I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 30 Requests As A Friend

"God-sama... Your request is really too much."

Bell, who was standing behind, couldn't help holding his forehead. In fact, before he came, he had blocked this kind of thinking of Lord God. The god He Faith is the god of forging, and the forging skills he masters cannot be matched by any craftsman in this era. Wanting to ask a god to help build a weapon, to be honest, even Bell, who is a transmigrator, has never had such an arrogant idea.

This is not a big heart problem, it is simply a big face.

Although Bell estimated that as long as it was a request from the god-sama, He Faith would roll his eyes and agree to it after he was overwhelmed. Even after the fact, he just asked Lord God to pay for the material cost of the original work. But Bell still felt that Lord God's request was a bit too much.

"If it wasn't for the god-sama who really had a lot of face, we would have been kicked out by now, right?"

Bell was a little worried, and at the same time once again felt that Hestia's face was really great. Many gods in the heavenly world know each other and have a good relationship. Even the God of Forging gave a lot of material help because of that friendship. It must have been a friendship that couldn't be more sincere, and at least Bell would never treat anyone so well.

He Faith Tos took a deep breath, facing Hestia's request, she silently came to this guy. The eye that was not covered by the blindfold revealed speechlessness, depression, and a desire to show this idiot some color. Spreading her hands, she directly pinched Hestia's cheek.

"You are the one who dared to talk to me like this in the whole of Orali. He even called to help you build weapons. You can ask other family members, is there any master god who dares to ask me like this? Even Orali's double Neither Wang Freya nor Loki would make such a request. You really dare."

Hestia, whose cheek was pinched, was still smiling. Of course, she knew the value of He Faith Tos's shot, and no god had ever called He Faith Tos to help build a weapon. Hestia didn't think that she, as a god, could ask He Faith toss like this, but she made this request in another capacity.

"Because, He Faith Toss is my best friend."

That's right, Hestia also knows how to play the friendship card.

Hestia knew that as a god, it was not easy to ask Hefaith to do this. But she did not make this request as a god, but as a friend of He Faith Toss to ask He Faith Tos to help build a weapon.

He Faith Toss was slightly taken aback. That's a really good reason, and it doesn't get any better than this. Not a request made as a god, but a request as a friend.

"This is a good reason. As a friend's request, it would be too outrageous for me to continue to refuse. Then Hestia, I will accept your request. But don't forget, the forging fee of the weapon is indispensable. "

"Well, definitely not less."

"Then let's start now."

He Faith Tos glanced at Bell who was standing behind. The arrival of this child really brought a lot of changes to Hestia, and it only took two days. Hestia has also become the parent of a family, and there are more things to consider.

He Faith turned around with a smile, turned the hanging ornament on the wall behind him, and the wall immediately made a "click" sound.

The secret room behind this studio has been opened.

Inside is the craftsman's workbench, and the fiery fire is still scorching hot. There are hammers made of different spar on the wall next to it. It should be used as an auxiliary for forging. Different hammers use different spar, and different hammers also have different functions.

Those dozens of different types of hammers did not look like ordinary goods. Bell doesn't know much, but his eyes aren't drawn either. Can Forge God's Workbench Be Simple? If it is really simple, is this still the god of blacksmithing?

"Is this...the work place of the God of He Faith?"

Bell, who saw this room for the first time, also had a lot of emotion in his heart. What he didn't seem to agree to, was so easily agreed by God He Faith Toss. Although he also has to take on the debt of weapons, Bell knows that this debt is definitely the most worthwhile.

Bell doesn't really expect anything from weapons. He chose the road of steady development, not the road of one step to the sky. The key is to accumulate your own capital little by little. Too powerful weapons will often bring great convenience, but will also make people lose their fighting spirit.

So Bell decided from the beginning that a weapon that could cut through the flesh of a monster would be enough. First-grade weapons also need to wait for their own strength to meet the conditions before they can be used. It is not that he uses weapons to kill monsters, but that he has the strength to kill monsters.

Of course, the more important point is that Bell's heart is not big.

"Obviously I didn't have any thoughts, but it still appeared."

Bell couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He Faith Tos noticed Bell's mood at this moment, and she asked slightly strangely.

"Why, Hestia begged you for a weapon that I forged myself, you still don't look very happy?"

"He Faith Toss is joking. As a mere mortal, I don't have such extravagant thoughts. The Lord God has asked for a weapon from you, which is like a dream to me."

That sounds right. He Faith Tos is not arrogant either, the weapons she made are definitely the first-class products that all the family members compete for in Orari. And she doesn't usually build weapons for a family member, this is the only time.

After all, as the main god, she also has her own restraint. The weapons she forged will not compete with those children for business, nor will she show off her forging skills that have reached the top. If it wasn't for Hestia's request as a friend today, she would never have accepted this commission easily.

There is nothing wrong with saying these words from a rookie adventurer. Then He Faith Tos wanted to know even more, why the child still looked melancholy. He Faith Tos was even more interested and then asked.

"Then why aren't you happy yet?"

"God Hefaith Toss, because I was thinking, can I really have such a weapon now? But I am a new adventurer, but I am holding a weapon made by the High God Hefaith Toss. I have no idea. Doubtfully, this weapon is undoubtedly Orari's strongest weapon. But I'm just a Lv.1 adventurer."

No matter what the good words are, they will be very pleasant to listen to, even if it is a god. He Faith glanced at Bell, there was a part of compliment in those words just now, but the child was right. But what is more valuable should be that this child thinks about Hestia. This attitude changed He Faith's heart slightly, turned to look at Hestia, and then smiled.

"The main god and his family are really similar."

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