I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 148 Loki: This kid is definitely seriously ill

Early in the morning, Loki came to the Hephaestus family with five children.

The person who received them was Tsubaki Cobrand, the leader of the Hephaestus family.

"Tsubaki, where's Xiao Fei?"

The purpose of Loki's visit this time is very direct, to meet Hestia's children through Hephaestus.

There are some things she needs to ask.

"Lord Hephaestus has actually been out since yesterday and hasn't come back yet."

"Ha? Xiaofei went out yesterday?"

There was a question mark on Loki's head, she didn't quite understand what happened yesterday and what Hephaestus had to do, and she still didn't come back.

Of course Loki didn't think Hephaestus went out to hide from her.

To be honest, the incident yesterday had nothing to do with Hephaestus, so how could Hephaestus go out to hide?

It's not just Loki who thinks so, Riveria, Grace and Finn all think so.

"God Loki, yesterday was the conference of the gods, you should know?"

Tsubaki glanced at God Loki strangely, this person should not be unaware of this matter.

"After Lord Hephaestus went to the Assembly of the Gods, he never came back."

Loki frowned slightly, and then his face twitched speechlessly.

"Xiao Fei won't go looking for the dwarf, will she?"

In fact, Loki had already verified his guess in his heart. After all, Hephaestus had a good relationship with Orari, and there were no other gods except the dwarf who could stay there.

But isn't this a coincidence?

She brought her children here today because she wanted Hephaestus to take them to the dwarf, but now the person she sought for help went to the dwarf ahead of time.

Tsubaki also nodded helplessly.

"I think it should be.

"The relationship between Lord Hephaestus and God Hestia is very good, and it is not impossible if God Hestia invites him after the conference of gods. 99

In fact, Tsubaki had guessed it when Lord Hephaestus didn't come back yesterday.

However, she also knew that Lord Hephaestus and God Hestia were very close, and since there was still cooperation between the family members, she did not arrange for someone to look for it.


Rocky covered his face helplessly, and the three people next to him also felt very tired. This luck is really not very good.

"Tsubaki, do you know the location of the dwarf's family?"

"Well, I do know. The Hestia family just happened to buy the land recently, and the procedures are still done through the Ganesha family."

The location Chun knows, but she also knows that the place is actually a ruin, and even if it is asked to rebuild it for the Gubonyu family, it will not be completed so quickly.

So Tsubaki didn't know if Lord Hephaestus was in the Hestia family.

"It's just that that piece of land is in ruins and needs some time to rebuild. I'm not sure if Lord Hephaestus was really there at this time. 39

Did something go wrong?

Loki felt like he was being targeted at this moment. Why do things seem to be against her?

She knew that the little dwarf's family made a lot of money by relying on runestones.

There is no problem with the little dwarf taking advantage of this time to buy land and build a base for his family.

But the biggest question is where is the dwarf now?

The base of the Hestia family needs to be built, so where are Hephaestus and Hestia going to spend the night?

"It's sloppy."

"I should have said hello to Xiao Fei before I came here, or else I wouldn't have come here for nothing."

Just when he was thinking about whether to go back and wait for tomorrow, Finn, who was beside him, suddenly spoke up.

"Tsubaki, please tell us the exact location of the Hestia family."

"Well, the land purchased by the Hestia family belongs to the land closest to the south in the city of Orari."


The specific location of Hestia's family has already appeared in Finn's mind, and the location is very close, and at the same time, it is behind Happy Street.

No wonder Haruhime and Aisha strayed into the clan of the Hestia family when they were running for their lives.

"Thank you so much, Tsubaki."

"Don't be so polite.'35

With thanks, the Loki Six left Hephaestus' family.

But on the way out, Loki looked at Finn.

"Finn, are you so sure that Dwarf and Phoebe are over there?"

"Hmm. Years

Finn is very sure of this.

"Combining what Elsa and Haruhi said before, I will understand."

Elsa and Haruhi Sanjo, who were named, were stunned for a moment, but Finn turned around with a smile and looked at the two new members.

"Didn't you say that a lot of fog started to form around you during the escape?"

The two nodded slightly.

"But Captain Finn, maybe it was an illusion we had when we were running away?"

Finn nodded slightly.

"It is indeed possible that this phenomenon will occur. When fleeing for life, people often do not have a deep memory of the surrounding environment, and even later doubt whether the sight they see is their own illusion."

"." However, there is also another possibility. "

Finn looked at Riveria, and at first glance Riveria understood.

"It's a boundary.

"The surrounding environment that Chunji and Aisha saw were real, but that was the picture they saw when they entered the enchantment after straying into the territory of the Hestia family. 99

"That's right, that's why I guess Hephaestus and Hestia are there."

"Of course, it's not just that. 35

The above reasons are just one of the reasons for this speculation. If there is another known condition, Finn will never make such a guess.

"The other thing is the character of the boy.

Loki was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly.

"So it is. 99

"Because of a very cautious personality, even an unbuilt clan is safer than the outside (of the king's)"? Indeed, this is very similar to the cautious style of that kid. 99

"The enchantment set up outside, and the character of that kid... Maybe that kid didn't even plan to let the Gubonyu family help them build a clan land.""

After getting the answer, Loki made this judgment even more.

The barrier is arranged outside, just this step is too high priority.

If there is really a plan for the Gubonyu family to build it, it will not be so early to arrange the enchantment.

It is because there was no such idea at first, so I chose to arrange the enchantment in advance.

"This kid really doesn't trust anyone."

The corners of Loki's mouth twitched slightly. She has seen many adventurers, but this is the first time she has encountered a child with such a serious illness.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

PS: It's probably because the autumn fatigue is coming, and I have been sleeping for a long time recently,

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