I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 194 The Characteristics Of Cutting Everything Are Abnormal

Bell carefully looked at this nine-character combination, this knife is 30 centimeters longer than before, and the knife has more "nine-character mantras", which does not look like the one of the two ceremonies

Looking at the annotation, Bell reacted.

"It's not two ceremonies... It's rooted!"

"This is the nine characters in the root of the hand!"

After reacting, Bell was silent for a moment, the undoubted apex of the Moon World, the woman who watched the beginning and end of the world.

The additional characteristic of "cutting through everything" is really fatal, which is doomed to be cut directly as long as it is cut by this knife.

It would be too unreasonable if this is an ordinary "nine-character combination" with this characteristic.

But if the owner of this "nine-character combination" is the root form, then it is too reasonable to have such characteristics.

The weapon in the hands of the root type, even if it seems unreasonable, is very reasonable.

Bell paused as he looked at the nine characters in his hand that were slightly longer than before.

"Cut open the plaything... Because you see death, you can easily cut open the plaything."

"So, this nine-character combination preserves this characteristic?"

"This is really........ Perverted."

Although it is not as exaggerated as direct death, as long as you see the dead line, you can slaughter 200 gods, but the characteristics of being able to cut through everything are also very powerful.

At least Bell won't have to worry about armor breaking in the future.

But Bell also sees another point.

"Sure enough, as long as it is full of dresses, it will give me a huge surprise, and this time is no exception."

The characteristics of "cutting through everything" and "not bad" are already doomed This "nine characters and determination" in Bell's hand can stand at the highest point in this world.

"Breaking defenses with nine characters, poisoning with Xu Della's dagger, and high-speed combat with Hestia's blade, almost made up for all my weapons for combat."

The weapon's ceremonial equipment complements Bell's need for weapons.

Concept dresses and heroic cards complement Bell's need for strength.

Now Bell has grown up little by little with the help of that part.

However, after more contact, Bell still feels that those concepts and heroic spirits are a group of perverts.

"Then it's time for testing."

Glanced at this tenth floor.

Bell was surprised to find that not even a single adventurer could be found.

"It's really strange that there isn't even an adventurer on the tenth floor."

If you look at it this way, Bell reacted, and there didn't seem to be many adventurers on the road (badd) just now, not at all like an ordinary dungeon.

"Is there any event or celebration on earth today?"

Bell remembers Miss Aegina saying that a "monster festival" has recently begun, and even told him to avoid the Ganesha family who hunt monsters in the dungeon.

But after coming to the dungeon, Bell never found the figure of the Canisa family.

I don't know if the monsters of the "monster festival" have been captured, or if the monster capture has not yet begun.

After thinking for a while, Bell suddenly got a possible answer.

"Could it be that God Loki and the Apollo dependents have officially gone to war?"

In fact, yesterday Bell had already heard the news that Lord Loki had declared war on the Apollo family.

But that is just a declaration of war, not a direct announcement of the start of a "war game".

"Isn't it so fast?"

Even if war is officially declared, the "war game" between two dependents will take a certain amount of time to prepare, why start now?

Shaking his head, Bell didn't let himself think any longer.

Whether the Loki and Apollo dependents started the war today has little to do with him now.

If the war really started so soon, it means that Loki God is really an impatient.

Throwing away the jumbled thoughts in his head, Bell quickly locked in his goal with the enhanced nine-character combination in his hand.

The half-orcs who were ambushed in the misty forest suddenly stood up.


It is natural to smell the smell of raw people at such a close distance, which makes all the surrounding half-orcs stare in the direction of the smell of raw people.

A dark shadow soon appeared in the thick fog, which made all the orcs who noticed pick up the mace beside them.

As the black shadow got closer and closer, all the half-orcs rushed forward with roars and maces.

The half-orc who rushed to the front had already smashed down with a mace.


Before the mace was completely smashed, a sword light flashed, directly splitting the mace and the half-orc's hand longitudinally.

Green blood was sprinkled all over the earth.

The pain of arriving late made the half-orc hiss uncontrollably.

Because the magic stone in the center of the body was not directly cut off, the half-orc was still alive, but the pain made the monsters wail.

In the center of the split arm, where the blood was not soaked, a figure in a cloak and holding a long knife stood there.

The smell of the living made the surrounding half-orcs rush up quickly.

Instead of fear of the painful wails of his companions, he rushed forward with a killing instinct.

The orc swept away with a mace.

The figure holding the long knife did not dodge at all, or even use any skill, and met the mace and slashed it.

There was no sound of weapons clashing, and the long knife was like a knife on the cream, almost at the same time as the collision, the mace had been cut without pause.

"Cut through everything... It really looks like the effect of the Demon Eye of Straight Death."

"This effect is simply brutal when placed on the nine characters and fixed."

Bell couldn't believe that the effect just now was caused by the nine characters in his hand.

The quality of the half-orc mace is not bad, the last time Bell exercised here, he didn't cut the mace so easily with the nine characters and fixed, but this time it was so easy.

"The full treasure characteristics of nine characters are inevitably too strong."

Originally, Bell only used the nine-character combination as his ordinary weapon, who knew that this game would suddenly become a strategic weapon today.

"This should be the effect of seeing through death at the root."

"None of those dead lines can stand in the way."

As we all know, the dead line cannot stop any kind of attack at all.

Once the dead line is hit, there is only one dead end.

But Bell looked at the two half-orcs whose hands were cut off, and it was clear that the two half-orcs were not cut to death.

Bell's amazing eyesight can see that the muscles of the cut open wound are still twitching, and even the flesh and blood are still slowly closing, but not the unreasonable regeneration, but an instinctive means of stopping the bleeding.

But is it still possible to stop the bleeding of the severed dead line?

Therefore, Bell can be sure that the effect of this knife just now is not to cut off the dead line, but to have the effect of cutting the dead line and cannot be defended.

"Only the effect of cutting through everything is enough."

Bell is not a greedy person, and it is already very against the sky that the nine characters have such an effect.

"I just don't know if it has such an effect on those weapons with "not bad" characteristics."

This is something Bell is curious about.

PS: Please collect... Ask for flowers.......... Ask for reviews.

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