I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 420 Survival With A Broken Arm

Blood splattered everywhere, and a hand covered in blood penetrated his chest from his vest.

Olivas clearly saw the hand that penetrated his chest grasping the magic stone in his body.

"who is it..………"

Olivas tried hard to know who was attacking him from behind, but the only response was that the hand was forcefully withdrawn.

A large amount of blood spattered from the wound, and Livasi knelt on the ground helplessly.

At this moment, his body couldn't move, he couldn't even utter a word. He could only watch in despair as the goddess transformed in front of him, and he could only face death when the goddess was about to come.

As a product of the combination of humans and monsters, Olivas, who was deprived of the magic stone, only persisted for a few seconds before his body began to turn into white ash.

In the end, he can only die completely in despair.

The body dies and the soul reincarnates.

After losing the shackles of his body, Oliton's soul finally saw who the person who killed him in a sneak attack was.


The person who killed me turned out to be a child!?

But Olivas still couldn't believe it. He was already at Level 3 when he planned the 27th floor sacrifice. He was rescued by Goddess 27 back then, and after these years of hard work, his strength has already reached a higher level. Why was he shot through the chest by a child?

Looking at the child who killed him with resentment, Olivas felt only deep hatred in his heart at this moment.

He had no idea about his own incompetence, only hatred for the person who killed him.

But as a mere soul, he has no ability to take revenge.

And the soul that has lost the shackles of the body cannot be controlled by itself, and can only enter reincarnation with the strong attraction.

Originally, it should be like this.

Suddenly, several chains emerged from the void, trapping Olivas's soul in the mid-air that was attracted by reincarnation, forcibly preventing the attraction of reincarnation.


Olivas' consciousness was stagnated by this sudden change.

At this moment, he noticed that the child who killed him raised his head and locked his position.

"Oh~ It's obviously a hybrid of humans and monsters, but the essence of the soul is still human."

Before Olivas had time to appreciate the meaning, he felt the shattering feeling of his soul being torn apart.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Olivas, who only had his soul left, couldn't make a sound, but he screamed instinctively.

But these roars could not stop the tearing.

The next second, I saw that Olivas' soul body was torn into pieces by the chains in an instant, and the rationality and mind he still possessed became empty at this moment.

When the soul is torn into pieces, it is destined that the soul itself has lost the qualification for reincarnation and can only become one of the energies in reincarnation.

Looking at the dissipated soul, Bell withdrew his gaze.

It can be confirmed that the product of the combination of humans and monsters has a human soul, so in essence, the so-called transformation is not to transform the soul together, but only based on the transformation of the body.

In other words, as long as the body is switched and the normal operation of the body is ensured, the transformed person can abandon the past and become a human again.

Bell raised his eyebrows, then immediately threw this thought aside.

Glancing at the gloves stained red by blood, Bell waved his finger, and the red stain on the gloves quickly disappeared and returned to its previous white color.

With a flick of his hand, he threw the colorful magic stone in his hand onto the green outer membrane of the "fairy fetus."

This also opened the eyes of the fetus who had just completed promotion.

Those big monster eyes scanned the surrounding acid bugs and giant flowers, but did not see the slightest reaction from them.

"The job of the "Collector" is just to collect. They won't move around casually until you encounter danger. "

"Isn't this the order you gave them? Fairy."

Hearing this, the fetus locked its eyes on the man in front of it, only to hear the fetus make a strange sound that it couldn't distinguish between male and female.

【It’s you again! It’s you again!! The lackey of the gods!】

"Oh, is this what you want to say?"

Bell looked at the "Fairy Spirit" with a smile. The "Fairy Spirit" itself did not have a carrier at this moment, but it only had the conditions to transform it into power.

But at this time, the "fairy spirit" will not enter any carrier.

"Looking at you, it seems that you know what I did to your other fetus. Is it a partial projection of the soul?"

The fetus's big eyes revealed only resentment, and he remembered the scene where the clone was tortured before. If he hadn't cut off the connection with that clone in time and escaped from that clone, then he would have been enslaved by this man.

"It seems that because the fetus was born from you, your mark has been left on the fetus at the beginning of its birth, so that you can keep an eye on the fetus's condition at all times."

"No wonder your ill will towards me is so strong."

This made Bell feel a little interesting. He had conducted many experiments on the fetus before. It seemed that the "fairy spirit" had also experienced those experiments.


Bell snapped his fingers.

The fetus's eyes widened. She felt that she couldn't leave easily, and the man in front of her showed a devilish smile.

""Fairy", you are really the most troublesome thing in the dungeon. "

"Besides reincarnation, the second thing I hate most is uncontrollable trouble. And you are the source of trouble. Your ability to give birth to a "fetus" really makes me feel troublesome. "

The fetus has realized that the situation is not good, but her will is trapped and there is no way to break away from this clone.

"So, after a part of your soul is torn off, can you still place part of your soul on these clones like you did in the past?"

The "Fairy Spirit" instantly understood the choice this man gave him, and he also understood what kind of plan this demon-like man was making.

"Should I choose to let my consciousness projected into my clone be completely crushed by me, or should I choose to survive by breaking my arm?"

"I 820 give you three seconds to make a decision."

Time is running out.

This man was on guard against His hand from the beginning.

But this time the man found out.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Fairy" knows that he has no right to choose.


If he was caught this time, he was sure that this man would completely crush his consciousness.

Bell started counting down with a smile.

The "Fairy Spirit" suddenly abandoned this part of its soul, tore the glued soul directly from the connection point of consciousness, and tried everything to project its consciousness back through the only escape hole.

The surroundings were covered by a barrier, and he had no way to control the giant flowers and acid worms.

Seeing this scene, Bell laughed without any malice.

The last time it was because He hid it well enough that the man did not notice that his soul was projected onto the clone, otherwise he believed that his soul would be torn out directly.

Without a carrier, He didn't even have a chance to fight to the death.

"Isn't this a decision that can be made?"

This is different from last time.

The "Fairy Spirit" immediately began to look for a way to escape, but he found that he had been tricked by this man.

The barrier tightly bonded his consciousness and clone, and it was simply unrealistic for her to leave with part of her soul intact.

It is unrealistic to escape with your soul like you did last time.

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