I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 355 Meeting At The Security Level

At this time, there are three creatures wearing joyrides moving on the road on the 30th floor.

The reason why it is called a "creature" is because the image outside the cloak does not look like a human being. The appearance of the cloak looks superfluous, and it feels like it is hiding something.

"I didn't expect that we would be notified to pick up the newly born compatriots, and the target would be that Loki family member."

A creature that didn't look like a human protruded from one of the cloaks and had a mouth.

This sentence brought up the topic of the other two people.

"What you should be concerned about is that the new compatriots were not killed and that Fels notified us to take them away.

Another person who looked like an ordinary woman outside the cloak changed the topic to the main point.

She doesn't like beating around the bush, and what she likes most is bringing the topic to the point.

"The dependents of the gods on earth have always treated us as ordinary monsters, and we will never be accepted as existences."

"It's rare to be spared by a Familia that ranks second on the earth, and is also prepared to have contact with us. This is really... very special.

The third creature, which was completely unrecognizable as the first creature, suddenly raised a question:

"Could it be a trap specially designed to lure us into?"

The only woman among the three shook her head slightly. She was very sure that this was definitely not a trap, so she explained:

"If it was a trap, Fels wouldn't have informed us directly."

"The dependents of the gods on earth will definitely not accept us so easily, but if there are some special connections, it may be possible."

The first creature to speak turned his head, looked at the woman and said with doubt:

"Is it something like a handle?"

"I think it should be related to this aspect. Otherwise, how can the dependents on earth accept our identity?"

The first creature to speak nodded slightly, and he also felt that this situation was the most likely.

It would be strange that the second-ranked dependent of the gods on the earth would have contact with monsters like them in the dungeon, unless that dependent really wanted to die.

Their special status is like a huge thunderstorm on the ground. If it detonates, even the second-ranked family on the ground will definitely be additionally implicated.

Therefore, he was sure that the dependents of those gods would never come into contact with monsters like them without certain reasons.

The woman continued with a certain tone:

“The reason why Fels notified us this time to come and take people away is probably because he had the idea of ​​bringing us into contact with the Loki Familia.

In fact, women still believe in Fels and the Guild. After all, only the Guild and Fels have given them support for such a long time.

They don't have to believe in any of the gods' dependents on earth, but they will definitely believe in the guild and Fels.

"If an earthly dependent family can temporarily accept us for some reason, it's actually not a bad thing for us."

There was some hope in the woman's vertical pupils.

Now their life in the underground city is actually getting more and more difficult. Many of their compatriots have been kidnapped by those bastards in the past few days, and now they still need to find the location of those bastards.

At this time, if there is help from the family members on the ground, it will obviously reduce their pressure.

"The situation in the underground city has become increasingly chaotic recently, and we don't need to find those compatriots who were captured.

After listening to the woman's words, the two people around them shut up.

Although they are a little worried, the situation they are facing is getting more and more troublesome, and what they need now is some help.

If the dependents on the ground can help in this way, then they may be able to reduce a lot of risks.

In fact, their situation in the underground city is serious enough.

There are species controlled by fairies in the deep layers. Those species are constantly looking for magic stones. Monsters with magic stones will be targeted by those species, even they are no exception.

Plus those bastards who captured their countrymen.

Although they all know that those bastards are probably the dark faction they have been staring at recently, but those guys are so slippery.

If they couldn't catch the key ones, those who caught them would self-destruct directly. Many of their compatriots died in the self-destruction of those madmen.

Therefore, they must now solve one of the troubles, otherwise their living environment will be even more severe.

Soon after shutting up and moving forward, the three of them quickly reached the safe floor on the 28th floor.

But just as they passed through the stairs, the space in front of them suddenly opened.


This scene shocked the three of them, and they quickly took several steps back to maintain a certain safe distance.

"It came pretty quickly."

A strange voice came from the other side of the torn space.

Then a man wearing a cloak, wrapped as tightly as them... or even tighter than them, walked out of the torn space.

"The guild is very efficient. We have just reached the safe floor and you are already here."

After hearing this person's words, the three of them looked at each other and then relaxed their vigilance slightly.

"Are you the compatriot who needs help?"

The stranger shook his head slightly, then pointed to his side.

The three people glanced over and saw no one. Just when they thought they were being tricked, the figure of a girl slowly appeared.

The color of the skin is blue, there are some special patches on the face, and there is a red gem embedded in the head. It is obviously not a human image, this is their compatriot.

——It’s the Dragon Girl.

Based on the girl's image, the three of them quickly figured out what species the other person was from.

Dragon girls have always been a monster that appears in the middle level, but the number of dragon girls born can be called rare.

Unexpectedly, their newly added compatriot turned out to be the Dragon Girl.

But the dragon girl, who was stared at by the three men, felt a little uneasy and quickly hid behind the stranger.

"Pay attention, this is a child who has just been born."

Only then did the three of them realize that they had been reckless.

After restraining their gaze for a moment, they realized that their compatriot was hiding behind the stranger in front of them.

What doesn't this mean?

Isn’t this just plain trust?

Even more trustworthy than their compatriots.

This discovery made the three of them a little curious about the stranger in front of them.

"The guild didn't ask you to pick up someone this time just to keep an eye on me, right?"

The woman looked at the stranger in front of her, whose face was covered so that she couldn't see it, and asked curiously:

"Aren't you curious about our identities?"

The stranger's voice suddenly sounded cheerful, and he even couldn't help laughing.

"Before the guild explained your existence, I was the one who confirmed through speculation that there are forces belonging to the guild in the dungeon."

"You think I should be curious about your identities?"

The woman's vertical pupils shrank slightly, she didn't expect that the person Fels was talking about was the person in front of her.

Then I heard a stranger say:

"I think you should make contact with the Loki Familia, so I will help you bring them here."

Then four torn spaces appeared behind the stranger.

PS: Please collect and send flowers...Please comment

PS: The second update will be a little later, but I will definitely not be lazy today.

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