I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 180 Hestia's Blessing

"Ha... the heart of the goddess is forever, I forgot that there is still such a situation."

As a goddess, Hestia, who is known as a virgin in the heavenly world, knows this best.

The goddess is not easy to change, and once the change occurs, it is forever.

Of course, this rule refers to most goddesses, and goddesses like Ishtar are the exceptions.

Because there are really not so many goddesses in the heavens - being a bus.

Therefore, Hephaestus, whose right face was healed, must be heartbroken. Before joining her, Hephaestus also began a reckless pursuit.

"Ah! Why is it Hephaestus who robbed me!""

The troubled Hestia lay directly on her bed.

If it was the other goddess Hestia, she didn't have to worry so much. Those goddesses who came with a purpose, she believed Bell would definitely see it.

But Hephaestus was an exception.

The other goddesses staring at Bell definitely have bad intentions, but the problem is that when Hephaestus stares at Bell, it is absolutely heart-wrenching.

Now this situation is giving Hestia a headache.

"If it's a few decades, you won't come to snatch it with me... Well, if you knew about this, you wouldn't tell Hephaestus."

Now Hestia regretted telling Hephaestus about it.

It might be better to wait until Bell reaches Lv. 10. At that time, there is no way for anyone to intervene between her and Bell.

But it's obviously still worse now, and isn't Hephaestus stuck in?

"Mr. Bell..."

Thinking of such a situation, Hestia looked at her child with tears in her eyes.

This scene left Bell not knowing what to do.

"Lord God, this matter may have developed in a very complicated direction."

"You know, huh. 35

Hestia hummed angrily and turned her head away from Bell.

Lord Shangshen was obviously angry, but looking at Lord Shangshen's back, Bell couldn't think of any coaxing words at all.


Before Bell could think of a way to coax him, Hestia, who had turned her back, let out a whimper, and turned her head slightly resentfully to look at Bell, who was completely motionless.

"Mr Bell, why don't you come to coax me?

"Lord God... I don't know what to say at this time?"

Bell also knew he had done that kind of thing, but the problem was that he really had no experience in it.

More importantly, he didn't even know how he was on two boats.

Seeing the anxious and depressed look in Bell's eyes but still not moving, Hestia's bulging face disappeared.

"Then first, what did Hephaestus say to you today? What did He do?"

Hestia also knew that there was no point in talking about what had already happened.

Just like the meaning of Hephaestus that Bell conveyed just now, for the goddess, the heart is forever.

By the time the goddess was ready to act, it was already a situation that was destined to not change.

It is because of this that Hestia is very afraid that her child will be targeted by Freya.

Once her child is targeted by Freya, with that woman's ability, she will definitely use all means to grab Bell from her hands.

"Fortunately, Bell doesn't like to be in the public eye. Otherwise, if she is constantly being targeted by Freya, she will really have such thoughts."

"Although Hephaestus is still eyeing him."

Thinking of this, Hestia couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Is there anything worse when your best friend prys on your corner?

"calm down."

"Hephaestus is not wrong either, my time with Mr. Bell will definitely not be only a few decades."

Although Bell has not fully grown up yet, in terms of Bell's "ability value", he is definitely a child who can grow up quickly in the dungeon.

Maybe it's still too far from Lv.10, but if there is a Loki Familia as a foreshadowing in the short term, there won't be much problem until Lv.6.

As for the subsequent level, that is the subsequent growth.

However, Hestia was more convinced that after reaching that level, Bell would have more means and methods to find a way to increase his level.

"Can I talk about this?"

Even if Bell doesn't understand emotions very well, he understands that he really can't tell what happened today, or else the rhythm of the god-sama will explode every minute.

After thinking about it, Bell still thought of a rhetoric.

・・・・For flowers・・・

"God Hephaestus talked to me today about his relationship with me.

Hestia's mouth twitched slightly, she tried her best to soothe her emotions, but even so, she felt like she was being greened when she heard those words.

"And I said something about the blessing of the goddess."

"Goddess' blessing!? 35'

Hestia instantly felt that there was a green grassland above her head.

Her own child, even she was reluctant to start eating immediately, but now Hephaestus ate the first bite.

"Hephaestus, even I haven't done it yet!"

Hestia is very regretful now. As the main god, she didn't even eat the first bite of her own child, which made her feel depressed to the extreme.

The blessing of the goddess is the blessing given by the goddess to the children of the gods, and it is also the most intuitive expression of love.

Now she has not given the blessing to the goddess Bell, and was taken away by Hephaestus.

She hurriedly sat up and jumped onto Bell's body.

"Mr. Bell, I also want to give you the blessing of the goddess."

Because of the sudden action, Bell's consciousness temporarily paused for a moment, but in such a moment of effort, Hestia succeeded directly.

Soft lips were easily imprinted deep in Bell's consciousness.

This moment stayed for a long time, and Hestia slowly opened her eyes.

However, Hestia needs to emphasize this issue at this moment, and she must not let other foxes succeed in the future.

"Mr Bell, this is my blessing. Year

After all, she and Hephaestus still knew each other, and her mood was not completely unacceptable.

Now Hestia is more worried about the goddess staring at Bell, but Hestia, the child of the lower world, is not so worried.

Hestia was the only one who could accept Hephaestus.

At least it's easier to accept than Freya.

Otherwise, another vixen would jump out, and her nerves might not be able to hold on.

"Also, in the future, you have to remember well not to let the goddess bless you casually.

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

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