I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 418 The Best Woman To Get

"Why that person!?"

Lefia couldn't bear it anymore and jumped up immediately.

In her impression, Ais had only been in contact with that person a few times. How could Ais say that person's name when she thought of getting married?

But Aisi’s reason is actually very straightforward~.

"As long as we become husband and wife, he should agree to my request."

A very simple and simple reason, without any emotional color, just for my own request.


Lefiya didn't turn a corner for a moment, her brain was still in a semi-shutdown state.

"Well, I need his help. I talked to him last time, but he didn't agree.

Speaking of this, Aisi had some unconcealable disappointment on her face, but soon her face was filled with fighting spirit.

"If we get married, he should be able to agree to my request."


Everyone could see that Aisi had no unnecessary emotions when she said these words. In other words, this was the truest thought in Aisi's heart.

"As expected of Ais, after all, my heart is too dirty to even think that she has that idea."

"I think it's normal for Ais to have that kind of thinking. Think about Lefiya. Ais is too pure, and sometimes it's not good."


Everyone knows that Lefiya is often in fantasy moments, so everyone secretly knows that this pure elf girl thinks about things like having sex with Ace all day long, but no one says it.

After all, Nuwa is not that rare in a place like Orario.

Gods have always been very particular about their interests. As long as they like a child, some gods will not be able to help but eat a child of the same sex.

For example, Loki.

However, Loki is just a bit verbal and hands-on at most, but I have never heard of Loki actually being successful as a subordinate.

Perhaps there is also a reason why Riveria is so protective.

"Why does everyone know that I have a crush on Essie!?"

"Also, why is it that everyone is talking about my dirty heart... bah bah bah! My heart is not dirty. I am an elf. How can an elf's heart be dirty!"

Lefiya, whose ears were trembling, took in everything everyone said.

But at this moment, she really wanted to transform into the Roaring Emperor immediately and roar at those guys who said they were not responsible.

She admitted that she had some special thoughts about Sister Aisi, but at most she only imagined it in her mind and had not yet taken any action. Therefore, unlike Lord Loki, her heart was not dirty at all!

However, after roaring in her heart, Lefiya also thought about what Sister Ais said. Should she agree to her request? Is it related to Sister Ais's parents?

The others looked at each other one after another, and then sighed in unison.

"Hey...I knew it.

"After all, it's Ace. She doesn't have any idea about marriage."

"I thought Aisi finally had some enlightenment, but the result is still like this."

Seeing that everyone has some regret on their faces, Ais, as the protagonist, tilts her head. She doesn't understand why everyone has such an expression.

Finn has a strong ability to accept whatever Ais does.

Things like choosing to get married just to get Bell to agree to her request may seem like a small matter to Ais.

"I should have taught Ace some gender-related things."

It's just that when he mentioned this matter to Riveria, Loki was strongly opposed to it.

[Aisitan absolutely cannot accept that kind of filthy knowledge. What if Aisitan targets other men? 】

Although Finn didn't think Ais would be interested in the opposite sex, that child had clear goals and would not stop just because of the opposite sex.

At this moment, Aisi seemed to have changed her mind.

She is not interested in the opposite sex, but wants to use the relationship of marriage to get the opposite sex to agree to her request.

I always felt that such an idea would be worse than instilling the correct concept of gender in Ais.

"But Mr. Bell probably won't accept it."

Fortunately, the target that Ais was targeting was Bell. If it had been anyone else, Finn would have been really worried that Ais had been deceived by someone with good intentions.

But if it were Bell, Finn felt that Aisi's request would definitely be treated as trouble.

Based on his understanding of Bell, hiding oneself is the most important thing.

So Bell's choice when faced with Aisi's invitation was definitely to refuse.


Haruji's tense mood finally relaxed.

She thought Ais had special thoughts about Bell.

If that was the case, she didn't know what to do.

…Please give me flowers…

When Chun Ji breathed a sigh of relief, Finn's eyes were also on her.

"Haruhime, you will join us this time. Mr. Bell must have met you, right?"

"That's good.

Bell's cautious character Finn is still very reassured.

Now that Bell has met Haruhime, it means that Haruhime's "replacement scarecrow" has been set up.

"Elsa, I'll leave this matter to you."

"I see."

Originally, Elsa was also eligible to participate in this expedition, but considering the possibility of failure, sufficient strength was needed to send the remaining power of the Loki Familia back to Orario, so this time for the unknown territory He deliberately put Aisha down for his exploration.


Others may not have the ability to protect Haruhime, but Elsa definitely has the strength and determination to escort Haruhime out, so Finn also gave this task to Elsa.

Aisha also understands this, so she has prepared for the worst.

Bell, who was listening to the conversation in his temporary base, was also slightly speechless.

"For that purpose?"

Bell naturally knew about the request of "Sword Lady", but he was only considering "Sword Lady"'s request.

"Sword Princess"'s request is not a bad thing for him. The two extraordinary Level 8 combinations are fully qualified to help him in his perhaps rare "great cause".

But there is actually no need to tell "Sword Girl" now.

Anything you say when you are not strong enough is nonsense.

Even if it has really reached the point where it is necessary to obtain "great achievements" from the most powerful couple, it is definitely not now.

So, it’s not too late to say it then.

"For my own purposes, I can even agree to things like marriage. She is truly worthy of being a swordswoman. She can be promoted to the best woman in the world."

Of course, this statement is just a joke.

Helping "Sword Lady" is not an easy task. At least you need to see if you are qualified to reach Level 8 first. Otherwise, why would you help "Sword Lady" if you are not even qualified to challenge?

Bell just took it for fun.

PS: Please collect...Please...please give me a price for the flowers.

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