I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 407 This Is A Necessary Sacrifice

"Here, take it.

Loki casually threw the "Recording Crystal" over.

Hermes caught the crystal, he knew what it was, he had seen it before.

"What is recorded here is the conversation between that boy and the black dragon. The secrets contained in it can almost completely subvert the entire order of Orario. If it is leaked casually, I think those dark faction leaders will go crazy."

The world is being reshuffled, and even the gods are within the scope of being shuffled. Once such a fact is known to the gods, I am afraid that no god can handle it.

Loki didn't think that the gods he knew could face destruction so easily.

Hermes has already felt how heavy the pressure is on his shoulders. The contents of this memory crystal cannot be seen by other gods, otherwise things will become very troublesome.

"Uranos is definitely not the only god who knows this kind of thing. Zeus and Hera are both ancient gods, and it is very likely that they know the truth. So they worked so hard to cultivate the children of the dependents, probably for the sake of Avoid the worst-case scenario."

After getting rid of the heavy topic just now, Loki felt inexplicably relaxed.

She actually didn't want to bear such a big secret, but it was a pity that the situation was so bad. Of course, with Hermes as the messenger, she can do some things in the middle, and it can also prevent her from becoming the one at the front alone.

Hermes, who was holding the memory crystal, was in a very complicated mood at the moment. I didn't expect that as a neutral god, he would also face this kind of situation.

"That dead old man Zeus definitely knows!"

At this moment, Hermes was very sure that Zeus must know some inside information. After all, he spent a lot of time in contact with Zeus. Although the old man was usually not formal, he definitely had a way of hiding secrets.

"In addition to Zeus, there is also Hera."

Hera was famous for her bad temper in the heavenly world, and she was also a leading figure among Orario back then. To put it more bluntly, when Hera was awesome, other goddesses were just mediocre.

These two guys are gods of husband and wife themselves, and they are both ancient gods. It is really hard to believe that these two guys don't know the relationship between gods and the main commission.

The gods today may not know, but those who attacked Behemoth and Leviathan back then were the Familia of Zeus and the Familia of Hera. It's hard to believe that they didn't even know about it.

So, these two guys definitely know.

But that part of the matter was so unimaginable that both Zeus and Hera chose to remain silent.

"Huh... those two old guys actually hid such a thing. If no one brings it up now, I'm afraid we won't even know about such a thing when we face the black dragon. "

"Ha~ Do you think that except for a few idiots in Orario, there are still people who would target the black dragon?"



Loki's spicy words also left Hermes speechless.

Orario is far too comfortable compared to the past. It is because of this comfort that the adventurer's level has been reduced from the previous highest level of Lv. 9 to the highest level of Lv. 7.

The slack Orario is no longer at the level it was in its heyday, and the current Orario is just supported by a few people.

Would a Level 7 adventurer target the black dragon? That would be nothing more than seeking death.

Since no one wants to face the black dragon, naturally no one will know such a secret.

"Hermes, try your best to tell Ouranos these things. We also need Ouranos' help in the follow-up actions."

The guild's help is very important to her family, and Loki knows this very well.

The dwarf didn't care about the size of the family or whether there was help from the guild, but Loki couldn't say such words so rudely. She doesn't have just one person in her family, and her family (chac) is not as comprehensive as that kid.


Hermes also knew priorities. Now he must still go and chat with Ouranos, otherwise he would not be at ease with this thing in his hands.

Hermes' proposal is good, but Loki also understands the biggest problem with this proposal.

"I'm not talking about the gods who were deliberately expelled from Orario, but the small number of gods who were arranged to be expelled."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Now the black dragon reaction caused by Mr. Bell has been pushed to the head of the dark faction. This is a very good reason. In order to completely eliminate the dark faction hidden in Orario, what is needed now is the concentrated power of all the gods. .”

"This is a necessary sacrifice. As gods, they can at least exert some residual energy on this matter."

I really couldn't tell each of these in the past, but I didn't expect that all of them were cruel guys.

Loki glanced at Hermes strangely.

Loki didn't think this was very likely. Most of the gods who were expelled from Orario had some problems. At this time, Ouranos would definitely not call back all the gods, otherwise he would be looking for trouble for himself.

Hermes was not a soft-hearted god. It is normal to do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, but he usually likes to stand in a neutral position and be a fun person.

But in addition to those gods who caused trouble and were expelled from Orario, there are also many gods who were forced to leave due to family members and some special circumstances. The most typical ones are Zeus, Hera, and Astraea.

"Is it possible? Aren't those guys all problems?"

"If the matter involves the entire lower realm and the survival of the gods, then we may have to prepare to bring back the gods outside."

"I don't see that you are quite ruthless."

"So, are you ready to make the gods realize the seriousness of the problem? There will not be a second time for the black dragon's dragon roar. The second time it really comes is when that boy and the black dragon meet next time."

“I think as long as the gods realize the seriousness of the problem, the gods can agree to this proposal.

"Actually, this problem is not difficult to solve. Don't Mr. Bell need materials? Then just capture a god as a sacrifice. As long as the death of the god is pushed to the head of the dark faction, all kinds of things will happen. God will be a little more serious."

Naturally, Hermes was not talking about the gods who were the leaders in causing trouble. Even if those gods were recalled, it would not make much sense. On the contrary, calling those troubles back will become the beginning of a bunch of troubles.

For this reason, Hermes smiled easily.

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