I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 186 Two goddesses and one man

"Boom boom!

Meeting Bell's eyes, Hephaestus' heartbeat stopped for half a second.

Looking at those blood-red eyes, a strange emotion suddenly rose in her heart, which made Hephaestus take a step forward unconsciously, compressing the close distance.

The hand that was holding Bell's face turned into a holding, and Hephaestus' face kept approaching downward with the advantage of her height.

"Cough cough!!!"

The very deliberate coughing abruptly interrupted the next thing to continue.

The interrupted Hephaestus's heart tightened, and she turned her eyes to see Hestia whose eyes were completely red.

Hephaestus did not expect to be seen by Hestia at this critical time.


Hestia's ghostly voice made Hephaestus's back feel a little cold. "Seven Zero", especially with Hestia's increasingly red eyes, is even more deterrent. .


This made Hephaestus' eyes, who had done bad things in a guilty conscience, become more stray.

Hestia, who was in charge, strode over with amazing momentum.

How "lying" is Hestia's mood right now.

My best friend came to my house early in the morning, not to chat with myself, but to hook up with my children, and even started it directly.

If it wasn't for her curiosity because Bell suddenly woke up, she wouldn't have seen such a "wonderful" scene.

Almost made the blood vessels in her forehead burst.

He looked at Hephaestus in front of him with a smile that was almost impossible to laugh at.

"What were you doing just now?

"What do you want me to say?"

Hephaestus was also a little embarrassed. After all, in the situation just now, she really couldn't control her emotional agitation, and couldn't help but want to respond to this emotional agitation in the way of a goddess.

But she didn't expect that the scene just now would be seen by Hestia.

As the male protagonist of this incident, Bell is actually a little embarrassed.

After all, he didn't expect that Hephaestus would suddenly do such a thing.

What he didn't expect was that this scene was really seen by the Lord God.

"The Lord God is actually..."

"Don't talk, Mr. Bell, I will really cry! 35

Hestia, who was still full of momentum just now, was really tearful when she turned her head to face Bell. Obviously, the scene just now was too exciting for her.

This made Bell, who wanted to say a few words, shut his mouth completely.

Although he really didn't take the initiative just now, as far as the relationship between him and the God of Hephaestus is concerned, it is absolutely okay to say that he took the initiative.

But now that the Lord God is like this, even if he wants to say it, he can't do it.

Bell was sure that if he said so, Lord God would definitely cry.


Hephaestus, who was a little guilty in her heart, turned her eyes back, of course she wasn't going to really develop an underground romance with Bell.

Did the goddess's love affair take place underground?

"I am indeed in love with your child. 39

"You...you have the nerve to say that!?"

Tears filled Hestia's eyes when she said this.

"As my best friend, you picked up a hoe and pryed my corner!"

"It's clear that Mr. Bell's first kiss was not mine, and it was stolen by you."

Bell couldn't help turning his head on this topic, talking about the kiss with Hephaestus God, maybe it was really the first kiss in his two lives, and now thinking of Bell's face, he felt a little feverish.

Hephaestus noticed Bell's flushed face, but she was very surprised.

"So, yesterday was Bell's first time."

Looking down at Hestia's excited look, Hephaestus somewhat understood the reason.

No wonder Hestia, who had a good relationship with her, jumped up and looked like she was going to kill.

If she fell in love with her own child, and had a clear relationship with her own child, but was suddenly preempted by other gods, Hephaestus estimated that her emotions would be even more irritable than Hestia at the moment.

And this made Hephaestus even more embarrassed.

"Hestia...I didn't know you would be so slow..."

Hephaestus didn't expect Hestia to be so conservative, and she often said Bell's good in front of her, but she still hasn't started.


Hestia was really about to cry when she said this.

"Who is slow! Me and Mr. Bell have just started, how can it be as fast as you think!"

"I don't know if I haven't dated Mr. Bell yet?

"Don't you know that the blessings of the goddess should be sent out in a more romantic atmosphere?"

If he hadn't paid attention to these atmospheres, Hestia would definitely have sent her blessings to Bell on the day the relationship was confirmed.

When she thought about it, she regretted it.

In fact, if she sent her blessings earlier, wouldn't there be so many things?

God knows that the good friend around her stopped striking the iron, but waved her hoe, just to pry her corner.

"Originally I thought that the only person I needed to guard was Freya, who knew that the person I should guard the most should be you.

Hestia locked on Hephaestus with resentful eyes.

Of course, Hephaestus, who was stared at like this, also knew that she had done something very inappropriate.

After all, she had to admit that she had attacked Bell.

"Hestia, since things have already happened, there is no way to turn back time.

"You still know!"

Looking at Hestia's hedgehog-like Hephaestus is not angry, after all, she is the one who started the bad things.

"Hestia, you also know that our goddess's heart is forever. 35

The bulging Hestia did not speak, but turned her eyes to other places.

Hephaestus was not in a hurry to talk to Hestia all at once.

"We have unlimited time, but the children we meet have limited time, so the love of gods and children from the lower world is often just a sad wish."

"The only way is to give our beloved children an unlimited 0.5 time.

"But ordinary children can't do it, even our gods can't do it. Only a few children have this qualification."

"And Bell is the kid who qualifies."

The level of Lv.10 means that it is a demigod, and it can also be called a god without power.

Among the children of the Nether, the only one who is closest to this level is the "Empress".

Unfortunately, she lost everything in the battle against the black dragon.

And the next child who is eligible to reach Lv.10, Hephaestus, thinks Bell is the only one.

But this made Hestia puff up.

"That's why you pry at my corner?"

Hephaestus shook her head slightly.

"That's why I put my future in Bell.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

PS: The state is much better today.

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