I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 402: Pulling Hermes Into The Water

"Little dwarf, how do you feel about Hephaestus?"


"What else can it be besides power? Did you ever use power at will when you were in heaven?"

"Hmm...No. What I control is the power of the Holy Fire, but I don't usually use that thing. It doesn't help my life at all, and I don't need such a big fire to burn things."

Loki looked at the dwarf with a strange expression.

Only now did she know that this little dwarf used his power in the heaven just to warm the fire. How could a god use his power in such a place? Isn't this just a simple brain disease?

Hestia thought about Loki's question, then turned her attention to Hephaestus.

"I remember Hephaestus, you seemed to have asked me to use the holy fire to help you forge weapons, right? I remember that was the only time when I really used my power."

"Ah, it was that time. I also rarely used my power. I wanted to see if Hestia's holy fire could help me forge better weapons."

"Then what? Success?"

Loki was also a little curious whether he succeeded in the end, but Hestia and Hephaestus shook their heads in disappointment.

"Although we all used our powers, the weapons I forged did not break through the limits of the past, they just reached the highest level that could be achieved in the past."

It's not a breakthrough, it's just the same as the highest level in the past. This 503 answer disappointed Hephaestus for a long time.

"Can't a Kitchen God and a Craftsman God use their powers at the same time?"

Loki did not expect that the combination of these two people could not achieve a breakthrough. It seemed that the heavens had great restrictions on power.

The holy fire controlled by the dwarf has the power of fire, which is not comparable to the flame power possessed by God.

The immortal holy fire is undoubtedly the highest level of power. Even if the dwarf wants it, the holy fire will always burn the target god until the dwarf is satisfied.

The forging power that Hephaestus possesses is also one of the best among all the craftsman gods. The skills and power she possesses can be at the forefront even among the gods.

It's really weird that two gods with divine status cannot improve the quality of the weapons forged by Hephaestus.

So, the heaven not only suppresses the powers, but also suppresses the height that the combination of powers can reach?

"Then, as expected, that's the answer."

Loki sighed, she was so smart that she already got the accurate answer.

(chbj) "It seems that we gods are actually no more noble than the children of the lower world. In fact, even our freedom is a completely deprived existence, and we are only created to achieve a certain purpose. "

Maybe this answer is very extreme, but this is the answer that can be obtained now.

Combined with the conversation between Black Dragon and Bell, and Bell's identical speculation about the three major commissions and gods. Gods may be nothing more than tools used by the Mother of the World to cross limits.

In other words, only "props" are more in line with the world's code of conduct.

If there is no way to achieve detachment, even gods cannot avoid being completely reshuffled.

That is not reincarnation, but testing the way forward infinitely until someone can overcome the trial of world creation and lead the world to cross the limit. Otherwise, the result of the gods will just be shuffled again and again.

What a terrible answer.

What a terrifying reality.

"That's what it looks like."

Hephaestus shrugged unconcernedly.

"Hephaestus, don't you care at all?"

"Care about that kind of thing? I really don't want to waste time worrying about the birth of gods and the purpose of their birth. Only you, Loki, will care about that kind of problem."

Hephaestus really had no interest in that kind of problem.

In fact, only gods with a spirit of inquiry can think about such questions as the origin of the world and how gods were created. Most gods will not explore the reasons for their birth. This is a waste of time.

"Everyone knows that our gods were created by higher beings. As for the purpose of our creation, you won't know it even if you think about it. But now there is the simplest and most direct direction of guessing. .”

Hephaestus pointed at Bell on the screen, and Loki fell into rare silence.

And if Hermes knew about it, didn't Uranus know about it indirectly?

She would definitely not be a middleman, but Hermes was very suitable. Moreover, the messenger still has Orario's reasonable permission to go out, and there are not so many procedures for entry and exit, not even the guild's permission.

But Hestia didn't feel the slightest bit ashamed, and even held her chest up as a matter of course.

"After all, he is Hermes. It would be a waste not to use him. And he was already on our side last time. This time it is just to make his position more thorough and R.

This question made Hephaestus and Hestia think hard, and then Hestia answered.

As a messenger, Hermes used to do the job of delivering messages. The previous information about Bell's relationship with Zeus and Hera was from Hermes, so Hermes definitely has a certain connection with Zeus and Hera in the outside world.

Among the gods, Hermes is a neutral god, and has always stood firmly in a neutral position.

"So, do you think we should talk to Uranus about this matter? It's the black dragon and the world is being reshuffled. If things get so big, that kid should also need support.

Well, she had to admit that this boy Bell might be their god's hope to escape being controlled. As long as they overcome the trials given by the world, then their gods do not have to face the risk of reshuffle.

Even Zeus and Hera besides Orario might know the corresponding information from Hermes.

The first sentence made Loki stunned for a moment, but the latter sentence made the muscles on her face twitch uncontrollably.

"Little dwarf, I didn't realize that you were really ruthless in a certain sense."

Pulling Hermes into the water is definitely the best choice.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Although the dwarf had already dragged Hermes into the water before, the secrets involved this time even involve the future fate of the world and the gods. Doesn't this make it clear that the neutral monster is driven to a dead end?

"No, we won't talk about Ouranos. But we can drag Hermes into the water.

“…Makes sense.

Loki has the same attitude as the dwarf in this regard.

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