I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 405 The Topic Turns To Philosophy

After lingering for a while, Hermes brought Yasphi to the Loki Familia.

"Too slow!"

When Hermes entered the "Twilight Annex", he heard Loki's voice. Turning his eyes around, he saw Loki sitting in the main hall with an unhappy look on his face, his legs crossed and his feet shaking impatiently.

"I feel really bad."

Hermes knew in his heart that he must not stimulate Loki's nerves at this time, otherwise his ending would not be good.

Having made up his mind, he carefully accompanied the smile.

"Don't I have a lot of things going on here? You also know that the whole Orario was in turmoil after the black dragon's roar. Don't I have a lot of things going on here?"

"Oh~ It's rare to see you looking so serious, but you are still involved in something at this stage?"

Loki had a sneer on his face, and then slapped the table hard.

"Do you think we have only known each other for a few years? With your character of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, isn't it that you are hiding in a corner and not taking action?"

"I don't think you're going to be out there running around at this stage."27

This made Hermes feel a little embarrassed.

To be honest, Loki is a god who has known him for a long time, and he still understands his habits very well. This is indeed the case. Even if faced with such a situation, he will not jump to complete the work assigned above, but hide in the corner and watch the show unfold.

Loki frowned in displeasure. She really knows this fast running messenger very well. This guy really knows how to keep himself in a neutral position. Even if this guy has stepped out of the neutral line, he will still work hard to show it. Keep yourself in a neutral position.

There is really no need to get angry with this guy.

"I won't talk about those nonsense and get straight to the point."

Hermes breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't want to hear so many complaints from Loki. It was best to get to the point directly.

"Before we officially start, I need to inform you in advance that this time... it's very serious."

"How serious is it? It can't be more serious than Orario's survival, right?"

.... Do you think it’s serious about whether the world will be destroyed?”

Hermes immediately put away his cynical attitude and became more serious when he looked at Loki, who was not smiling at all.

"are you serious?"

Loki didn't even explain, and stood up from his seat in the main hall.

"Take your child and follow me to my room to talk. These words are not suitable to be said in a place like this. I am afraid that some child will listen and say it everywhere."

Hermes' face gradually became serious as he watched Loki stand up. Now he really didn't think Loki was joking. This was not a joking attitude.

With a heavy heart, Hermes stood up and followed Loki to her room.

As the main god of Loki's family, Loki's room layout is actually very good.

The bright magic stone lamp illuminates the entire room, with white walls and high-quality wooden floors. The interior decoration of the room is very simple and not fancy at all. It makes people feel very comfortable at first glance.

As Loki's room, the decoration here is obviously much more plain. It's just that I don't have so many requirements for my room, so I just want it to be decorated to a general level of luxury.

Of course, what Loki wanted to show this time was not his room.

After bringing Hermes to the room, Lu Ji said to Hermes without looking back:

"After entering, lock my door.

Hermes didn't say anything more and locked the door after entering the room.

Before Hermes started to ask, he saw Loki closing the curtains of the room and walking to the corner of the room holding something. Then he saw a spatial rift appearing in the corner of Loki's room.


Hermes' eyes widened. Didn't he realize that there was such a thing in Loki's room?

"This must be Bell-kun's handiwork."

After being stunned for a few seconds, Hermes understood the reason for the existence of this spatial rift.

"Hermes, you and your captain come closer. That boy has done a lot of tricks in this passage. If you don't come closer, you will be scraped into a sieve once you pass through this passage."

"You really have Mr. Bell's acting style."

Just listening to Loki's warning made Hermes feel at home. The familiar feeling and taste are indeed right, this is Bell's handiwork. It's just that Hermes didn't expect that the relationship between Loki and Hestia would become so good, and even the space channel had been set up.

"Oh, it does have that boy's style. Being cautious is what that boy is used to doing, but it's definitely right to be careful about some things."

Although Loki doesn't like this style of doing things very much, it's just because this style of doing things is too troublesome. Loki is quite sure about this cautious approach.

After a moment of silence, Loki asked a question that dumbfounded Hermes.

The lower realm and the heaven are two different dimensions. Even if the lower realm really falls, it will not affect the heaven. Hermes knew this, and naturally Loki also knew it.

What is the meaning of Hermes’ existence?”

After sighing with envy and jealousy, Hermes looked at Loki again.

Hermes also looked at the layout of the room curiously. The style here is completely different from the decoration style in Rocky's room. This room emphasizes an original ecology. It was not difficult for him to see that all the wooden structures here were living elf trees.

After arriving here, Loki also relaxed his tense nerves. She sat down on her big bed.

Just passing through the rift brought them to the place connected to the other end of the rift - Loki's exclusive room in the Hestia Familia.

"Hermes, you can sit down wherever you like."

"Come with me first, and wait until I get to the room over there to explain in detail. Orario is not a place to talk now, and only the "outside the world" where the little dwarf is is the safest place to talk. place. "

Yasi Fei naturally knew this, and she followed Hermes closely into the space rift.

"So, what exactly is going on? Is it the destruction of the world, and does it have anything to do with our gods?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

So why would Loki say that this incident has something to do with their gods?

Is the situation so serious? Hermes felt nervous, but he gave Asphie a look and asked her to follow closely.

"This time things have become a little more troublesome, and they even have a lot to do with our gods."

"Does it still have something to do with our gods?"

No matter what, Hermes couldn't figure out what this relationship was.

"Every time I see such a decoration, it makes me wonder if the person who did it is really sick. But if this is a room of my own, I really hope that the person who decorated it can be sick."

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