I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 380 It’S All Your Fault

Drinking is not allowed during the expedition, but today is a special case.

Considering that we encountered a very special situation today and everyone was working very hard on the way to the 39th floor, Finn made it a day to drink.

It was also because of this concession that today the bonfire outside the tent in the safety area on the 39th floor was full of people, and everyone was holding a wooden wine glass.

Surrounding the bonfire were the sounds of adventurers drinking and chatting, but the sounds were not noisy and they were all talking about what happened today.

"Today's dragon roar is really scary to death."

"Yeah. You newcomers are just fine. We old people who have participated in many expeditions are also scared."

The newcomers who participated in the expedition for the first time and the old people who participated many times all talked about Dragon Roar with some confusion and fear.

Thinking about it now, that dragon roar really broke their courage.

This moment reminded the adventurers of the little human girl who helped them regain their courage today.

"Lily, thank you for being here this time."

Lililuka was a little embarrassed when her name was called. She had never experienced such a thank you before, and she had some experience in facing such a scene.

This made Lilluka just modestly take the credit.

"This is not my credit, this should be the leader's credit."

"I just couldn't help but say something. The person who encourages everyone should be the group leader."

It's just that everyone knew who got the credit this time. Even the leader couldn't bear the pressure of Long Yin at that time. Only Liluka jumped out and said those inspiring words.

"Lily, there is no need to be modest, because everyone knows that this time it is all your fault.

"That's right. This time even the group leader was tricked. At that time, the group leader was in the same situation as us."

"If you hadn't woken us up at that time, maybe the leader might not have been able to take us to this level.'

Both newcomers and old people admired Lilluka from the bottom of their hearts.

Maybe Lililuka's abilities are not as powerful as those of the group leader, but waking them up at the critical moment is more powerful than any other ability.

Therefore, everyone understands that Lilyluka is the best assistant among them, and she is really important at the critical moment!

As the person involved, Liluka blushed at the compliments.

"I really didn't do anything."

"I stood up to boost morale just because I couldn't stand it anymore. Who knew I wouldn't be affected?"

In fact, Liluka also noticed her own situation when she looked back on the Dragon Roar incident afterwards.

Everyone else was affected by the dragon's roar, but she was the only one who didn't feel anything, which was strange.

As a person involved, Lilyluka didn't know why.

This should not be a situation that can be avoided by luck.

So, why is this?

"Anyway, it's because of you that we got to the 39th floor this time.

Several elves and dwarves who were in Lilluka's team stood up.

They all stood up with respect at this moment.

They also have high respect for Lililuka, the captain who leads them forward, especially after the Dragon Roar incident.

Captain, we respect you. "

Lilluka quickly stood up and picked up her wine glass.


"It would be inappropriate for a captain to continue to be modest."

The elf directly stopped Lilluka from speaking, with some respect on her face.

She actually admired Lililuka as the captain. She led the newcomers all the way to the 25th floor, and now she woke them up under the influence of the dragon's roar. She was worthy of respect in every aspect.

Liluka didn't know how to proceed with these words.

Just when she was in trouble, the person next to her put his hand around her neck.


Lilluka shifted her gaze, but what she saw was what Daphne said with a smile.

"Lily, what you need to do at this time is to express your gratitude."

"No need to say much else, it's all in the wine."

These words also shut Liluka up completely.

After looking at the people holding the wine glasses and the kindness in the eyes of everyone around her, Lilluka blushed, held the wine glass, raised her head and drank it in one gulp.

"Ha...I...get it, it's all my credit."

"Pfft hahahaha~"

Everyone around them laughed after hearing Liluka's words.

Seeing Liluka still blushing, the Yin family couldn't help but sigh in their hearts:

"This kid has never heard these words before."

Recalling the situation of this small human girl in the Somo Familia, it is not difficult to imagine why this girl had such a strong reaction.

But after the commotion, everyone calmed down.

"The leader and others have gone to rest, and even Mr. Bert has returned to the tent."

"Aren't we also suffering terribly from Long Yin?"

"That's true. But the leader and the others seem to be very tired since the morning. I don't know if the leader and the others have encountered something."

Liluka, who sat down again, had some speculations in her mind when she heard this topic.

But now she is not at the level where she can know these things, and the group leader deliberately hid this part of the matter because it was not suitable for them to know.

Therefore, the involvement here is very serious.

393 Lilyluka glanced at everyone's faces. Everyone looked tired, but under the influence of alcohol, they all showed a wild side.

"Fortunately, the group leader allowed us to drink, otherwise this issue would definitely cause problems."

This topic is not suitable for a long discussion. What is hidden behind this is definitely a big thing that will change this expedition.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Don’t think so much, everyone. "

Liluka stood up and interrupted the topic.

"Although we have an extra day of rest, we are still very tired today. After drinking, everyone should try to go back to the tent to rest."

"Even if this is a security level, they still need to be followed in rotation. We can't disturb the group leader and their rest.

Everyone sitting around the campfire nodded slightly.

In fact, they were already exhausted just now, but they had just experienced such an exciting thing, and there was no way to calm down without drinking some wine.

However, after the excitement of alcohol subsided, everyone's tiredness also returned.

Now they are so tired that several people have started fighting before their eyes.

In fact, there is no need to remind them that they will go to the tent to sleep after the cocktail party.

However, after being reminded, everyone felt that this layer of sleepiness had become stronger.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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