I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 140 The more you analyze the more problems

It's not the use of magic that imparts anomalies, so how did you bring down a group of Ishtar's followers?

"Anomaly resistance" is simply the nemesis of all abnormal states.

Because the difficulty itself may not be very high, after all, the development ability is directly related to the adventurer's experience, and some aspects that have more contact will directly reflect the development ability.

In the first few floors of the dungeon, there will be a monster called "poisonous moth", which is best at attacking with poisonous powder on its wings. If there are adventurers who are not careful, they may be poisoned. If they do not detoxify in time, the lower-level adventurers may die due to the poisoning in minutes.

That is, because poisonous moths can be encountered very early, adventurers can easily acquire the ability to develop "abnormal resistance".

Because "abnormal resistance" is not only aimed at poison, such as paralysis and sleep also belong to the category of "abnormal". Therefore, if the adventurer chooses to upgrade, then once the development ability that can be selected appears, most of the adventurers will choose "abnormal resistance".

So how did two Lv.3 adventurers with "abnormal resistance" get knocked down by a single magic?

After thinking for a while, Loki still called in Riviria and the others, and at the same time explained the situation just now.

When the three of them were unconsciously in a state of thinking, Loki also asked the same question to the three of them.

"Mom, how do you think that kid did it?"

"Who is the mother!"

After Riveria glared at Loki fiercely, she began to think about this question.

"From Elsa's description, it can be determined that the magic is indeed an abnormal state. It can incapacitate more than a dozen Lv.2 and Lv.3 unconsciously. In my memory, only the magic that gives the abnormal state can be used. can do it.

"So, he must have used some special method to avoid the "abnormal resistance".

"This is indeed a very serious problem. Most of Oralee's adventurers now have the development ability of "abnormal resistance", but if someone can avoid this development ability, it means that he has the ability to resist all The ability of adventurers to start. "

Just from this point, Riveria could see how dangerous the power that the boy possessed was.

Finn also very much agrees.

"Fortunately, that boy now has a direct connection with our family, at least we can be sure that the boy will not attack our family. Loki, what do you think? 35

"If you really stand on the opposite side, then I'm sure that kid will never show mercy. 99

Loki directly poured a pot of cold water down, she was very sure that the little dwarf's child could do extreme things.

"The last time I didn't tell you, when I went to Xiao Fei's place to talk about things, I didn't even notice that kid was sitting on my lap. The kid can't feel it.

Finn, Riveria and Grace inadvertently became solemn.

Being seated on the lap by Loki, but the client Loki didn't even know that he was sitting on a person's lap before the other party spoke, how scary is this?

That kind of hidden ability is simply terrifying beyond the ordinary, and now that the boy has avoided the "abnormal resistance" and used the magic that makes the adventurer incapacitated. So now they can be sure that the boy can face almost all adventurers below Lv.5.

Taking a look at his own head and deputy head, Loki still has some bad news that needs to be said.

"Also, that kid doesn't have to be Lv.1.


"The last time I saw that kid, his hidden ability might be a kind of magic. Considering that kid has that kind of hidden ability, it can even make adventurers incapacitated. And Elsa saw it with her own eyes. That kid used magic to cause the rock fist rising from the ground to directly kill a Lv.3.""

"Then you really think he's just a simple Lv.1?

Before this, Loki had tentatively asked, but was directly scolded by the dwarf. At that time, the reason for the dwarf was also very good. No adventurer in Orari could grow up so fast.

Loki believed it then.

However, now Loki began to doubt.

Finn had a hint of solemnity, and he knew what Loki meant when he said this.

・・・Seeking flowers 0.....

"However, he has been an adventurer for less than a month. 35

"Finn, do you think there were adventurers in the past that could avoid the "abnormal resistance" and directly make the adventurer powerless?"5

Finn's voice was stagnant, and then he shook his head with a headache.

"So Finn, don't think of that kid with common sense."

Loki sighed slightly in her heart, it was the first time she felt so tired after coming to the lower realm for so long.

"That little dwarf was so lucky!"

Now Loki couldn't help but envy the dwarf's luck.

The accepted child turned out to be such an abnormal one, purely in terms of quality, that talent even surpassed Finn and Riveria.


"Using the runestones as a springboard, we attracted Xiao Fei and us one after another, so that our three family members were directly linked together.

"That kid only showed the talent of that magic word from beginning to end, and the rest only showed his hidden abilities.

"Plus that kid's true level may already be Lv.2."

"It's just a full-scale fire." "One person directly pulled up the opening situation of the little dwarf, and Loki feels his scalp tingling in retrospect. His own level is hidden. He has everything except the magic words. Hidden. But only the magic words were taken out, and it directly generated amazing profits, even dragging her and Xiao Fei in. Loki has never seen such an abnormal lower world child in the past. Just In a sense, this child is even more abnormal than Hermes, at least Hermes is not as good at hiding as this child in a sense.

"Looks like I'm still going to meet the dwarf." With so many clues out of the way, Loki knew that it was time to have a serious talk with the dwarf.

"Aisha, Chunji, you two have a good rest today, and go out with me tomorrow.

"Finn, you stay at home tomorrow, and ask Aishan not to go to the dungeon." PS: Please collect... ask for flowers... ask for evaluation 5.

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