I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 341 Finn Has A Headache

The dragon girl looked behind Bell, and seeing the strange overlapping space, she followed behind without knowing why.

Bell walked through the space and arrived at the center of the team without being noticed by anyone around him.

The dragon girl following Bell carefully looked at the people around her. She had been chased and intercepted by a group of people before, not long after she was born.

Fortunately, many monsters appeared at that time, and she was lucky enough to escape. Otherwise, she might have died in the encirclement of those people.

But there were so many people in front of us today, but why didn't these people seem to be able to see her?

But even so, the dragon girl followed carefully, trying to avoid running into the people around her.

Bell noticed that the dragon girl behind him had been following him closely, so he walked directly to Captain Finn and the others.

"Captain Finn."

Finn was slightly startled by Bell's sudden appearance.

"Mr. Bell, how did you..."

"I need to talk to you about something that is a little troublesome. Besides, this is also what God Loki meant."

What does Loki mean?

Finn nodded slightly. He was not surprised at all that Bell could contact Loki. After all, such a thing was not surprising.

Many of the rune stones on their bodies were made by Bell.

Moreover, Bell can also move in space. I am afraid that Loki has already had a lot of contact with Bell, even without them knowing it.

After following Bell to a quiet place, Finn asked:

"Mr. Bell, what does Loki want you to tell me?"

Bell sighed slightly.

"There is no doubt that this is definitely a big trouble. But God Loki can't refuse. After all, there are Lord God and God Hephaestus watching from the side. Even God Loki can't do it. An egregious move."

God Hestia and God Hephaestus are watching too?

Although he didn't know what Loki wanted Bell to tell him, with those two goddesses watching, it is estimated that many of Loki's principles of action would have changed.

Ever since Bell completely raised the upper limit of Hestia Familia, Loki always seemed to bow his head in front of God Hestia, and even the transactions were severely suppressed. It can be imagined that Loki has a lot of feelings for Hestia. How unhappy God was.

Of course, Finn felt that the reason why Loki was unhappy with Hestia was probably due to personal grudges.

But being able to get Lokito Bell to say something to him might not be a good thing.

"It's related to Haruhime's matter."

....Is it a problem with the guild?”

"Sadly, yes."

What a guy!?

Finn directly covered his face. He knew that Loki wanted to play a big game with them, but he didn't expect that it would be so big.

The result of Bell's previous investigation was that guild forces are self-aware monsters that exist in dungeons. Now that they are related to guilds, isn't it the same reason that they are related to those conscious monsters?

During this kind of expedition, the less you want to get into trouble, the more trouble you will encounter. It is simply unlucky.

However, Finn has experienced many battles and is mentally prepared to face such unexpected situations.

"Where is that?"

Bell gave up a position, then pointed to an empty place, and soon a figure appeared in front of Finn's eyes.

"Dragon Girl...?"

Finn looked at the girl in the cloak and immediately judged the girl's identity.

When the dragon girl faced Finn's gaze, her body trembled unconsciously, and she subconsciously hid behind the person who brought her here.

This behavior also gave Finn a real headache.

At this moment, Finn was indeed aware of the existence of the guild's power, and that there really were monsters with self-awareness. Moreover, the dragon girl showed fear and even deliberately avoided it. This was definitely not the emotion that a monster should have.

"He is indeed self-aware."

Monsters rarely react like this. Not only are they afraid, but they also behave in such a humane way.

"Mr. Bell, does Loki mean not to harm this child?"


Finn already understood Loki's thoughts at this moment, he really couldn't do anything.

The favor their family owes to the guild is not something that can be repaid easily.

After all, this was a favor that sent God Ishtar back to the heaven. Although it was indeed worth it for Haruhime, it would be a headache when it came to paying off the debt.

And Finn is already clear enough that the reason why the guild draws these self-aware monsters in the dungeon into its own camp is almost to develop these self-aware special races in the skin of monsters into something similar to Asia. human race.

Because Orario can't accept it now, what the guild is doing is to provide shelter to these self-aware monsters, and let these monsters help the guild so that the guild can intervene in the dungeon.

Finn was thinking that the Great God Ouranos might be planning to put a lot of credit on these special beings when he announced them afterwards, in order to eliminate the adventurers' prejudice against these special beings.

Therefore, the Loki Familia cannot leave this dragon girl alone.

"I understand, but Mr. Bell, can you please take care of this dragon girl first? I need to give them a vaccination first."


"sorry to bother you."

Finn felt very tired at the moment, but there were still things he should do.

After temporarily leaving the dragon girl in Bell's care, Finn turned around to discuss with Riveria and the others.

After all, they will add a dragon girl to their expedition team. If they don't discuss the matter with Riveria and the others, they will be in trouble if accidental damage occurs.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Finn doesn't pay attention to the situation on the front line. Daphne and Lilyluka's team can advance smoothly in this area on the 21st floor.

After destroying the two hives, the passage to the 22nd floor was completely opened. After simple repairs and reconnaissance, the large force began the operation to the 22nd floor.

"Tione, please pay attention to the safety of Daphne and Lililuka first, and the team will continue to advance with them."

"Yes, Commander."

Needless to say, Tione always carried out Fenn's orders resolutely.

After dealing with the follow-up questions, Finn glanced at Riveria and Ais.

"Rivelia, Ace, Bert, Tiona, all of you come here."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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