I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 124 The Dangerous Situation of Aisha Bell Card

The Ganesha family and the Loki family cooperated to surround the Happy Street at the same time, in order to prevent the members of the Ishtar family from escaping.

Of course, the more important thing is to control the actions of the dark factions that may appear.

The current information already knows that the Ishtar family is connected with the dark faction, so who can be sure that there are no lunatics of the dark faction in Happy Street?

And there are many ordinary people with little power in Happy Street. Once a battle really breaks out here, it may cause tens of thousands of sacrifices. And such a thing is unwilling to see whether it is the Loki family or the Ganesha family.

Therefore, the two clans are carefully advancing towards the center, be sure to arrest all the members of the Ishtar clan, and confirm the existence of the dark faction.

Fortunately, there are a large number of the two family members, and the Lv.5 and Lv.4 members of the two family members are all dispatched, sweeping the entire Happy Street in an almost invincible manner.

It's just that the scale of Happy Street is very large, and it takes a long time for even two family members to act together.

And the members of the Ishtar family are resisting with all their strength.

Raul also quickly retreated from the front line and reported the information on Happy Street to Finn.

"Captain, the Ishtar family in Happy Street is still desperately resisting."

Finn was not surprised by such a result, his eyes swept over to Phryne Jamil, who had already been controlled.

637 "The news of the surrender of the head of the Ishtar family hasn't spread yet?"

"It has been spread...but the god Ishtar has also arrived at the front line, and she ordered all the kin not to surrender. 99

Finn's brows were furrowed. If God Ishtar still gave orders inside, things would be a little more troublesome.

The key is that there are too many people in Happy Street at night, and they can't just go to war on Happy Street regardless.

"Slow down the speed of advancement and try to keep every ordinary civilian safe. 35

At this time, some compromises must be made. Even if the members of the Ishtar family are really crusade, they need to be controlled, and ordinary civilians cannot really be involved.

"Where's Elsa?" 5

Raul quickly answered.

"Miss Aisha entered the interior of Happy Street from the small road, because she would not be easily suspected, so she sneaked in first to find that one."

Suddenly, Finn felt a pain in his thumb and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Raul, immediately bring people into Happy Street to find Aisha!"

"So that our people can temporarily put down the promotion, finding Elsa is the top priority!"

"Yes! I'll (bgaf) go immediately! 35

After listening to it, Raul immediately understood that Miss Aisha was in danger, and he no longer stopped, and directly led people into Happy Street to find Miss Aisha's location.

Happy Street is a place with many alleys.

People who come to Happy Street are looking for fun, so there are many buildings in Happy Street.

Some are relatively cheap and some are relatively remote, which directly results in a very complicated internal structure. If you don't walk around Happy Street often, you won't know where the alley leads.

Such a structure directly brought a lot of trouble to the Loki and Ganesha families surrounding Happy Street.

This also gives those who escape a lot of hiding means.

Between the streets, Elsa was running with a fox girl in a gorgeous kimono, and at the same time avoiding the pursuit of a dozen people around.

"Sister Elsa...

"do not speak.

The fox girl wanted to say something, but Elsa, who was holding the person, didn't want to hear it for the time being.

"Even if I let you go, it won't do anything.

"The Loki family and the Ganesha family have already surrounded Happy Street, and the fall here is just a matter of time.

"Let you go now, maybe I can escape by myself, but your ability is exposed to the gods, which is absolutely impossible."

Even though Elsa knew that the Loki family was strong and could withstand the pressure from all parties in Orari, she didn't want the child's abilities to be exposed to the gods.

Aisha, who was running, looked behind her out of the corner of the eye. The dozen or so figures had no intention of stopping, which made Aisha grit her teeth and continue to escape.

Now she can't be distracted. Once she makes a call for help, a dozen people behind her will seize the opportunity to attack directly.

"Who's coming..."

Mijono Haruhime, who was held by Aisha all the time, looked at the people behind Aisha's sister, and she immediately cried out for help.

But who knew that one of the pursuers who had been chasing after him had rushed behind Elsa.


Elsa also felt the breath behind her, but she couldn't stop. Once she stopped here, she would be surrounded immediately.

The person behind him directly punched Elsa on the back.


The huge force made Aisha almost throw Chunji in her arms, holding the force of the punch, Aisha even used the force of this punch to speed up her speed a lot.

Blood spit out from Elsa's mouth, and this scene terrified Haruhi even more.

"Sister Elsa, I...I shouldn't...called...

Tears swept across Chun Ji's face, turning her into a tearful person in an instant.

Aisha couldn't give any response, she was holding a sigh of relief now, and once she relaxed, she and Chun Ji were surrounded when they left.

"Elsa, it's almost time to give up?"

Elsa didn't mean to respond, but ran straight into the depths of the street.

Seeing that Elsa didn't respond, Amazon snorted coldly.

"I see how long you can run."

If Chun Ji was not there, she would definitely kill her.

But now is the time when Chun Ji's strength is needed. She must not attack too hard. Once Chun Ji faints, they will have no last hope.

The other Amazon girls who were chasing behind were a little unbearable to attack their former companions.

Elsa often takes care of them in the family, and even in this situation, they don't want to attack the big sister who took care of them in the past.

So they just followed behind, and didn't really plan to do it.

Under Elsa's non-stop running, she quickly passed through the periphery of Happy Street and came directly to a ruined land.

It's just that this piece of ruins has become slightly different from the past.

Chun Ji looked at Sister Aisha whose face was constantly turning pale, and her heart trembled even more.

She knows who is good to her.

But the more she did, the less she wanted people who were good to her to be in danger.

"Sister Elsa, you leave me to them."

At this time, Elsa's face was pale, and a tragic smile appeared in the mouth that spat out blood.

"Don't worry, I won't die so soon..."

But just as he was talking, Aisha, who had been suppressed because of her serious injuries, stumbled under her feet and fell to the ground with Chun Ji in her arms.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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