I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 369 Loki Puts Aside His Cruel Words

"What you should do actually depends on you."

Bell did not answer this question directly. He could not bear the responsibility for this question.

If Loki Familia makes a wrong choice due to his own reasons, God Loki will definitely hate him to death.

"Choosing the challenge is undoubtedly a good choice."

"The Loki Familia has been ranked second in Orario for a long, long time. You, Deputy Captain Riveria, and Mr. Grace have all been stuck at Level 6 for a long time, and they should be upgraded. , otherwise it will be like this for the rest of your life.

""Fairy Spirit" is definitely not a safe opponent. It is even said that the strength of Fairy Spirit is definitely higher than that of ordinary floor masters. "

“But it’s also a great opportunity.”

The opportunity is indeed a very good opportunity, but this opportunity really requires using blood to spell "seven, ninety-three".

In fact, Finn has already made a decision in his mind.

As the leader, he definitely needs to look forward and backward, and he also needs to think more about many things, but the choice of continuing to explore unknown areas is not something he can control safely.

According to what Cassandra said, what they were facing was the crisis of annihilation of all the top leaders of the clan.

Challenging an unknown floor will definitely lead to team destruction, and even if one of them fails to perform well, the final result will be devastating.

"This time there is no way to make safe choices like in the past."

Finn took a deep breath and made a choice that might change his fate and theirs.

"Continue to conquer the unknown floors."

This is a no-brainer.

Finn doesn't want to stop here. He needs to work harder to revive the little humans.

We can't just leave the future to young people. Middle-aged people like him also have plans to try again.

"Perhaps this is our family's decision to change the future. Whether we will ascend or die depends on our actions this time."

"Everyone, please make final preparations for this expedition."

Finn just barely spelled out the words "suicide note".

In fact, as an adventurer, he shouldn't leave these things behind.

But as this may be his last adventure, he also hopes to leave some words behind.

There are still a few days left before reaching the 50th floor. This is the last time they can rest after challenging the unknown territory.

After finishing speaking, Finn looked at Bell.

"Bell-kun, if we fail, then please bring the other parties back to the ground.

Bell did not refuse this time, but immediately agreed.

"I will."

Finn put aside the last worries in his heart, and he needed to adjust his condition well in the next time.

"Well, everyone, today's meeting is over, now go back to your tents and rest.

The meeting ended in such a slightly depressing atmosphere.

Everyone returned to their tents, but no one should be able to sleep today.

Perhaps this expedition will be their last adventure.

How can I continue to sleep under such a cognition and atmosphere? Everyone is worried and has insomnia.

Bell also returned to the temporary base he built on the 28th floor.

He did not build the temporary base on the ground, but on the same wall as the 18th floor.

It is difficult to spawn monsters on the upper walls of the security layer. In addition, Bell has placed barriers around the base, so monsters will never be born inside the barriers.

After returning to his temporary residence, Bell connected to the Hestia Familia's communications.

"God Loki, what do you think?"

The scene from home is projected in mid-air.

But it seemed to be night over there, and Bell could clearly see some blackness in the eyes of Hestia Hephaestus, which seemed like they were still sleepy.

The most serious one is probably the god Loki.

Those eyes were black, and the eye sockets were still filled with bloodshot eyes. It seemed that what just happened had greatly stimulated her.

"...Boy, your side should have a chance of winning, right?"

God Loki still loves and protects her children. After she became more aware of the dangers of this expedition, her heart was always hanging in her throat and she could not relax at all.


“I had to upgrade my level even though I might be exposed, just to increase the success rate of this expedition.

"I also hope that Loki's family can get through this safely, because this is the best outcome for me."

Although there is no way to guarantee that he can bring everyone back, Bell is indeed confident enough to control the development of things within his control...

"The experiment on the "Fairy Fetus" went very smoothly. It was even possible to erase the traces of the fairy inside the "fetus" and completely make it my puppet. "

"The method of stimulating potential has also been tested on the Minotaur, and the Minotaur's strength can be successfully improved across levels.

"All preparations have been made."

Bell made almost all preparations for this expedition in order to allow the Loki Familia to overcome this test.

"Of course, I will do my best to increase the strength of the immortals. If you want so many people to upgrade together, Lv.7 is not enough, at least Lv.8 is required."

"Are you crazy!?"

These words made Loki calm down a little.

However, Hestia's advice was met with fierce criticism by Loki.

"Nonsense! That kid couldn't control it and it wasn't him who died, but my child!?"

So Loki's anger was suppressed a little at the moment.

But looking at the picture, Bell was still gritting his back teeth and suppressing the anger in his heart.

"The Fairy Spirits at Level 7 will cause the destruction of my family members. How about you raise the strength of the Fairy Spirits to Level 8?"

Loki jumped up immediately after hearing this.

"Boy, you'd better bring my child back, otherwise I will never be done with you!"

Yes, she knew that Hephaestus's leader would explore unknown floors together, so Hephaestus also took certain risks.

Hestia still believed in Bell and was speaking good words for Bell.

"Loki, calm down. Your child is in danger, and my child is also in danger."

"Loki, calm down. Bell-kun must be able to control what he did."

5.2 There are some things that Hestia cannot say, but Hephaestus has the stance to speak.

But Hephaestus still did it.

If Hestia and Hephaestus hadn't been there to hold him back, Loki might have really killed someone.

"Chun will also participate in this expedition. She will also explore unknown floors. Her danger is the same as your child's."

This is trust and belief.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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