I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 133 Entrustment from an old friend from the outside world

"Hey! What kind of rubbish do you take me for!!!"

Hermes didn't know why his reputation in Euleri became so bad, seeing him one by one was like seeing big trouble.

In fact, no matter Mih, Hestia and Hephaestus really treated Hermes as a big trouble.

"You don't know your reputation, do you? Hermes.

Hestia looked disgusted, and she really had nothing to say to Hermes.

"As long as you're looking for someone, there's nothing good about it."

Hermes didn't know how to refute this statement.

After all, what Hestia said was indeed a fact.

However, Hermes still felt that he needed to refute, at least he was not in a state of being unpopular all the time.

"This time is different."

"Every time I look for someone, there is no good thing. That's because of the tasks that Uranos gave me, and I usually have a lot of things to do. Some intelligence investigations, some people's contacts."

"I came to see you today because of this.

Hermes directly stated his intentions, and this made Hestia a little weird.

"Find me?"

"Well, it's considered a friend who was expelled outside and asked me to do me a favor."

Hermes did not shy away from it, and the three gods immediately understood the meaning of it. They were the gods who were banished by Orari.

However, this topic is not easy to talk about outside.

Mih chose to leave first.

"Hestia, my family has something to do, so I'll go back today.


Mich walked away before Hestia could react.

"Hestia, I..."

"Come with me, don't leave me alone!"

Like a frightened wild cat, Hestia grabbed the last straw and just grabbed Hephaestus who was about to leave.

"Hermes is looking for you, why are you holding me?"

Hephaestus doesn't want to stay at all now, especially since this time she has a certain relationship with the exiled gods outside, she basically avoids suspicion if she can.

"But... but I'm only in the lower realm. What do the exiled gods outside have to do with me?"

Hestia is a bit baffled. She has only been in the lower realm for less than half a year, and she doesn't have much interaction with the gods who were exiled from Orari. Why are the gods in the outside world ready to find her?

Hephaestus paused for a moment, and then reacted, looking at Hermes with a slightly deep look in her eyes.

"Hermes, are you kidding us?

"Of course not. 35

Hermes shook his head very calmly.

"I am also ethical, and I will not joke with you."

"There are indeed gods in the outside world who ask me to pass the word to you, Hestia.

"Because I have a certain connection with him, I also accepted his commission. 35

"Hestia, I want to go to your clan's land. I can talk to you about some follow-up questions. Another question, is that child still in the family's land?""

Hestia felt a little strange and didn't know why Hermes mentioned Bell. But she still answered.

"Bell-kun went to the dungeon today."

"Going early in the morning?

"...It was indeed early in the morning. Hermes, why do you care so much about Bell-kun?

"Just to confirm just in case, some things are not suitable for family members to know.

Although Hestia has some doubts, this sentence is also correct.

Knowing too much about some things definitely doesn't do Bell any good.

But at this moment, Hephaestus, who was about to leave just now, paced back. She put one hand on Hestia's neck and looked at Hermes with her left eye, which was not covered by the blindfold.

"So, Hermes, do you mean that the outcast gods actually want you to find that child?


Hestia didn't react for a while.

Hephaestus explained patiently beside him.

"Idiot, didn't you just say it yourself? You are only a god who has only been in the lower realm for half a year, but none of the gods who have been expelled from Orari in the past six months. Then, where did Hermes come from? Did you send the message?"

"Although you know a lot of gods among the gods, and you have developed a good relationship with many gods, it is not enough that the gods you know will send you news."

"But the child in your family is different."

Hestia woke up suddenly, Bell's magic and skills might have a lot to do with the gods outside.

She didn't know much about the gods who were banished to the outside world, and the possibility of those gods coming to her was really low.

But if Bell was raised by the gods who were banished to the outside world, then the gods of the outside world would have a good reason to seek her.

Hermes, who was suddenly stared at by the two goddesses, felt a lot of pressure.

"...Why didn't you see that Hephaestus was so smart before?"

Hestia's eyes were fixed on Hermes.

66 "So, you were asked by outside gods to investigate Bell's information?"

Under pressure, Hermes nodded helplessly.

"The child is an orphan of the old friend's former family, so the old friend has always taken care of it. When the child came to Orari a few days ago, I was entrusted by the old friend to take care of the child.

"It's just that, before I started to act, the child hid himself in the dark. No matter how I investigated, I couldn't find any trace of the child.

Hermes actually didn't want to say this, but if Hestia didn't cooperate, he probably wouldn't have to think about investigating the child's information.

Now that some things have been known, Hermes doesn't mind saying more.

(Wang Zhao) "Ah, it's Bell-kun's style."

Hestia was used to hearing such words, after all, her own children's behavior was really careful. Of course, this part is not the point.

"and then?"

"...Then, do you plan on us talking about these topics in the guild?"

Only then did Hestia and Hephaestus remember that this was the gate of the guild.

Wouldn't the other gods hear what you said just now?

Just when the two goddesses were worried about this problem, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Lord Hermes, a barrier has been set up around to confirm that no one heard the conversation just now.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Asfi."

After praising the thoughtfulness of his head, Hermes continued to look at Hestia.

"Now can you find a quiet place to talk about the follow-up topic?

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

single g

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