I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 413 Why Is It Them Again! ?

It took two hours to finally completely arrange the 59th floor.

In this way, the preliminary preparation work is almost completed.

"The next step is the official crusade."

Bell took a breath and then approached the center of this floor.

At this moment, the center of the 59th floor was surrounded by a large number of acid bugs and giant flowers. At a glance, they were all troublesome monsters, and they could not be seen to the side.

The strength of these acid bugs and giant flowers in a single round is probably above Lv. 3. If you add in the hard skin and acid they possess as "collectors", even L. 5 will be very powerful against them. headache.

The acid bug will actively spray out extremely corrosive acid from its mouth, and any weapon that is not "indestructible" will be corroded in an instant. Moreover, acid bugs have the property of spraying acid when they are injured, and will completely explode the acid in their bodies when killed. Any unprepared adventurer facing such acid bugs will feel a headache.

Once the weapon is corroded by acid and faced with these acid bugs with bare hands, any adventurer will have only one option: escape.

Perhaps the skin of acid worms is not as hard as that of giant flowers, but the unique characteristics of acid worms also make them difficult to deal with.

It is conceivable how serious the acid will be once it is sprayed on a person's body and can dissolve even first-level weapons in an instant. No matter how powerful it is, as long as it is touched, it will probably face life-threatening danger.

Because of these characteristics of acid worms, even if acid worms do not actively attack adventurers in dungeons, they are still a huge threat to adventurers.

But facing these threatening acid worms, Bell didn't care at all. Instead, he quietly passed through the gaps of these acid worms and came to the center little by little.

Standing around the gathering of acid bugs, Bell looked at the spectacular scene in front of him.

The magic stones are piled up like a hill, and the number just introduced to the eye has exceeded a thousand, and may have reached ten thousand.

This surprised Bell slightly.

"Good guy, I didn't expect to collect so many magic stones."

"If these magic stones can be absorbed by the fetus, maybe it can reach the peak of Lv. 6."

Bell naturally doesn't think that these magic stones can directly make the fairy fetus reach the height of Level 7, but there should be a limit of Level 6.

"We were able to collect so many magic stones even when the dungeon was on strike. It seems that all the magic stones in the deep layers were really wiped out. No, even then there wouldn't be so many magic stones. .”

"Is it the work of the dark faction?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Si'er suddenly remembered the dark faction that had joined forces with the fairies.

The current dungeons are short of magic stone resources. After killing monsters, they cannot quickly continue to be born in the hotbed of the dungeon. Naturally, it is impossible to gather so many magic stones.

However, it is not easy for him to use magic power to inform the other side of his guess, otherwise it will be too easy to be discovered by the fairy fetus.

But don't be so anxious, it's not easy to get so many magic stones. Even if a large-scale family wanted to gather so many magic stones, it would take half a month or even a month. Using so many magic stones would not lead to no clues in Orario.

"I'm anxious. It seems like I'm really anxious."

"Is it the influence of the black dragon? Perhaps the person who wants the black dragon to influence will die completely at the hands of the fairy?"

Bell thought about the anxious mood of the dark faction, and also thought about the reason why the dark faction was so anxious.

But there's nothing wrong with that. If it hadn't been for the dedicated efforts of the dark faction, I'm afraid they wouldn't have been able to gather so many magic stones.

Then Bell needs to think about another question at this moment.

Do these acidworms and giant flowers still have value?

These magic stones can raise the fairy fetus to the limit of Level 6, which can be regarded as barely reaching the minimum limit required by Bell.

If there is no such minimum limit, then he needs to think about letting the fetus lose more control in order to obtain a short-term improvement in strength.

But there is no need to worry now, the dark faction has finally filled this hole.

But this behavior can be regarded as digging a deep hole for themselves.

Bell's eyes glanced at the fairy fetus that was still eating the magic stone in the center, and confirmed that the fetus was now between Level 5 and Level 6. After confirming that his judgment was correct, Bell turned around and left.

"It will take some time for the fetus to fully absorb these magic stones, so let your consciousness exist for ten more moments."

Enough time and thought have been spent on this level, and the preparations that need to be made have been made. All that needs to be done next is to wait for the crusade to begin.

.........Please give me flowers...

It's still night, so if we go back now, we should be able to sleep until noon tomorrow.

Bell's eyelids felt a little heavy when he thought about sleeping.

In a few steps, he walked out of the center filled with acidworms and giants. But he didn't speak until he left the 59th floor:

Those guys usually like to cause trouble when they have nothing to do. As long as it harms Orario, those bastards want to get involved no matter what.

"God Loki, I think you can ask the guild people to check which families are secretly collecting magic stones. The nearly 10,000 magic stones around the fairy fetus just now do not seem to be completely obtained from the deep. I think the dark faction should also Take action."

"Hestia is right. The things those guys did in the past were not small. The nightmare on the 27th floor and the tragedy on the 18th floor are just happening to you now."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the price.

As long as you are associated with those guys, nothing good will happen.

"Don't they just do things like this all the time?"

"Those psychopaths will attack even the defenseless children in the lower world. Is there anything else that the psychopaths dare not do?"

Loki's face turned dark at these words.

"I will definitely kill those bastards who got involved! Even I dare to do it. Those bastards really don't know how to write the word "death"!"

Unable to control his emotions and blood pressure, Loki took several deep breaths, his scarlet eyes already glowing with blood-red light.

Hephaestus also agreed. As long as the crazy thing involves those guys, there is nothing wrong.

It's not the murderous intention to send them back to heaven, but the murderous intention to really kill them.

Even though she knew that it was understandable for those psychopaths to do anything, but this time those psychopaths directly attacked herself.

Hestia was not surprised at all. She was exhaling through her delicate nose and had a heavy look of dissatisfaction on her face.

These words made Loki have "displeasure" written all over his face.

At this moment, Loki really had murderous intentions towards the gods of the dark factions.

Of course, what made Loki even more unhappy was that those guys stretched their hands towards her.

........Why is it them again!?"

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