I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 322 Hope Of Expedition

"Tsk tsk~ It is indeed a tree house made with power. The structure inside is completely grown and transformed based on one's own interests.

Looking at all the arrangements in the room, Loki was very emotional at this moment.

Although most gods can do it, the problem is that they use divine power to ripen seeds, unlike that brat who has no divine power at all and can simply use magic power to ripen seeds. .

"Fuck! That boy is simply unreasonable!"

But there is nothing to say. After all, the children in the lower world with powers should be completely equal to zero. However, this brat is the only special case among the general zero. I am afraid that there will not be another one in the future. Already.

Continuing to observe the room, Loki slowly came to the window. Looking out from the window, there were some stars floating in the sky at night in this space.

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that those starlights are not real starlights, but the most basic elves formed by the condensation of spiritual energy, which are low-end condensations of some elements.

"Sure enough, this environment leaning towards the Elf Kingdom will create such special creatures."

This space is almost modeled after the living environment of the elves. Even Loki can say with certainty that the elves will say this is their hometown when they come here.

There is really no way, this space is really full of elf trees, even the elf trees of the size of the World Tree in 937 are being forcibly ripened.

Imagine the Elf Kingdom that I visited in the past. It was not so much a kingdom as a group of elves living in a land surrounded by elves.

"The environment here is indeed much better than my home."

"It just so happens that this can also be used as my room."

Loki liked the layout and environment of this room very much. If the spatial coordinates were placed in this room, then she would probably come here to spend the night every night.

After all, who wouldn’t like a safe and comfortable place?

"Knock knock knock!"

Just when Loki made his decision, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Loki turned and looked at Bell who opened the door and came in.

"I just made my choice here, and you came directly to my door?"

"It's just a simple prediction."

"...Good boy."

It is indeed unique to use power for this purpose. Even Loki can't help but admire this boy's use of power.

It is definitely not something that can be achieved easily (chcg) by playing a power to such an extent. Without a long period of research on powers, there is no way to easily simulate so many abilities.

In fact, Loki was not wrong about this.

As a kind of power, runes are undoubtedly all-powerful, but runes need to be matched with different rune literatures before they can be used normally.

In this regard, Bell can be considered to have used his abilities relatively extensively, constantly increasing the versatility of Rune, and bringing its versatility into full play in various fields.

Although Bell also knows that this increases versatility, it also lacks time to study each function, and it is just a general knowledge, not a mastery.

This situation is actually not good.

But now at this initial stage, Bell can only improve its versatility first, and then gradually find the usage of the runes that best suits him, so as to further master the use of runes.

"So, God Luji chose this room?"

Bell made one final confirmation.

"Of course... this should be a normal room, right?"

"Yes. In fact, this is the same place as the guest room. Most of this floor is decorated like this."

The upper floors were actually added later. You must know that this big tree house only had one floor close to the ground at the beginning, but now this big tree house is really a big tree house. Bell built the tree on the highest scale. .

The high-rise buildings were constructed under such circumstances, so the high-rise buildings looked a bit homogeneous [the selection was not as careful as when constructing the tenth Kang].

"That's okay."

Knowing that this was a normal room, Loki didn't have so many worries.

"By the way, you and the little dwarf haven't developed a relationship yet?"


"Forget it, you don't need to say anything. I guess you still underestimate that little dwarf. Don't treat her as a vegetarian. That little dwarf is more carnivorous than anyone else."

These words from Loki were just a slight reminder. Based on her guess, this boy would never see the carnivorous side of that little dwarf so easily.

Loki temporarily put aside the conflict between himself and the dwarf. In fact, there was no big conflict between them, it was just that they often hurt each other.

"Humph! Of course, that child has awakened a very good magic."

"Ah, that's why you need to make a lot of preparations. If you really want to deal with the filthy fairy Fenn and the others who can't fight against it, they need Haruhime's power. Otherwise, even if you control it, Fenn and the others won't be able to handle it. "

If it hadn't been for this, Loki wouldn't have thought that taking Haruhime with him was the only hope for Finn and the others to move forward.

"No problem, after all, money buys the glimmer of life created by power, no matter what the price is, it is worth it.

"It's just some protective products. If it saves a life, there's no problem, but the price is not too polite."

Bell glanced at God Loki and finally nodded slightly.

"Ah, and the guarantee that Finn entrusted you with before."

This answer is not a surprise to Bell. When he learned about the expedition, he was sure that Haruhime and Cassandra would definitely participate.

Bell, who was prevented from speaking, was also a little embarrassed. In fact, he had known about Hestia's carnivorous nature not long ago.

"Are you ready for tomorrow's expedition?"

"Haruhime and Cassandra are also preparing to go to the battlefield?"

She didn't have to worry so much about Finn. Loki believed that they could face any situation, but she wasn't so sure about Bell.

"Put the little dwarf's matter aside for now."

PS: My throat feels terribly uncomfortable, and my mother also had Yang today. .

"Haruhime can't just temporarily raise a person's level, so her new magic solves this problem?"

Loki raised his head slightly. Haruhime's newly awakened magic was really suitable for her "Ten Thousand Treasure Mallet". It completely gave the "Ten Thousand Treasure Mallet" an epic level of strengthening.

There is no problem if life-saving things cost a lot of money. Using power to give your children a chance of life is not expensive at any price. Even if he knew the price, Loki knew he would never do it.

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