I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 171 Improvement of Skill

On the tenth floor of the dungeon, Bell stood alone in front of a group of orcs with a knife.

What Bell needs to do now is to improve his "skills" so that his "skills" can reach the level of his current strength, or even exceed it.

For Bell, the only "skill" he currently has is "Swallow Return".

But this move is associated with the understanding and cognition of the knife.

Miracles can only be done with enough understanding, Bell has always believed.

Only those who are proficient in strength and skills can hold a glimmer of hope of reversal in the face of adversity, so the "Swallow Return" move is a close-range killing move for Bell.

The existence of this trick itself has already exceeded the scope of human beings, at least normal people cannot achieve the "multi-dimensional twist phenomenon".

This move completely broke through the realm of space and time with its own skills.

"Six Eight Zero" unreasonably cut out three deadly slashes in the same space and at the same time, forming a double-teaming trend to kill the enemy in an instant.

If you want to complete this move, even if it is a "skill" that an unknown swordsman spends his entire life to complete, it is difficult to replicate this move just by standing on the opponent's lifetime experience.

To do this, the first thing you need is enough combat experience.

There is no way to take shortcuts to this point, and you can only rely on yourself to gain combat experience.


The sound of the mace whistling came from his ears.

But this time Bell didn't choose to use the thunderbolt to neutralize the attack, but relaxed his grip on the knife and touched the mace from the bottom up. Taking advantage of its own lowness, squeeze the mace upwards to block the attack with the lowest force.

Dying, that's the name Bell has heard of tricks in the past. It is a trick used to eliminate the opponent's attack power in battle, thereby reducing the attack and damage received in the battle, and even transforming its strength into its own destructive power.

But Bell doesn't know much about how to use this technique. After all, who would have thought such a day would come?

But even if you don't know how to use this skill, you still know the concept of leveraging force, and this is another skill that Bell is trying to learn now.

"Very good, the body has begun to gradually get used to this state."

Killing is a skill, and it is also a way of fighting.

This technique requires more than just the wrist, but also the strength of the whole body.

In Bell's cognition, combat is actually a showdown of the control method of power.

"It's surprising that this technique can be applied to weapons."

"No, to be precise, I am amazed myself at being able to use this skill with a weapon. J

The improvement in technique is visible to the naked eye.

Maybe it's because of the poor technique in the past that Bell feels like he's progressing very fast now. It only took a few days to think of the skill of calming down, and it was possible to apply this skill when using weapons.

But this feeling of gaining the skills has always given Bell a tinge of excitement.

The other orcs swung down at him with maces.

Bell slashed directly along the mace, which also felt astonishing power, but now it feels completely different from before, easily blocking the direct attack of the mace.


The astonishing force smashed a pile of flying stones on the ground.

At a glance, the world in front of Bell almost tends to "pause", and the long knife in his hand quickly swung down.

But it was just a knife, and the flying stone began to move quickly.

Bell just paused for a moment and then continued to swing down the long knife, cutting off all the flying stones.

"It still hasn't reached that level."

Yes, Bell didn't reach the realm of the unknown swordsman, but because of the swordsman's life, Bell's advance made the feeling cross that realm.

Even if it has been infinitely close to that field, and even felt that it has reached that field, it has only reached this field.

"Being able to see it in a short period of time has been my biggest improvement."

But this is also the limit that Bell can now achieve in the skill of "Swallow Return".

If you want to go further, it will definitely take longer, and you need to continue to improve your "skills", otherwise you will not know which year of the monkey will be when you enter that field.

With a sigh, Bell's eyes entered "pause" again, and the orcs held their mace and froze in place.

Glancing at the positions of the orcs, the long knife in Bell's hand drew a beautiful full moon, and the time returned to normal again.


The heads of the four orcs fell from the air to the ground, and a large amount of blood splattered from their necks, staining the surrounding ground red, except where Bell was without a trace of bright red......

Looking at his masterpiece, Bell exhaled slowly.

"Continuing to improve your [skill] is the key."

"The skill of stamina still needs to continue to be practiced, but the current level is not enough."

Just as Bell concluded, the sound of four people's footsteps could be heard.

"Someone is here."

However, Bell was not in a hurry to leave. The tenth floor was always surrounded by thick fog, and the visible distance was quite limited. As long as it was not too close, it would be difficult to see him.

This is the characteristic of the tenth floor, and of course it is also a place hated by many adventurers.

Because the dense fog on the tenth floor blocked the line of sight too much, the smaller orcs were hidden in the dense fog and couldn't be found unless they were very close.

Orcs call out half-orcs hidden in thick fog when they spot an adventurer.

Once surrounded by a group of orcs in the thick fog, it would really be a pity to die.

Of course, Bell didn't care what happened to those adventurers.

Adventurers are responsible for their own safety, even if they die, it can only show that the individual has not made a good assessment of his own strength.

Bell took out the Hydra dagger and cut open the Orc's body, forcibly dug out the magic stone in the center of its body, and the Orc's body turned into white ash after 0.5.

The mace used by the orcs just now also fell to the ground, as well as the eyes and ears of the orcs.

After putting everything into the four-dimensional space, Bell's figure disappeared in the thick fog.

Bell, who disappeared into the thick fog, soon came to the entrance of the tenth floor, and then saw a very familiar person.

It's still that small figure, but today it has changed from a canine girl to a werewolf girl.

"Lilyluca Erd...still doing this kind of work?"

Bell glanced at it and ignored it, turned and left the tenth floor.

Adventurers are responsible for their own choices.

Whether it is luck or bad luck, the path you take is yours to choose.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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