I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 173 Thank You to Miss Aegina

"Mr. Bell, you need to be careful when you go to the dungeon recently."

After dealing with the magic stone, Aegina suddenly remembered what was going to happen recently, and she also reminded her.

"Recently, preparations for the "Monster Festival" have begun. When you go to the dungeon, be careful to run into the Ganesha family. 39

"Monster Festival..."

"Ah, Bell-kun has just come to Orari, so you don't know about this festival.

Seeing Bell's dazed look, Aegina remembered that the young man in front of her had only been in Orali for less than a month, and she immediately began to explain.

"The Monster Festival is a large-scale festival held every year by the Ganesha family.

"At that festival, the Ganesha family will domesticate the monsters captured from the dungeon in front of countless audiences. Because it is the domestication of monsters, this is rare for ordinary people in Orari picture, so it is very popular.99

Bell nodded slightly, he knew this festival, after all, this festival was a symbol at the beginning of the plot.

Aegina saw that Bell had listened, and continued.

"Because of the festival, the activities of the Ganesha clan in the dungeon will start to increase recently. If you want to hide your identity, remember to stay away from the Ganesha clan. 39

"I see, Miss Aegina."

Bell naturally listened to this advice.

Naturally, he knew the true purpose of the "Monster Festival". It was just that the guild and the Ganesha family started to vaccinate the "hereticians" at the same time.

But can the "Monster Festival" really reduce the fear of monsters among the Oralee people?

Not so.

If this is really useful, how do the people of Orari think about the monsters in those dungeons?

In the final analysis, the appearance of a "heretic child" with a monster in Oralie is a state of "grandma doesn't hurt, grandpa doesn't love".

This is like the racial problem of whites and blacks, is this Nima an easy problem to solve?

In Bell's view, the problem of "heretics" is inherently difficult to solve.

Unless someone can solve the threat of the black dragon, and then directly put the problem of "heretics" outright, and use merit to counteract the problem of "heretics", then it is possible for the people of Orari to accept the "heretics". possibility.

Therefore, this issue has once again returned to the issue of strength.

The most important thing to solve the problem of "heretics" is strength. Only those who have completely liberated this era are qualified to let ordinary people in this world accept "heretics".

This is a special right that can only be granted based on a merit called "Salvation".

It is because of knowing this that the guild and many gods know about the "heretic child", but they all know that they can't just expose this matter, otherwise the influence of this problem will destroy the reputation of a god and a family.

Glancing at Miss Aegina, Bell just lowered his hood.

"Miss Eina, you have to be careful during this time."

Those words of concern still made Aina very happy.

She is a receptionist only because she herself is not suitable to be an adventurer, and after becoming a receptionist, she is also taught to keep a distance from adventurers. But in the contact with the adventurers, I know their hard work and struggle, and I gradually want to become their strength.

However, Aegina still maintains this distance, and the only help she can give adventurers is that her work can be more careful.

"Don't worry. 35

"The guild's information is much faster than other adventurers. When I really get the news, I will definitely hide.

"It may not be enough to hide."

Here Bell was silent for a while, but still took out a special ruby ​​from the four-dimensional space.

"Miss Aegina, use it if you are in danger.

Aegina glanced at the red gem in Bell's hand, and there was a strange text on the outside, and she recognized in an instant that it was the runestone that has recently become famous in Orari.

She naturally knew that Bell was the one who created Orari's new material "Runestone".

However, Aegina did not accept it.

"Mr Bell, I'm just an ordinary receptionist, even holding this kind of runestone is not very useful. 99

Because there are many adventurers in contact, naturally Aegina also knows the function of this runestone.

Sharpening weapons, throwing fireballs that are not weak, and temporarily increasing one's own stats, these three kinds of runestones are not good enough for a receptionist like her.

Bell shook his head slightly, reached out and grabbed Miss Aegina's hand, swiped his finger on the palm of his hand, and a bloodstain appeared in Miss Aegina's hand. Then Bell placed the gem on the bloodstain, and when it was close to the blood, the rune immediately absorbed the blood, and even began to emit a faint red light.

The red light disappeared for a while, and the runestones returned to their original appearance again.

After doing the simple treatment, Bell removed the runestone and wrote a few strokes in Miss Aegina's hand.

66 "This runestone is different from the ones sold on the market."

"Only some basic runestones are sold in the market, and all runestones are one-time use. However, this runestone is different, it is a runestone that can be used multiple times. 99

"After using it once, the color of the runestone will become gray. Just put the magic stone next to the runestone, the runestone can absorb the energy of the magic stone, and it can be used again when the color of the runestone recovers.

"After using it, people around you will not be able to detect your breath, and as long as you don't take the initiative to contact people around you, no one will notice you. 39

"This runestone is the last safety device."

This type of rune itself is reserved by Bell for the God of God and God Hephaestus to avoid danger, so this is also the runestone that Bell originally set that he would not sell out.

After all, it would be very troublesome to let outsiders know about this kind of thing.

"Miss Eina, this is my thanks.

The help Miss Aegina had given him Bell always remembered.

It was worth his while Miss Aegina helped him hide it in the guild (Wang Qianhao) at first.

"Mr Bell. 35

Aegina actually didn't want to accept it, because she could hear how special this runestone was.

But when Bell said that, she was too embarrassed to refuse it.

"Then I'll take it."


This is how the human society is built.

"Miss Aegina, the use of this runestone is also different from the outside runestones. You need to make your own blood drop on the runestones. 35

Bell flips the runestone, the bottom of the runestone has a very sharp point, as long as the hand is hard, it can pierce the finger and drip blood on the runestone.

"In addition, this runestone has already been bound with Miss Aegina's blood, and no one can use it except for Miss Aegina. Miss Aegina needs to pay attention to this.

"I see."

Aegina took a deep breath and held the runestone tightly in her hands.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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