I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 120 The Action Begins

"Really, how can a child who has just come to Orari be so cautious?"

Hermes himself was a careful person, and among the gods, he was the one who stood in a neutral position, because any bias on either side would bring himself into trouble.

Hermes in the past had always been convinced that he was doing the right thing.

Until recently, after investigating Zeus' adopted grandson, Hermes began to wonder if he had been so annoying in the past.

I want to investigate the situation in detail, but the information I got is only the information that the child first came to Orali. Even Orali's most proud intelligence dealer doesn't have any information about the child, it's just - hell.

That is, after obtaining this information, Hermes particularly hated covert-ism.

Especially like the kid who developed concealment to the extreme, it gave him a headache.

As for the identity of that child, to be honest, once the identity of that child is exposed, it will definitely bring some trouble.

Especially let the troublesome guy Loki know, maybe things will get more troublesome.

Therefore, Hermes chose to give up.

"Then forget it."

"You gave up so easily?"

Loki stared at Hermes unwillingly.

Unfortunately, Hermes doesn't want to know that much anymore.

The child's information is very important, but Loki's side is obviously not a good choice, but Hestia and Hephaestus are the best breakthrough.

"Loki, you don't know much about that kid, do you?"


Suddenly, Hermes' words pierced through Loki's body like a sharp blade.

This is indeed the case. Loki really doesn't know what kind of specific information the dwarf's child has.

Hermes knew that Loki, the sixth child, didn't know anything about it.

If this woman knew, she would definitely not have the attitude just now.

It was just that Hermes changed his mind.

"I won't tell you the identity of that child. If you want to know, use your own strength to investigate.

"If you really investigate the identity of the child, perhaps, you won't have any doubts about Uranus' words."

After saying this, Hermes didn't stop, completely ignoring Loki's "Hey hey hey!" shouting behind him.

Seeing that slutty guy from Hermes walked away completely ignoring him, this made Loki look unhappy, but he was even more interested in the dwarf's children.

"That dwarf must have hit the jackpot."

Although Loki didn't know the identity behind the child, she understood that the little dwarf was definitely lucky, otherwise he wouldn't have collided with such a gifted child.

As for the identity behind the child, Loki estimates that he can't investigate it.

Both Uranos and Hermes were so mysterious, it would be strange if the identity behind the child was not encrypted.

At least ordinary gods think that it is unrealistic to investigate.

Loki believed that with the attitude of Hermes, the identity of that child was definitely the highest level of encryption.

"But in that case, it's not too bad for me to form an alliance with the dwarf."

Although the alliance does not mean that the relationship between the two clans is closely connected, this layer of alliance will last forever until one party breaks it.

And with this level of relationship, when the time comes, you can go to the little dwarf and Xiao Fei to talk clichés, and maybe you can really get some useful information.

Of course, now Loki has no time to think about this.

Now she has just agreed to Ouranos' request, and what she needs most now is to find the passages connecting the dungeons as soon as possible.

After walking out of the basement and outside the guild, Loki immediately gave an order.

"Uranos has agreed to my request, the guild will cooperate with our investigation of the dungeon, and at the same time find the passage connecting the dungeon as soon as possible."


"Yes, I have arranged it, Loki God.

Before Loki finished speaking, Royman stood up with a low profile.

At this moment, he did not have any arrogance at all, but put his posture to the lowest point, and even Loki was surprised by that humble appearance.

Immediately, he asked Riveria with his eyes.

"Mom, what did you do?"

.....for flowers 0....

Riveria's eyelids twitched, and she rolled her eyes away.

"Is this the time to talk about these things?"

Loki slapped his forehead and quickly restrained his thoughts. Now is not the time to think about these things.

"Rivelia, you are also ready, and you may have to meet the people of the dark faction in your search.

"I know. 35

In fact, Riveria is not very worried about directly confronting the people of the dark faction, but no member of the high-level dark faction will do such a low-level thing, so this time it is difficult to compete with the powerful dark faction. members of the match.

Riveria immediately went with the members of the guild to find a way to connect to the dungeon.

After making all the arrangements, Loki did not continue to participate.

There is basically no room for her to play in the follow-up work, and it is best to leave the work of finding channels to Riveria.

"The next step is to wait for Grace's side and Riveria's side to find the underground passage quickly."


Suddenly, a loud noise was heard in the suddenly quiet guild, which directly attracted Loki's attention.

She leaned over to the window and glanced at it, and the roar in the distance brought a piece of dust, which made Loki standing here to see it very clearly.

Loki noticed the roar outside Orari.

"It seems that Grace's side is moving faster."

Only Grace can cause the movement outside Orari.

Usually, adventurers of Orari are not allowed to go out casually. If they want to go out, they need serious documents before they can go with them.

At this time, the only person who can go outside is to find Grace of Ganesha.


The second roar soon came, but this time the source was inside Orari's city.

A more accurate place is on the periphery of Happy Street.

"It seems that the resistance on Ishtar's side has also begun."

A cold smile appeared on Loki's face.

"Ishtar, it seems that you found it a step too late."

"I have nothing against you, but for that child, you must be sent back to the heavens this time."

PS: For collection...for flowers...for evaluation 5.

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