I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 324 Gathering In The Central Square

This morning a group of people had gathered in front of the central square of Daedalus. Most of these people were from the Loki Familia and the Hephaestus Familia.

This expedition was initiated by the Loki Familia, and the Hephaestus Familia sent a large number of craftsmen to repair and build weapons, so the members participating in the expedition mainly came from these two Familia.

Of course, there is another Familia with only one member that is not mentioned, and that is the Hestia Familia.

Since there is only one member of the Hestia Familia, no one even knows that this Familia also participated in this expedition initiated by the Loki Familia.

To see off the children of the Familia, Loki, Hephaestus and Hestia were all present today.

There were even some people who weren’t supposed to be there.

For example, the god Dionysus, dressed in exquisite clothing, was accompanied by a black-haired elf girl.

For example, God Hermes, wearing that familiar feathered hat, is followed by the leader of the Hermes Familia, the "Almighty One" Asphi.

"Dionysus, I didn't expect you to come with me."

As an old acquaintance, Hermes came over directly when he saw the acquaintance, and put his hand directly on Dionysus's shoulder, making the two people seem to be very familiar.

Dionysus glanced at the hand on his shoulder speechlessly, and he resisted the urge to slap it away. Why was he always so angry every time he faced this unscrupulous guy?

"Hermes, don't always greet me in this way."

"Ah la~ Aren't you happy?"

"Do you think I'm happy? I accompanied my child to see her friend off, and then I got entangled with you."

When facing Hermes, Dionysus didn't speak politely at all. He almost had the word "disgust" written on his face.

But Hermes didn't take those words seriously at all, and still smiled like a douchebag.

"Don't say that. After all, we are the main gods who rarely accompany our children to see them off together."

The "disgust" on Dionysus's face remained unchanged, but he was also curious about Hermes's action.

"Your children also have friends on this expedition?"

"That's not really true. It's mainly with the partners I work with."

There was a hint of emotion in Hermes' tone, and then he looked at Asife beside him, with some regret on his face.

"My child is older than your child, and because of his age, he doesn't have many friends among his peers.

.....Isn't that your fault? You don't want to think about who your child is because of not having many friends around him. "

In Dionysus, it seems that most of this is Hermes' problem. The biggest problem is that this guy always makes people worry.

Even he, an outsider, knew how hard the head of the Hermes family worked all day.

This question was immediately dismissed by Hermes.

"That's the training the Lord God gives his children. If it weren't for me, my Yasi Fei wouldn't be able to grow to this point so quickly."

Dionysus almost rolled his eyes at such shameless remarks. This guy would really put his face in a good position.

At this moment, Dionysus also noticed Hestia standing in the crowd.

"Hestia? Her children are also participating in this expedition?"

Dionysus is a person who knows Hestia relatively well, and has spent a lot of time in contact with Hestia in the past. At least he thinks that Hestia is a different existence from many other gods, and she is also someone who can be friends with.

"Ah, her children are just here to run with her."

"The people who worked with Hephaestus before were her children. This expedition launched by the Loki Familia seems to be regarded as a journey of gaining knowledge.

"Hey~ The rune stones that caused such a big fuss before turned out to be made by the children of Hestia's family."

"Have you never known this before?"

Hermes' eyes widened as if in surprise.

Faced with this artificial expression, Dionysus was speechless. Why did he act like he should know everything?

"I know about the cooperation between Hestia and Hephaestus, and I also know about the cooperation between Hestia and Loki, but I rarely hear about the fact that Hestia has a child."

He respects women, okay? 5.7 Especially Hestia, he never likes to make fun of Hestia.

Although he obtained the most basic information through searching, he rarely did this kind of thing. After all, doing so would make people feel a bit annoying.

"Hey~ Has even Hestia been changed?"

Dionysus was surprised by Hermes' explanation.

...I beg you, can you not be tied with Apollo?"

"I didn't expect you to say such a thing. I thought you would definitely say "That Hestia has also bloomed" or something like that. "

You yourself are the one who speaks the most rude words.

"Well, if it was Hestia from before, then she would indeed show off inadvertently when she and Loki quarreled. However, her children didn't seem to like being in the limelight, so she restrained herself.

"Also, next time you guess, don't equate my thoughts with Apollo's. You can't afford to embarrass that person."

Dionysus didn't have so much bad taste when it came to the goddess with whom he had a good relationship.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Yes, even Hestia, who is called the virgin goddess in heaven, has been changed."

Dionysus was also curious about what kind of person Hestia's child was before, but so far that child has rarely been able to come out...

But the title of "Virgin Goddess" made Dionysus frown slightly.

"I thought Hestia would be able to show off her personality quickly, but I didn't expect that Hestia had been hiding the child all this time, and had even done so many things. She even hid the child mysteriously behind her back. .”

"Isn't that kind of name the insulting name Apollo gave them in order to insult those goddesses? It's not appropriate for you to call them casually like this."

Hermes complained silently in his heart, but it could be seen that Dionysus really respected Hestia, and he didn't know what Hestia had done to Dionysus to gain his respect. .

After all, Hestia also helped him speak a lot when he was in heaven, and Dionysus also confirmed that "Hestia is definitely the most contactable goddess he has ever seen.

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