I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 385 Walking Bounty

Night fell, and Orario did not change her routine because of the black dragon's roar in the morning.

The adventurers were still squatting in the tavern at night, drinking and chatting, but at this moment the content of their conversation was the announcement issued by the guild today.

"I didn't expect the dark sect to be so bold. Even the black dragon in the deepest part of the dungeon would dare to provoke him."

"Those guys were a bunch of lunatics from way back."

"But fortunately, this time the guild and all the gods are ready to encircle and suppress the dark faction, and even allow the killing of gods after confirming the god of the dark faction. This is really the first time in Orario.

The gods allow children from the lower world to kill gods.

You must know that in the past, what the gods hated most was the god-killing behavior of children from the lower world. Once such an adventurer was discovered, that adventurer would be completely expelled.

However, when facing the issue of the dark factions this time, the gods directly played their bright cards, and even killing gods was allowed.

"It's going to be a big deal. Who will let those lunatics have nothing to do to provoke the black dragon?"

"Hiss! Now that I think about the dragon's roar in the morning, my calves are still weak."

"Don't talk about you, I'm about the same."

In the past, the things that all Orario adventurers said they were afraid of were probably the terrifying monsters in the depths.

But now when all the adventurers in Orario talk about what they are most afraid of, everyone will say "the roar of the black dragon".

The dragon's roar that spread from the deepest part of the dungeon to the ground can suppress almost the entire population of Orario. Just imagining this kind of thing will make your scalp numb.

The power of the black dragon suffocates all adventurers.

That unparalleled power suppresses the hearts of almost all adventurers.

It was at this moment that the adventurers thought, "It turns out there is a knife hanging over their heads."

"But the black dragon is not a problem we should think about. That kind of problem should at least be a problem for the Loki Familia and Freya Familia. We ordinary level adventurers don't need to think too much. When we face the black dragon, we will most likely die. .

The guests in the tavern also knew this clearly.

As adventurers, they are no longer children. Most of them are already a certain age, and they are no longer the age they would have been when they were children.

Everyone knows that their level will always be a small role at the bottom of Orario, and the Black Dragon's crusade must have nothing to do with them.

In a bad situation, at least there are people above to support them, so they can't be pressed down for the time being.

It's just that some people have doubts about whether the Loki Familia and Freya Familia can withstand the pressure.

"But can the Freya Familia and the Loki Familia attack the black dragon?"

"Freya's Familia only has one Level 7, and Loki's Familia doesn't even have Level 7. How can we conquer the black dragon?"

"Back then, the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia were wiped out by one L9 Familia and several Lv.8 Familia. Can the current Freya Familia and Loki Familia do it?"

Okay, this question is too sharp.

Just in terms of strength, the current Freya Familia and Loki Familia are not as good as the Zeus Familia and Hera Familia back then. Now, do you think these two Familia can conquer the black dragon?

If both the Freya Familia and the Loki Familia could defeat the black dragon, wouldn't the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia have succeeded long ago?

Guests in the tavern often talk about this issue, and naturally the service staff in the tavern also know the news.

"The guild went so far as to directly and openly suppress the members of the dark faction. It seems that this time it was a serious act. Meow.

"Even if a member of the dark faction is confirmed, you can directly choose to kill the gods. No matter life or death, even the gods will be killed."

As one of the female clerks in "The Mistress of Plenty", Aniya made a deliberate trip to the guild when the guild issued the announcement in the morning to confirm the authenticity of the news.

I felt a lot about the fact that this breath actually belonged to another female elf shopkeeper.

"A bunch of bastards seeking death deserve to become Orario's public enemies."

He cursed those dark factions with malice in his heart, while hiding all his thoughts on the surface.

The direct announcement from the guild already means that Orario and the Dark Faction are completely at odds with each other. Adventurers and the Dark Faction also have a relationship of hunting and being hunted.

To know the clues to find the dark faction, as long as you confirm the members of the dark faction, you can get a large reward.

Money is what most adventurers in Orario pursue. Now the guild is talking directly, which is to make adventurers and dark factions completely opposed. After all, are there any adventurers who don't like money?

"That's the job of adventurers and has nothing to do with us."

"If you can dig out those guys, you can repay a lot of the money you owe meow."

Since this is the result, Lyu naturally doesn't want to sacrifice his hard-earned peaceful life for the trash of those dark factions.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

After thinking about it, Aniya felt a little regretful.

Ever since she stopped being an adventurer, Lyu had disappeared from Orario's black and white paths.

In the past, adventurers in Orario might have hid away when they knew about the dark faction, but they definitely wouldn't do that now.

The reward amount of the dark faction is high. Once one or two members of the dark faction can be unearthed, it will be more profitable than struggling to survive in the dungeon.

"Moreover, adventurers are now keeping an eye on those dark factions. Once those guys show up, adventurers will be the first to rush forward. Can we catch them?"

"Lyu, do you want to go try to dig out those guys?"

Ha~ Does she need to worry about the remnants of the dark faction that were not completely cleaned up in the past?

"Meow~ Yes."

Now the remnants of the dark factions are like moving bounties in the eyes of adventurers. Even if she doesn't do anything, I'm afraid the remnants of the dark factions will be targeted by adventurers in exchange for bounties.

Now if I go directly to those bastards from the dark faction for some debts, the peaceful life I finally obtained with 750 will probably turn into a bubble again.

According to Orario's current situation, those dark factions will indeed not show up easily.

In fact, if it had been in the past, Lyu would have been willing to take the trouble, but after the guild announced its crusade against the dark faction, she gave up her thoughts.

This statement made the female elf named Liu pause for a moment, but she still shook her head slightly.

Now that Orario's adventurers find out about the dark faction, they will definitely rush forward as soon as possible. If one of them is caught, there will be a considerable bounty, which adventurer would not be tempted?

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