I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 439 She Is So Despicable!

"Ha!? Let my Bell-kun and Freya meet!?"

Hestia's eyes widened. She couldn't believe her ears. Such words were actually spoken to her by Hermes.

The veins on her head popped out unconsciously, and Hestia's pretty face turned completely dark.

"Hermes, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Seeing Hestia's rapidly changing expression, Hermes also felt the pressure on his shoulders double.

He could only explain with a smile, at least he didn't want to be carried away from here.

"Hestia, please listen to my explanation first, and Hephaestus, don't stare at me with that dangerous look. There is a special reason why I came back to be a lobbyist this time. Otherwise, you think I am willing come over?"

Hermes, who knew how to protect himself wisely, would not let himself fall into a predicament like "three-three-zero", at least Hephaestus was certain of this.

And she was a little interested in the reasons Hermes said.

"Okay Hermes, let me first listen to you talk about the specific things before I decide whether to kick you out.

"Thank you very much, Hephaestus."

After getting a chance to breathe, Hermes wiped the sweat from his forehead slightly.

The situation just now was really dangerous, and he was almost kicked out by Hestia.

If he was kicked out here, Freya's children would soon come to knock his sap.

After taking a breath, Hermes didn't mince words and got straight to the point.

"The reason why I was arranged to be a lobbyist this time is entirely because of Lady Freya's choice.


Hestia was a little confused for a moment, but Hephaestus's expression completely changed.

"Freya has decided to side with the guild!?"


Hestia's eyes suddenly widened, and she came to her senses instantly. Did Freya directly choose to take sides?

Hermes nodded with helplessness on his face.

"Yes, Lady Freya chose to side with the guild and swore to Ouranos that she would help the guild deal with Orario's matter."

This moment left Hestia speechless with her mouth open. In the end, her face turned red and she choked out one sentence:

"She's so mean!"

Hestia immediately understood the reason why Freya did this, but it was because she understood the reason why Freya did this that Hestia was embarrassed by this despicable approach. All red.


Hephaestus shook his head helplessly, this move was really too cruel.

They all thought that Freya would be a little more scrupulous about her position because she was the number one family member of Orario. After all, Freya didn't have a clear position in the past. She mostly stood like Hermes. in the middle position.

Who knew that Freya would make such an irrational choice in order to find Bell.

She glanced at Hestia who was still dazed, shook her head slightly and then looked at Hermes.

"So, meeting Bell is a condition for Freya to side with the guild?"

"That's it."

Hermes nodded quickly in response.

But this answer made Hephaestus realize what a difficult person Freya was.

Bell usually walked very carefully in Orario, almost without any clues at all, but Freya still locked her light on Bell.

In fact, Hephaestus also knew that it was difficult to cover up Bell's brilliance, not to mention that he was facing Freya.

It's just that she didn't expect that Freya would use such a method to find Bell in such a bad situation, and even put forward such conditions with Ouranos.

Hermes looked at Hephaestus with a melancholy expression on his face, and he quickly gave Hephaestus a reminder.

"Hephaestus, it is no longer possible to hide Mr. Bell forever."

......What's the meaning?"

Hermes inexplicably felt that Hephaestus' eyes were particularly sharp when he spoke.

"Actually, it's because in the previous trial you designed, Mr. Bell's figure finally appeared in front of the four gods in the prayer room. Among them was Freya.

"Didn't say anything, just gave me a hard look."

Hephaestus glanced at the innocent-looking Hermes, and now she really wanted to slap Hermes in the face with the weapon hidden in the space knee bag.

But things just happened to be unlucky and bad luck, and Bell happened to be right under Freya's nose.

"What did Freya say?"

Bell's final appearance was a coincidence, and the jewelry falling midway was also a coincidence. The only thing that was not a coincidence was that Freya insisted on watching after the battle was over and the expedition team left. In the end, she actually saw the expedition team leaving for a while. Bell just appeared.

In fact, just like what Hermes said, the meeting between Bell and Freya cannot be avoided in the future. Even if Bell wants to avoid it, he probably won't be able to avoid it.

Simply put, it's all just a coincidence.

Noticing Hephaestus' stunned look, Hermes also explained:

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Actually, Mr. Bell doesn't have that many problems, and finding out that Mr. Bell appeared on the 59th floor was not a deliberate act... Do you still remember the ornament that the sage asked my child to give to Sword Princess? When the swordswoman gave the "Fairy Spirit" the final blow, the accessory fell on the wall on the 59th floor. From that angle, she was very unlucky to catch Mr. Bell who appeared behind him. "

This made Hephaestus very confused. After all, it was too dangerous for Bell to meet Freya alone.

If the accessories on the scabbard of the "Sword Queen" had not fallen off, Freya wouldn't have determined the time to meet Bell so quickly, and maybe she could have delayed it a little longer.

This answer stunned Hephaestus for a while, but soon her brows furrowed.

Hephaestus frowned, it was not that she didn't understand what Hermes said.

Hephaestus remembered that yesterday, Bell seemed to be stunned for a while and then left quickly from the 59th floor. Could it be that at that time, Bell found out that he was being spied on?

"That time?"

"What happened this time is an opportunity. After all, Freya is on the side of the guild. After 4.0, the opportunity of contact cannot be avoided. Therefore, this meeting is inevitable."

Hermes actually felt sorry for Bell. It was really just his bad luck, otherwise he would not have been seen by Freya in that situation.

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