I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 347 Monster Feast

The two teams led by Daphne and Lililuka are constantly advancing.


The dwarves in the front row rushed forward with their shields on their backs. Looking at the veins on their arms, you knew they had used their full strength.

But the banging sound of "bang bang bang" could still be heard on the other side of the shield.

It was a series of sounds, not one or two, but a series of knocks that almost never stopped.

You can see through the gaps in the shield that on the other side of the shield are a large number of stone crabs that are almost impossible to count.

The sharp pliers were still poking at the shield in the front row's hand.

"O the once-rejected light of heaven, O the compassionate hand that saves my superficial body, please represent my powerless spiritual words and save the pitiful ones. O sunshine, listen to the prayer and let it fade and be shattered.

"Light of Sol!"

The turquoise light shines on the dwarves, allowing them to recover the physical strength consumed by wrestling with the stone crab to the maximum extent, increasing the time they can continue to hold the shield forward.

The dwarves took a deep breath and pushed back the stone crab in front of them.

"Oh oh oh!"

Accompanied by roars of encouragement, the dwarves in the front row maintained their formation and kept moving forward.

Fortunately, there is a road in front of us, and next to it is the high point of the "Ju Cang Waterfall". There will be no more stone crabs attacking from the side. Otherwise, it would be a fool's errand to rely on a few dwarves to charge forward with shields.

But even so, the situation on the front line is still not optimistic.

Yes, they encountered an "abnormal situation" in the dungeon. This is the big trouble that adventurers least want to encounter, which is the so-called "Monster Feast".

This is the fatal blow that dungeons will give adventurers when they face difficulties and desperate situations.

If the strength is not enough, or if the number of people to deal with it is too small, then the adventurers will be completely devoured by this wave of "Monster Feast".

Limi, who had relatively good eyesight, stood on someone's shoulder and looked at the situation behind her, then turned around and shouted:

"Captain, the water created by the water runestones has begun to flow downwards. Do you want to start?"

Limi saw more stone crabs approaching from above, and the front row could no longer hold them.

If they don't deal with these swarming stone crabs quickly, their training will be over here.

"Limi shot an ice runestone arrow!"

After confirming the previous situation, Lilluka decisively issued the order, paused and then continued to add:

"Shoot into the middle where the enemies are piled up to relieve the pressure on the front row first."


He used his bow to shoot an arrow, and a rune stone arrow was quickly shot out.

The target was the center of the stone crab group, and it was also aimed at the water on the ground.


The rune stone arrow passed through the center of the dense stone crabs and hit the water on the ground with great accuracy.

In an instant, the astonishing cold air spread to the surroundings at an abnormal speed.

The water on the ground was almost as cold as the attack target. In just a moment, the water on the ground and the legs of the stone crabs were frozen in place.

The most indispensable thing in "Jucang Waterfall" is water vapor. The sudden and violent cold air quickly spreads to the surroundings under the action of water vapor, and a thick layer of ice condensed in the center of the stone crab.

This also directly alleviates the pressure on the front row dwarves facing the stone crabs.

"The defender prepares to use weapon sharpening on the barrel."

Although Liliruka wanted to say "wind attribute enchantment" grandly, unfortunately she didn't have many resources and couldn't fight such a rich battle.

However, weapon sharpening is no longer cheap. At 500,000 a piece, 2.5 million has disappeared.

Is this a war?

Isn't this burning money?

But when facing an abnormal situation like "Monster Feast", we should not think about consumption, but how to face this situation.

All the central defenders have added enchantments to their weapons, and the tips and blades of their spears and swords are shining with a cold light.

"Here we go!!!"(chad)


The five central defenders holding weapons were preparing at the back, and when the dwarves in the vanguard saw that the back was ready, they gave a hint to the people behind and around them.

All the dwarves in the front row rushed forward with their shields at the same time, knocking the stone crab in the front row staggering, and then immediately got out of the way of the attack.

The central defender who seized the opportunity rushed forward and slashed at the stone crab with his sword.

The enchanted weapon at this moment was not bounced off by the stone crab's hard outer armor like before. Instead, it cut the stone crab into two pieces with just one slash.

So strong!

Seeing the stone crab being cut into two pieces, the central defenders were so excited that they almost cried out, but they still used their excitement to kill the stone crab.

They knew that there was a time limit for enchantment.

In five minutes, they must clear the stone crabs in front of them, otherwise they will collide with the stone crabs that will rush forward later.

With this excitement, the central defender moved with all his strength and killed all the stone crabs in front of him.

Seeing this, the vanguard dwarves quickly rushed forward with their shields raised, ignoring the frozen stone crabs on the ground. Instead, they placed their shields in front of the shield that was covered with a thick layer of ice to prevent subsequent stone crabs from continuing to surge up.


Seeing that the situation had improved, Lilyluka breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The sweat on her back was already stuck to her clothes. Even though there was still a chill in the air, she couldn't feel the cold.

-What a tragedy.

Although the situation at hand has eased, after calculating the resources at hand, Lililuka could only look bitter and sad.

The battle she commanded became a resource war in the later stages, especially the hive in the "Big Tree Maze" and the "Monster Feast" she faced just now, which almost exhausted all the resources in her hands.

Without these resources, she could no longer continue to advance at this level.


Lilluka patted her face lightly, asking herself to put away all those unnecessary emotions. She was still fighting now, so she didn't want to think about the future.

"Limi, are the stone crabs still gathering around you?"

Confirming the battle situation requires the eyesight of an archer.

Limi stood at a high place and looked at the situation behind her. The stone crabs did not come up like they did just now, but the number decreased by a large amount.

The perceived situation also made Limi's voice lighter.

"There are still some, but the number of remaining stones is not large.

——Finally got over it.

Lilluka finally felt relieved now.

This wave of "Monster Feast" was more intense than expected. The dungeon was indeed a dangerous place, Lililuka couldn't help but think.

"The avant-garde continues to advance. There is frozen ice underground. Pay attention as we move forward."

"The central defender is on guard at the rear, looking for the right moment to kill the last stone crab."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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