I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 3 The Center Of The World Eulary

Bell didn't dare to slow down for a moment, just lifted his footsteps and headed in the direction of Orari.

But one thing was interesting. Bell was ready to encounter monsters along the way, but he didn't even see half of the monster's legs.

This is not a bad thing, and it is also because of this blessing that he has speeded up a lot.

After crossing the plains and hills, soon came to an avenue.

Bell noticed some wheel marks on the ground. It wasn't very new. It must have been a long time ago.

Having discovered this, Bell dared not continue walking on the road.

Although he is poor enough, he is not worried that someone will rob him.

But sometimes the trouble is not just about robbery, but too much to see.

Don't watch what you shouldn't see, don't say what you shouldn't say.

Bell has always understood this truth in his heart, so he only takes out a notebook and writes a diary when he stops to eat and rest at noon to express his emotions, so as not to let himself really suffocate on the road.

Fortunately, he is not the type that likes to talk very much and is very good at talking. Sometimes shutting up and going on the road really makes him more relaxed than talking.

Bell has slowed down since he noticed the wheel marks on the road in order to avoid direct encounters with people.

Although the speed has slowed down, Bell walks a lot every day, but now he needs to pay some attention to the road.

After a few days of careful walking, Bell clearly felt on the fourth day that his body was becoming more and more adaptable to the situation, and even his physical strength became better and better, and his feet began to move when he moved. got a little faster.

The ability introduction of "personal training" Bell looked at it very carefully. It should be after fighting to get a lot of experience. This abnormal improvement of the body is really a bit strange.

But he didn't go through any battles. Where did this experience point come from?

Then, after researching the dress, Bell got the answer from the word "personal training."

The scope of "battle" is very broad, and training is also a part of combat, which is a part of accumulating strength, so as long as you are doing things to accumulate strength, you can call it a "battle" that is "prepared" properly. a ring.

Knowing this, Bell understands the perverted nature of the "precocious" skill, and it is no wonder that the protagonist with the "precocious" skill is perverted to such a degree.

That's not something ordinary effort can make up for.

The skill of "premature maturity" will become a magical skill for gaining experience if the limit is a little less.

What Bell has now is the "premature" skills that are not lost to the "one-hearted vision" in the original book, and even more extensive in application.

Of course, Bell, who understood this, did not spend his time on this skill recklessly. At least before he arrived at Eulary, Bell would not put too much physical strength, energy and time on exercise.

Bell once saw an old man in the anime say something like this, "It's very difficult to live in the forest, and it's enough to think hard about how to survive."

Spending every day on the road and paying attention to the pedestrians on the road is enough to consume physical strength and energy. If you continue to spend physical strength and energy on exercise, it will only reduce the time for rushing, or even extend it indefinitely to Orali’s. time.

Adjust the time of daily action, the closer you get to Orari, the newer the traces of the wheels on the road, and some footprints also begin to appear.

This means that passers-by have begun to pass by here.

That's when he realized that Bell started putting his time on the road at night.

Although it is risky to act on the side of the road at night, it is also a risk to travel during the day, and the closer you get to the forest, the safer it becomes. After all, there are many people, as long as ordinary monsters will not choose to approach randomly .

After a few days of driving at night, Bell's eyes began to be able to see pictures in the dark with the help of the faint light of moonlight and starlight.

This should not be a sublimated skill. It is just that he is used to acting in the dark, which makes his eyes accustomed to the dark night, and gradually begins to see the surrounding scenery, just like a small animal that acts at night.

Also because the eyes are getting used to the dark night, Bell's time spent at night is getting longer and longer, and at the same time, he is getting closer and closer to Euleri.

Moving forward cautiously every day has also allowed Bell to concentrate more in action, and his eyesight and hearing have gradually become much sharper.

Finally, after fifteen days and nights, Bell came to a place less than ten kilometers away from Orali's city. This city built on a dungeon had already appeared in front of her eyes, but because of this, the people nearby had already begun. become more and more.

"O'Larry is just around the corner. The next thing you need to do is to enter Orally, officially register as an adventurer in the guild, and then find a suitable family."

Bell also began to think about choosing a family. Finding a suitable family must be the most important thing, which is directly linked to his future advancement level.

The stronger the ability of the family, the greater the help that can be obtained in the early stage.

However, the family members are not so easy to enter, especially the famous family members on the list. If you want to enter, unless you show your ability, it is just nonsense.

Of course, with Bell's ability, he only needs to show the ability of four-dimensional space, then his entry into the "Loki Familia" is a certainty. You must know that the skills related to space ability are special, and the ability to load items without an upper limit is even rarer among the rarities. This ability is even more important for those family members who often go on expeditions. As long as you reduce the things you carry on your body, you can undoubtedly attack the dungeon more easily, and you can take more things from the dungeon.

However, Bell also has his own ideas. "Loki Familia" is undoubtedly a good choice, but if it is "Hestia Familia", it is also a good choice.

Hestia is obviously a very good god, and it can be said that he loves his family members very well. He is very fond of his family members in the original book, especially the "Bell" in the original book.

"It's really not easy to make a choice between a high god who loves his relatives and a very capable one."

Bell also had a headache when faced with a choice.

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