted plans made Hephaestus a little worried about Bell.

"The current situation is quite acceptable. I think that after God Freya confirmed that the power is ineffective on me, I can save the extra thoughts. As for the suppression of force... maybe I am still not the opponent of "The Fierce One", but I want to run. You will never be stopped on the way, so God Freya will never choose to use force unwisely.

Bell was very sure that after his power was invalidated, God Freya would not continue to think of using coercive means to kidnap him, but would use circumstantial means.

Now he can already imagine the methods God Freya will use.

"Next, God Freya should be planning to use her relationship with the same force to take action against me, right?"

"Did you guess it?"

Bell sighed, even if he didn't want to guess it.

"Regardless of forced methods, this is the only method that God Freya can use. Use the influence brought by joining the guild to gain some special rights from the guild."

This is the only benefit that God Freya can get after making this choice.

Even the belated Bell knew this, so what would God Freya not choose?

Therefore, even if God Freya asked someone from the guild to invite him, Bell wouldn't feel strange at all.

The phrase "we'll talk about it outside later" is not a joke.

Bell is also ready to meet God Freya.

Although Bell really didn't want to meet God Freya, it was a pity that his choice would not be adopted.

However, the key lies in another point.

"If I don't go, there's no way to predict what crazy moves that god Freya will do."


Hephaestus also approved of Bell's judgment.

Freya is the kind of god who is willing to resort to any means to achieve her goals, which can be seen from her previous actions.

Although most of her children chose to be loyal to her because they were attracted by her beauty, the choices she made recently made it difficult for Hephaestus to regard Freya as a normal person. to be viewed by the gods...

Although Hephaestus also hoped that Bell would not meet Freya, if he didn't meet, maybe the next time he met would be to stand directly opposite Orario.

In order to avoid something like that happening, we can only choose to compromise.

"I really don't want you to see Freya."

There was only reluctance on Hephaestus' face. Unfortunately, she couldn't stop him and could only choose to compromise here.

"I can't help it. However, God Freya probably hopes to establish a long-term relationship with me when meeting her this time.

"Isn't that troublesome?"

"It is very troublesome, but there is no way to avoid such things in the future. The dark factions will definitely join forces when they besiege Orario. It's okay if they don't want to contact God Freya now."

Bell also looked helpless.

If all the dark factions have high-end combat power, then he may be able to sweep the entire dark faction by himself, as long as he reaches Level 5.

But the problem is that there are many lunatics in the dark faction. Once they act from all directions, he alone cannot take care of them.

And Bell also knew very well that the lunatics of those dark factions would never get together and take action when they really launched a war against Orario. That kind of behavior is courting death.

What those mice are best at is digging holes. 4.6

When they start a war, they will definitely act according to the areas they are best at. Where can they gather a bunch of people waiting to be killed?

This made Hephaestus frown, and she became even more irritable towards the dark faction.

But Bell still restrained his helplessness.

"But I think God Freya will be more restrained, although it is just my personal hope.

But Hephaestus sneered and snorted, making her believe that Freya would restrain herself, which was like a sow climbing a tree.

But after venting his emotions about that situation, Hephaestus still lowered his head a little unhappy.

"Before you go to meet Freya, give me compensation for what I've been missing these days."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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