I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 159 Crazy Sales

"In addition to "weapon sharpening" and "self-reinforcing", what I personally recommend is to go to the extreme on the road of self-reinforcement. 99

"Although it is true that self-reinforcement can enhance an individual's "ability value" within five minutes, such a comprehensive improvement is too mediocre. "

"Mediocre" evaluation made Loki secretly speechless.

She knows that the improvement in all abilities is relatively mediocre, but when all abilities are increased by 200, it is not mediocre.

All abilities have been increased by 200 points, that is, the total ability value has been increased by 1000 points. This improvement is not mediocre.

Loki even felt that this promotion was a bit too much.

"A mediocre improvement can only elevate oneself to a position with a relatively high full ability value, but often the battle is not about the full ability value, but the outstanding part of the individual.

Bell has a right to speak on this point. He belongs to a special group of people with outstanding all-round ability. All the improvement of all-round ability for him can often play an unimaginable height.

However, for those adventurers with outstanding single attributes, the comprehensive upgrade does not increase that part of the ability value much, just relying on the increase of 200,670 points is actually very limited. Therefore, at this time, it is very important to continue to focus on strengthening the advantages of personal ability points.

"It's like Captain Finn should be good at the two attributes of agility and dexterity?"

Finn nodded slightly.

"Since he is good at agility and dexterity, it means that the growth of other stats in the past upgrades is relatively limited. So Captain Finn's fighting style will not be based on strength and durability, but must be based on agility. And flexibility is at the heart of the fight.

""Self-reinforcement" increases all ability points, so adding 200 points to strength and durability can give Captain Finn a lot of help?"

Finn thought about it carefully but still shook his head slightly.

"Strength and durability are important in combat, but strength and durability are not the core of my fighting style."

"The strength and durability of the little people have never been their advantages, and spending too much thought on these two aspects will not improve much. On the contrary, because of physical reasons, the movements will be more flexible and the speed will be faster. , I use more speed and flexibility in my battles.

From these words, it can be heard that the advanced adventurer will choose the fighting style according to his own ability value.

Excellent in all abilities is the representative of omnipotence, but the so-called omnipotence refers to adventurers whose all abilities are at least S.

If you can't meet this standard, you will not be omnipotent, but "mediocre".

Bell took the initiative to take over the topic.

"So, Captain Finn's fighting style is destined for him to use "self-enhancement" to enhance his own strength too much. The value added to strength and durability is far inferior to the ability value added to agility and dexterity. 99

"Thinking about this, what Captain Finn needs is a special runestone that increases both Dexterity and Dexterity. If all other stats are transferred to Dexterity and Dexterity, I think these two stats may be able to be used within five minutes. Let's add 400 points." 5

so much!?

Finn's breathing became quicker.

Perhaps the total amount of increased ability points has dropped by 200 points, but the 800 points of increased ability points are far greater than the 1,000 points of total ability increase.

The key is that if you add 400 points in agility and agility, within five minutes, Finn can guarantee that his agility and flexibility have exceeded the limit of S, and even reached the height of SS.

Loki pondered for a while, and also felt that this kind of special ability value increase was more practical than the full ability value increase.

"I also want the ability-enhancing runestone dedicated to Finn."

"And Grace and Mama's. 35

"By the way, how much can you increase if you only have magic power?

Bell briefly thought about this, and then got an answer.

(bgaf) "If the special ability value is increased, it should be able to increase by 600 points.

This improvement caused Rivilia's expression to collapse a little.

Even if there is a time limit for the promotion of runestones, as long as the opportunity of the time limit is seized, the destructive power of her magic may be doubled.

A runestone should only support her using magic once in battle.

But when runestones are often needed, one effective magic output is enough to affect the advantages and disadvantages of the entire battle.

"Okay! I want this too!"

The 600-point improvement in the special ability value is something that Loki cannot ignore.

Riveria can be said to be the most helpful to the team, and the large-scale area damage is absolutely impossible to ignore. The ability value that is increased with runestones often changes from a proportional form to an increase in magical power.

The three runestones symbolize the three trump cards of the Loki family.

What Riveria needs is the magic-enhanced runestone.

What Finn needs are Runestones enhanced by Dexterity and Dexterity.

What Grace needs are runestones with enhanced strength and durability.

"According to the principle of doubling the customization, each runestone is priced at 1 million phalis, is there any problem?

"Well, no problem.

A runestone of 1,000,000 Loki can also afford it.

"How many runestones for "purification"?

"One price, after all, "Purification" is a wide-area healing runestone, and the target of the treatment is multiple people. After the treatment, it will be added that the state will not be poisoned for three minutes. One million phalis is an absolute value. "5

This is true.

Moreover, the demand for "purification" runestones is not particularly large, and preparing ten runes is enough for an entire expedition.

"Boy, is there a runestone that can replace the power of the magic sword?"

"There are quite a few.""

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

Since the power of the magic sword is only at the same level as the fire bullet, wouldn't it be better to directly buy attack runestones?

"The timeliness will last for 15 minutes, and the price is equivalent to the power-enhanced Runestone, which is 1 million Pharis."

Loki's neck froze at Bell's introduction.

"You... even sell enchanted runestones?"

"In addition to fire bombs, there are water bombs, ice bombs, rock bombs, and thunder bombs. Of course, you can also make runestones with more power, but if you ask me, I recommend that you buy runes that directly enchant the attributes of weapons. stone.

"Of course there are. However, only one weapon-related enchantment can be used at a time, including "weapon sharpening". It is to use runestones to add additional attributes to weapons, so that relatives who do not know magic can also use magic attacks.

This time, Loki is not going to use the funds on the magic sword. After all, a million-level magic sword is about the same level as a 100,000 Pharis fire bullet.

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