I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 191 Efforts to win respect

"This time it turned out that Loki attacked Apollo, is that guy Apollo okay to provoke Loki? 99

"It's not that it's not that, just like Apollo's cowardice, he will be fine to provoke Loki?"

"So...that's right.

Shenhui, a tea party held by the gods of Orari every period of time.

It's like friends who haven't seen each other for a long time and everyone finds a time to get together and have a meeting to chat about the latest gossip and interesting things.

But everyone gathered today is not for a tea party, but to talk about Loki's war against Apollo this time.

It's just that all the gods know that Apollo and Loki's war game is just a cutscene.

There are so many Lv.5 and Lv.6 on Loki's side, picking up an Apollo who has only one Lv.3 is simply a casual hit.

Not to mention Lv6, let's just say that those L "Seven Zero Three" v.5s are enough to fly the entire Apollo family.

"Then what does Loki mean by staring at Apollo? It can't be fun to target Apollo, right?"

"That's not the case. According to Loki's character, she must have her own purpose for attacking Apollo. Didn't that guy grab a purpose when he tossed us in the heavens? This time is definitely no exception."5

"Tossing us in Celestial Loki just because she needs toys?"

These words of dialogue expressed the sorrow in the hearts of many gods.

Many gods in the heaven have been tossed by Loki. The title of "Evil God" is not a respectful title, but a proxy for Loki's own character.

In other words, in the lower realm, the situation is much better, and there will be no practice of treating all gods as toys as in the heavenly realm.

Today's Freya was sitting in the front row in a white dress, and she heard all the voices of the gods around her, so she was waiting for Loki to reveal the reason.

"What kind of information did that kid give Loki?"

Freya, who thought so, became even more interested.

The two gods who are the protagonists of this "War Game" have already sat on the white jade seat in the center.

That is to allow the two gods to have a "war game" negotiation under the witness of many gods.

After all, the opening of "War Game" is the appeal between the main gods.

Then, listening to the attitudes of the two main gods in this game called "scenario" is the most interesting place for all the gods present.

Lokin's aggressive gaze fixed on Apollo, and he was sweating coldly when he saw Apollo.

The bad memory of being tossed to death by Loki in the heavenly world once again appeared in front of Apollo's eyes, and now facing Loki's squinting eyes made him feel uncomfortable.

"Then, be the first to explain that if I win this game, I will take all the property of your family, as well as your two children."

Apollo naturally heard the same words, but at the moment Loki's statement is a bit vague, he must let Loki speak clearly here, otherwise this crazy woman will definitely punish him.

"Which two children? Make it clear first."

Loki understood what Apollo meant almost at the same time, but she didn't really mind the question.

After all, what she wanted was not Apollo's plaything, but a real talent.

"Daphne Laros and Cassandra Illion, these two kids are all I want.

Hearing the names of these two children, Apollo, was really relieved in my heart.

Loki wasn't lying about this, at least.

"Secretary, write down these words.

Just in case, Apollo still reminded the clerk who was next to make the appointment record.

"What if I win?"

"Then I will promise you any conditions.

Loki made this condition very rudely, because she knew that the gap in level was too obvious, and Apollo would not have any hope of winning at all.

"So what kind of duel format is used?"

As for the question of how to lose, Loki directly threw it to Apollo.

This made Apollo disgusting enough.

He's not stupid, of course, he knows that no matter what form it takes, it's a rhythm that needs to be completely smashed.

However, Apollo, who had been disgusted once, really didn't want to continue to lose face.

Even if it is destined to be smashed, he has to fight for it a little, and don't really lose his face in the end.

"How is the offensive and defensive battle?"

"Oh~ I don't have any opinion, but in the case of offense and defense, the only person who will lose face in the end is you.

"Who said you're going to have an offensive and defensive battle with your entire family!"

Apollo was not stupid, and naturally he would not think that he had any advantage in offensive and defensive warfare. . . .

Whether it is the attacking side or the defending side, he is bound to be the one to be crushed.

The reason why he still chooses offensive and defensive battles is because he still hopes to show the bravery of his children a little.

At least some dignity can be saved at the very end.

"Your family has 3 Lv.6 and 4 Lv5, and a group of Lv.4, no matter how you think my children are not opponents. 99

"Therefore, Loki, I demand a limit on the number of your kin.

When the entire family is facing each other, it is an egg hitting a stone, but if the individual of the Loki family is facing his entire family, at least his family will not be seen as broken goods at the touch of a touch, and some dignity will be restored.

"Well, it's not impossible."

Loki shrugged slightly at Apollo's suggestion but agreed.

"My family only sent two people, but because my family only sent two people, they acted as the attacker.""

"Two people……"

Apollo murmured in his heart that it was better to be alone, but he also knew that in front of Loki it was better not to take an inch.

Anyway, it's a result of losing, and two people are at least much better than dying in the hands of one person.

However, Apollo still raised one more condition.

"In a war game, neither of us can use any auxiliary props.

This is a superfluous restriction.


Apollo naturally knew that this would be unfavorable to his side, but it could be regarded as a limitation for Loki.

Injuries in a head-on confrontation are inevitable.

If there are only two enemies, then as long as his children organize the order of battle, even facing the Loki Familia can cause some damage and trouble.

If Loki's family's children can take some damage after the "War Game" is over, then his family will not be ashamed.

After all, the gap between levels is too large, and this gap is even too obvious.

Even if it's just causing some damage, it's a salutation.

Loki glanced at Apollo and pursed his lips slightly, but did not object to this condition.

"Okay, then both parties cannot use auxiliary props."

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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