I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 169 Meeting within the Loki Familia

An emergency meeting within the Loki Familia.

A lot of people participated, and all Lv.5 and Lv.6 participated.

Among them are the "Superman" Raul Nord of the second team, "Dame Cat" Ankitty Oldham, "Pure Garden" Alysia Forleslet, and the second team who is regarded as the future Aisha Bell card cultivated by one of the combat powers.

There is also the "fairy of a thousand" Lefiya Veredis, who was trained as the main force of the future, and Haruhime Sanjo, who was trained as the ace of the future.

The conference room was filled with the current main force and the future ace, and immediately, the main god Loki, who was standing in front, began to speak.

"Today, we went to the Hestia family and had a good talk with the dwarf's family, and then negotiated an order of nearly 1.6 billion phalis. 99


Almost all the members of the Loki Familia who did not know the truth widened their eyes.

"Lord Loki, will the expenditure of 1.6 billion phalis be too large?"

Raul is obviously a little worried about the problem of the capital chain within the family. After all, 1.6 billion is almost four-fifths of their family.

Loki naturally knew that there were problems in this regard, and the capital chain would definitely have some problems in the future, but compared to the future, this was definitely a sure-fire expense.

"Although the order this time is very large, after the confirmation of Finn and I, this is a safe and profitable business for our family.

"The list provided by the Hestia family contains the strategic materials we need, which is of great help in raiding the dungeon, and can even bring great benefits to our family.

Loki gestured to Finn with his eyes, and Finn nodded slightly and stood up from the seat next to him.

"This time, the content of our order is to replace the original expenditure on the magic sword."

"In addition to this, the purchase of corresponding magic runestones with additional attributes has also been added. Even ordinary weapons can also be equipped with corresponding attributes to increase the offensiveness of the avant-garde."

"We also purchased a lot of runestones for strengthening weapons and ourselves. In addition, we also purchased some runestones that can reconnect and regenerate severed limbs. It can greatly save the lives of all members of the clearing group. Safety and the future.""

Many members present took a deep breath.

"Can even a severed limb be regenerated?"

Ankitty was very concerned about the regeneration of the severed limb.

We all know that dungeons are dangerous places.

In the dungeon, it is good luck to recover a fate by carefully cutting off hands and feet, but what does it mean for adventurers to lose hands and feet?

This means that the adventurer's career is over, and the adventurer's adventure has come to an end.

If it is really possible to reconnect or even regenerate severed limbs, then in the dungeon raid, as long as you don't die, you can toss into death.

"It can be done.

Although he has not seen it, Finn chose to believe.

"The alliance between the Hestia family and us has been maintained for a long time, so the runestones they sell will definitely not be bad. Saying "regeneration of severed limbs" must be "regeneration of severed limbs", otherwise Hestia What will the family's business do in the future?"

Justified and convincing.

The mere fact of credibility speaks for itself.

For the Hestia family to have better business in the future, the runestones they proposed must have the effect. If you can't even do that, then there's no need to sell it.

"There's no doubt about that."

Loki also stood up with this question. Although she was very unhappy that the dwarf picked it up, she still admired the dwarf's family.

"With that kid's ability, he can do even more exaggerated things, and the regeneration of a severed limb is just a small thing.

Well, now everyone can be sure that this is a (bgaf) real news.

It's safe to say that the next time you go crazy in a dungeon, at least you have a pretty good cover.

"In addition, we also purchased a special item this time.

Finn will not say more about those idle things, and then he will explain things slowly after he gets them. Now there are so many explanations that there is no substance, and it is a complete waste of time.

But some things can be explained in detail.

"Have a space package of 5 cubic meters. 35


As a member of the second team, Raul immediately stood up from his position.

"Captain, the space bag you mentioned...is that the one I thought?"

"That's right, it's what you think.

"So, will our next expedition save us a lot of handling work? And we can get more of the dropped items from the dungeon?

"Just as you imagined."

After being confirmed, Raul's mood is like a roller coaster.

He is a member of the second team himself, and will also work as a supporter in the first team when needed, so he is very clear that the biggest reason for the low income of the family in each expedition is that there are not enough things to carry.

If there is a space pack that can carry a large number of patterns and drops back, then the income within the family will increase in a linear trend.


There were also strong fluctuations in Bert's eyes. He didn't expect that Hestia's family would be so high. Even space items that he had never heard of were brought out.

Now Burt understands a little bit why a Hestia Familiar who has just gained some fame can grow so fast.

They may have just been established, but their standards are really not low at all.

"Using the magic of the favor, the family quickly develops."

"First of all, we cooperated with the Hephaestus family, and then we allied with our family. It seems that the next step is to grow steadily."

Except for the relatively short duration, there are no disadvantages or limitations.

Why? Because the monsters in the dungeon are really unreasonable and strong.

How do runestones function? Bert knew in his heart that the temporary increase in ability value was a sure thing. Those properties that are temporarily increased are not many, but if it is said to be a temporary increase, it is really enough.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

After all, there won't be any trouble for a family to go to the Hestia family right now.

However, the Hestia Familiar's business was temporarily stable.

Under such conditions, as the only member of the Hestia family and the maker of runestones, that person also needs to start growing.

This kind of business is just needed in the whole of Orali.

Sometimes a simple runestone may be able to level the power gap when it is perceived that there is a power gap between the monster and the monster.

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