I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 318 I Can’T See My Opponent Having A Better Life

Loki was watching closely while Bell arranged the spatial coordinates.

"I said, why are you so stubborn about falling in love with that little dwarf?"

"Which of my Haruji and Cassandra is better than that little dwarf?"

.....You actually still pimp?"

When he heard Loki's words, Bell was not surprised, but rather surprised.

Isn't this just pimping?

If the god who said these words were different, maybe Bell could still be regarded as an act of matchmaking. But this kind of behavior is a bit inappropriate for God Loki.

You must know that the person who likes your children the most is God Loki, otherwise God Loki would not regard "Sword Princess" and "Nine Demon Princess" as targets that can be selected for power.

"God Loki, even if I show some talent, please don't unlock heavy interests like 'NTR'."

"Fuck you "NTR"!?"

Loki was immediately off guard by these words.

She has never been interested in such hobbies. She is a woman and loves women. This is her standard as a god. Although she also selectively favors boys, that kind of favor is based on the relationship between ordinary gods and children, and is far from the level she likes Aisi and Riveria.

"If that child Haruji hadn't reacted so strongly to you, I wouldn't have bothered to say these words.

"Then you'd better not say anything."

Bell shook his head slightly and focused on creating space coordinates.

"I don't mean that I can get involved casually in my feelings for Lord Kōgami. In addition, I did not take the initiative to stir up Sanjono Haruhime's heart. Rather than causing more trouble, I think it's better to stop here. ."

Loki didn't look so angry after hearing these words. She could see through several consecutive rejections that this boy had no intention of seducing Haruji, but Haruji's feelings for this boy were one-sided. So it is difficult for these two people to have any results.

But Loki also thought of another problem.

"You kid, is it because Haruhime can't live forever that you don't want to be associated with her?"

This sentence made Bell's hand pause slightly.

"It's true!"

Loki's eyes widened, and from the boy's reaction, she was sure that her guess just now was correct.

Bell was slightly speechless as he looked at God Loki who had dug out some of his thoughts.

"Don't you think your ideas are redundant?"

"Really? I don't think it's redundant at all."

Loki immediately became interested after discovering the truth.

"You would actually stop thinking about Haruji because of such a boring thing? Are you still a man like this?"

But Bell sneered at God Loki's words.

"Just because you're a man, you can't choose to say "I loved you" and be pulled down. Gods can choose to come down from heaven to find "encounters", but for some gods, not being able to have permanent "encounters" is actually a kind of torture. "

""Because the love of a goddess is only once." I have heard this saying before, and I believe it myself. "

At this moment, Loki already knew in his heart the reason why the boy in front of him pursued power so much.

"So, your goal is to reach Lv.10.'

"The reason why you crossed the black dragon is because you want to become a false god to make your life span eternal?"

The reason for this is actually this!?

Loki really never dreamed that an adventurer would want to cross the black dragon and advance to Level 10 because he wanted to be permanently associated with the gods.

This reason is absolutely perfect.

"It's not a false god, God Loki."

Loki was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead.

"...By the way, once you take that step, you will no longer be a false god."

If you surpass LV.10 and achieve "False God", then the gap between you and the real god lies in power.

But becoming a god cannot have power. "So the highest achievement of an ordinary adventurer is to become a "false god"

But the kid in front of me is completely different. This kid has power, so when he really becomes a "false god", he will not become a (chbg) false god, but a real god.

"Tsk! That little dwarf just got a big deal."

Although it is another matter whether he will truly surpass the black dragon and advance to Level 10, but having the power already makes that step critical.

And Loki is not stupid. Does she know how many ways this kid can save his life? If he can't do it once, won't he escape?

If this kid is given more chances, maybe even the black dragon can be killed completely.

This couldn't help but make Loki feel a little sore.

"Loki God, didn't you yourself meet the "Sword Lady"? And there are also brave adventurers like Captain Finn, Deputy Captain Riveria, and Mr. Grace. Aren't you happy? ?”

"Of course I'm happy.

How could Loki not be happy when he was lucky enough to meet so many talented kids?

"But when I saw that little dwarf meet someone better, I still felt unhappy.


Seeing God Loki gnashing his teeth, Bell was slightly speechless and then continued to focus on creating space coordinates.

The method of spatial coordinates is actually not troublesome. It is just a means of creating a fixed point to connect the two spaces through some kind of connection.

So setting it up was much faster than expected.

"This is a bad emotion, God Luji."

"After all, there will be many cooperative relationships in the future. Although I know that you and Hestia are in a love-and-kill relationship, I still suggest that you make this relationship clear to Captain Finn and others to avoid some disagreements. A necessary misunderstanding.”

Bell will naturally not misunderstand the operation of God Loki, but whether the members of the Loki family will misunderstand the operation of God Loki is another matter.

"Ha! Just kidding, my children are very smart."

"For example, 'Angry Snake'?"


Loki, who had been so stubborn just now, suddenly withered, which made Bell couldn't help laughing.

"Although I know that Captain Finn is very popular, I really didn't expect that there are adventurers in the Loki Familia who are so obsessed with Captain Finn."

"By the way, God Loki, don't you want to take part in something like this?"

Loki just rolled his eyes and turned away.

"You think I don't want to get involved? Every time I see the relationship between Finn and Tione, I feel uncomfortable. Although Finn doesn't have any affection for Tione, he is just too stubborn. He shouted that he wanted to revive the small humans, but in the end, even his own marriage had to be related to the small humans. "I just didn't say directly that I was not interested in Tione." "

"Just like you kid."

"Is it my fault?"

After Bell wrote the last words, he stood up from the ground. The words were completely integrated into the bottom of the floor. Immediately after Bell took out a black rune, a spatial rift appeared on the open space, and the other end was connected to Hestia Familia.

"God Loki, it's finished."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review

PS: I feel a little sore all over, and the temperature seems to be rising again... Damn it.

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