I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 24 The Amazing Number Of Drops

"Lord God, I don't need to think about these issues yet. I don't think things are at that level yet. Although leveling up is a very important thing, what I need to take is not the way of leveling up that people know about, but the way of leveling up. An unknown upgrade path. Even if you want to upgrade, I think it's best to rely on my personal ability to do it."

Bell had decided from the start that even if it was an upgrade, it was best not to let anyone know about it. Your own level can be falsely reported. False reporting is of course not to report one's own level up, but to report one's own level down.

Of course, the other side is love.

Remember that human love is often the hardest thing to pay off. Once Lord God owes favor to God Loki, the entire family will face the threat of being dominated by the Loki family. And to owe such a favor just for his promotion from Lv.1 to Lv.2, Bell felt that it was not worth it. Moreover, this favor will also affect one's own hidden thoughts, so it should not be done.

"But Bell, it's very dangerous for you to challenge a stronger monster by yourself. If you have Loki's family watching you, at least you'll be a lot safer."

"Safety is safe, but what should be exposed and shouldn't be exposed will be completely exposed. And next time, Lord Shangshen will return the favor, or Lord Shangshen will really show support when he faces God Loki next time. I can't stop."


Hestia almost thought of the scene where she couldn't raise her head. To be honest, she didn't want to go to that nasty guy Loki at all. Even though he is so great, it is unbelievable that he has to bow his head to that flat. Is she willing to do this for Bell's safety, otherwise let her bow to that flat? snort!

But Bell is right, if you go to Loki, Bell's situation will be completely exposed. Considering the Bell thing, it really shouldn't be too much contact with Loki. It's not appropriate for Bell to stand in front of too many gods, at least until Bell is fully grown.

Seeing that God Hestia had calmed down, Bell continued on the topic just now.

"Lord God, I'm still in the process of accumulating, it's too early to think about my breakthrough. In addition, Lord God, today I went to the dungeon and found a piece of wisdom that can remove monsters. matter."

"and also?"

"Yeah. Actually, I didn't know why I was very lucky when I went to the dungeon. Most of the monsters on the first floor were goblins, and I only experienced the atmosphere of the dungeon on the first floor. Then, I When killing goblins, I found out that in addition to dropping magic stones, goblins also drop goblins' knives."

Hestia instantly reacted from Bell's words. I just updated the data for Bell and got the second skill, "Tian Luck", which is essentially a skill that improves luck. This made Hestia not very surprised. After all, the skills have already appeared, even if the goblins drop a few weapons, there is no problem.

He also knew something about Goblin's short sword Hestia. She had stayed in He Faith's house before, so she was naturally sensitive to things like weapons. The goblins on the first floor have very sharp knives, which are a great threat to adventurers, but if dropped, they are also quite good weapons in the early stage.

"Goblin's dagger, as I remember it, is a very difficult weapon to drop. But if it does drop, then Bell-kun will not have to change weapons for a long time. Goblin's dagger is for beginner adventurers. Very useful weapon, no need to change weapons until at least mid-tier."

Naturally Bell knew this must be a good thing. The most expensive place for beginner adventurers to spend is in weapons and potions, which are necessary to go further. Of course, he didn't have much to say. Bell knew that Lord God obviously didn't realize the problem, so he emphasized it.

"God-sama, you need to be careful. The goblins I mentioned just now don't just drop a few knives."

Hestia paused slightly. "Is there still a lot of goblin knives?" Hestia unconsciously raised such a question, but she remembered that the goblin knives dropped very rarely? Seeing Bell's emphasis on seriousness, Hestia became a little curious.

"Bell-kun, how many drops are you talking about?"



Hestia was silent for a while. Covering her face subconsciously, Hestia began to wonder if her ears had heard something wrong. After simply taking a deep breath, Hestia threw the numbers she heard just now and reconfirmed it with Bell.

"Mr Bell, what did you just say?"


"Goblin's dagger?"

Bell nodded slightly.

After confirming that it wasn't that she heard it wrong, Hestia couldn't help but screamed "Hey". Anyone who hears the number of drops will be surprised, and it is natural to even make a sound of consternation. However, after being shocked, Hestia also recovered a little from the shock.

"So many? All of them are goblin knives? Bell-kun, what the hell did you do in the dungeon today?"

The number of 284 goblin knives is too exciting. It made Hestia really wonder what Bell did in the dungeon today to drop so many goblin knives.

Bell actually didn't know what he was doing until he came out of the dungeon. He didn't enter the dungeon with any special idea today. At most, he just experienced the atmosphere inside the dungeon and prepared for entering the second floor or even the third floor in the future. Killing Goblins was because those guys appeared in front of him, and it just so happened that he also planned to hone his skills.

As for how there are so many drops. In fact, even Bell himself is not sure about this issue. He tried his best to kill the goblins when he conserved his strength. On the one hand, it is to see what level of "personal training" can be achieved, and on the other hand, it is to prepare to accumulate a sum of money that can be drawn. Who knew that in just one day, he killed so many goblins and dropped so many goblin knives.

In fact, Bell is innocent of Hestia's question.

"Lord God, I actually didn't do anything. I just wanted to kill a few goblins to familiarize myself with the atmosphere of the dungeon, collect some magic stones and make some money. Then I killed a lot of goblins without realizing it. A lot of goblin knives dropped."

Hestia held her chin without any help. Although she is a god just starting out for Orari, she knows a lot about dungeons. Of the 284 goblin knives, the worst was to encounter 284 goblins. This number is not a small number, but how can there be so many goblins on the first floor?

The number of drops is an issue, as is the number of goblins.

But Hestia was quick to put those questions aside for the time being. In any case, Bell came back safely, even if he encountered a few more goblins.

"Let's not talk about that, Mr. Bell. A few more drops are always good anyway."

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

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