I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 302 The Power Of That Arrow

"Daphne, Cassandra, where are you?"

Finn thought for a moment and then looked at the two girls.

"Captain, Cassandra and I are the same."

"Bell-kun also gave us a lot of weapons at the beginning, but considering that we didn't have space pockets, he asked me to choose one weapon and use the others to exchange for space pockets.

Although Daphne felt that there was something else in it, she didn't think too deeply about it and answered truthfully.

Finn was silent for a moment, the surprise on his face lessened a bit, and he couldn't help but sigh as he recalled Raul's hesitation just now.

"Since Mr. Bell gave it to you, then you should make good use of it.

Daphne and Cassandra were not greatly affected, or Cassandra's particularity was not easily affected.

It's just that Raul's problem seems to be more serious.

It's a pity that speaking out about this issue will not be of much use. Raul's situation may not be very effective if he speaks out about it. And there are some things that if you don’t resist the temptation yourself,27 it will be useless for others to persuade you.

"Bell-kun, you must have noticed it too."

Finn shook his head helplessly. This was really embarrassing to someone else.

Riveria, Grace and Loki all glanced at Raul. Raul looked at him with a confused look on his face, but he was very helpless.

This subtle influence of the dungeon is definitely a bad thing for adventurers, but if that influence can be overcome, it is a good thing for adventurers. So they all chose to let the members of the family members overcome it on their own.

It's just that Raul, a Level 4 adventurer, hasn't overcome it yet, and is even still under the influence of the dungeon, which is indeed a bit inappropriate.

Finn smiled helplessly and then dismissed the matter.

Maybe Raul really couldn't break out of that circle on his own, or maybe they put too much pressure on Raul.

At this moment, Finn no longer has much idea about Raul getting out of the influence of the dungeon, but this also means that he needs to let Raul understand his problem.

"Raul, is there anything more exciting in the future?"

"Ah, and Cassandra's arrow. It was a test on the 20th floor. Daphne and I went to attract the attention of the killer bees, and Mr. Bell assisted Cassandra in completing that arrow. That scene, I think it's almost on the same level as the deputy leader's fire magic.

Raul himself was a little baffled when he saw the group leader and others looking at him solemnly and then changing the topic to the subject of this experiment. But when the leader asked, he answered well. The most exciting thing in the subsequent records should be Cassandra's arrow.

Finn and others, who temporarily withdrew their attention, immediately became curious.

"More powerful than my magic? Raul, are you sure you read it correctly?"

"How could I be wrong about this? Besides me, Cassandra and Daphne are here, and they have also seen how powerful that arrow is. That is to say, they have never seen your magic, deputy captain. Otherwise they will think the same as me.

Riveria obviously didn't believe it. She used one of the most powerful wands and exerted unimaginable magical power. However, it was even as powerful as an arrow shot by Cassandra. This had to be said. She raised suspicions.

Raul also knew that it was somewhat unbelievable to say such things, at least he himself was very unbelievable at the time. Cassandra did not have the magic to attack, but even an arrow shot with the help of Mr. Bell had such terrifying power, which he found incredible.

But he was not the only one who saw the arrow. Kassandra who shot the arrow and Daphne who followed him to hide behind the tree to avoid the fire storm, and Raul also saw the arrow. The power.

Raul also quickly looked at Cassandra and Daphne, hoping they could help talk.

"Yes, deputy captain, the arrow shot by Cassandra was very powerful."

Noticing Raul's eyes asking for help, Daphne did not hide back. After all, the power of that arrow was indeed great.

"At that time, Senior Raul and I hid behind the big tree to avoid the fire storm generated by the arrow, which even made the air very hot in a short period of time. After the fire storm passed, we saw within sight All the trees were burned down, and large amounts of lava appeared on the ground."

"Although Cassandra and I have never seen the power of the deputy captain's attack magic, that arrow is indeed terrifying."

After Daphne finished speaking, she used her elbow to nudge Cassandra, who was grabbing her clothes nervously.

"Cassandra, please tell me how you feel."

As he spoke, he pushed Cassandra forward.


Seeing that she was pushed to the front and stared directly into the eyes of the group leader and deputy group leader, Cassandra's little social fear was amplified a lot. Suddenly being stared at by so many people, she suddenly Zi was a little speechless.

Finn saw Cassandra's restless look and immediately spoke out to comfort her:

"Cassandra, don't worry, we just want to know how you were feeling at that time. It doesn't matter if you can't explain it at once. Speak slowly. If it doesn't work, just take your time and see what happens next. 11

After hearing what the leader said, Cassandra's uneasy mood was somewhat controlled. Just looking at so many pairs of eyes with curiosity, Cassandra controlled her emotions a little and still expressed her feelings.

"That arrow was enchanted with flames on the bow. The flames on the bow were attached to the bow when the bow was attached. After that, Mr. Bell gathered the wind at the tip of the bow and arrow, and the concentrated object shot out by the bow At that time, the wind from the arrow tip will spread and be completely ignited by the flames on the bow and arrow."

"I...have never seen the deputy captain's magic, but that arrow made the ground begin to melt."

"I myself... fell to the ground after shooting that arrow."

Cassandra was a little embarrassed to add the last sentence. After all, she shot an arrow and fell directly to the ground, which was really a bit embarrassing.

Listening to Cassandra's detailed description of the arrow, Finn smiled and nodded.

"You fell down because that arrow was so powerful. After shooting that arrow, Cassandra, how did your hand feel?"

"My hand is okay... Before, shooting an arrow with the wind attribute directly attached to the bow would make my hand very sore, but since the attribute is attached to the bow, it won't have much impact on the opponent.

"It seems that Mr. Bell also changed some usage directions during the experiment."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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