I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 396 Loki Is Going To Be Angry To Death

"But, what's the problem with this?"

"That's certainly a big problem."

Bell sighed at Loki's incomprehension.

"If this is the case on every floor of the dungeon, then the "Fairy Fetus"'s plan to obtain energy in a short period of time will be completely in vain. Perhaps until Captain Finn and the others meet, it will be a blessing to see that thing grow to Level 6. "

"Doesn't this mean that the difficulty has dropped?"

Anyone who hears this and doesn't know what the impact is is really an idiot. Obviously Loki is not such an idiot.

But before her surprise was over, she looked at Bell's frown.

"Isn't this good news?"

"Good news? This should be worse news."

Facing God Loki who didn't understand the situation, Bell directly spoke in the worst possible tone.

"If you want to help Captain Finn and others cross Level 6, the key to this hurdle lies in the strength of the enemy. I think only enemies at Level 8 can help them cross it together. But what if the enemy does not have such strength? That is Completely wasted opportunity.


This made Loki speechless.

It was also her idea to choose to give Fenn and the others such a trial. After all, this was an opportunity for Fenn and the others to transcend levels.

But if they pass this opportunity, will Finn and the others really have a chance to move forward in the future? Can they really keep up with Ace? I'm afraid it will be difficult.

"I will not allow them to waste this opportunity."

As the most important part of the plan, and also related to the invitation of "Sword Lady", Bell would never allow any problems to arise in the plan.

"Even if it is forced, I still need to increase the strength of the fairy. But this will also cause some uncontrollable situations.

Loki felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hey, what do you want to do? Don't be impulsive!~~?"

"Please don't worry about God Loki. At least the survival of Captain Finn and the others is very important to my subsequent crusade plan. I will not let them be destroyed easily.

Bell calmed down the emotions on his face, smiled like a spring breeze, and tried his best to make God Loki believe his words.

"I believe you as a ghost!"

Now Loki was completely furious. After the black dragon incident, she finally understood this boy's urinary nature.

As long as this kid takes the matter seriously, there will be no problem.

But once this kid downplays the matter, then the matter is probably very unreliable and very serious.

"With your kid's cautious character, Gou Cai is in an ordinary state. Faced with various situations, he often thinks about things in the worst direction. But once your kid stops acting like this, it means that things will It will be out of your control."

Loki, who deeply understood this, could not calm down at this moment.

Bell was slightly surprised as he looked at the somewhat angry God Loki on the other side of the screen.

"I didn't expect God Loki to know me to this extent. Then I will remember it and I will make some changes in the way I speak in the future."

"It's not a question of whether you can remember it or not! What we're talking about now is my children! It's a question of my children's safety."

"As I said just now, the existence of Captain Finn and his companions is connected with my subsequent crusade plan. Moreover, the parents of "Sword Princess" are also a point that needs to be broken through, and I don't want them to suffer here.

God Loki looked red-faced and wanted to argue, but Bell had no intention of listening.

"Loki God, you should know that I am here for profit. The current Captain Finn and others will affect my future interests. So, you should know that I am not joking.

This sentence completely choked Loki, and his blood-congested face was like a balloon that had no air to deflate but kept growing.

"Then, the contact is cut off here. God Hestia, God Hephaestus, and God Loki, I hope you have a good dream.

With a snap of Bell's fingers, the communication was completely severed.



Loki on the other end was already preparing to lift tables and chairs and smash them over as soon as the contact was cut off.

Unfortunately, the tables and chairs in the home are all directly grown and formed. They are part of the fixed furniture in the home and cannot be easily moved with both hands. Therefore, Lu Ji's hard work for a long time had no other effect except his blushing face.

"There's no need to move it. It's not like you don't know that the furniture here is all fixed. Do you think you can move it if we rely on our strength to unlock the divine power?"


Maybe Finn and the others who are strong can survive, but what about the others? What about the other people who have no interest in that kid? Can they survive? Loki doesn't have the confidence to say "I will definitely survive." Because this part has nothing to do with profit.

"You speak so lightly!"

These two guys were actually making sarcastic remarks right next to her. Her blood pressure was really rising. Perhaps she would be so angry with these two guys that she would be sent back to heaven before the results of the expedition came out.

"Hey~ Is it useful for you to be anxious now?"


Hestia ignored Loki's anxiety. She knew that Loki was anxious, but she felt that Loki should not be so anxious yet.

To be honest, Hephaestus was a little worried that Loki would be mad at Hestia and Bell.

(Wang Zhao's) She won't disturb Bell's plan for Loki. Because this is the future direction of Bell, she even said that she would work hard to help Bell promote this plan.

But does she have a good idea? Obviously not.

Loki was absolutely furious. She knew that it was useless to be furious here, because she agreed to this plan. And she also knew that the boy would definitely let his child survive as much as possible for the sake of profit, but the problem was that she was very worried about this probability issue.

The little man's attitude made Loki's blood pressure soar.

Hestia has long been used to Loki's crazy behavior. As always, he said the usual words of advice, and he sat on the sofa and leaned back comfortably as always.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Finn, they are not your children, you can say that so easily. Those are my children!"

As for Loki, well~ compared to his lover, a godly friend is just a godly friend.

"Loki, don't be anxious. Is it useful to be anxious now?"

"Since Mr. Bell said that he would keep your children alive, he definitely didn't say it casually. And didn't Mr. Bell also say it? Your children are closely related to his subsequent plans. From the perspective of interests, I will definitely not let your child die.”

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