I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 118 Heroes Springboard

At the same time, Loki brought Riveria to the guild.

Loki looked at the fat man who was holding him back.

"Royman, I want to see Uranus.

Royman Madil, who was blocking Loki's advance, kept wiping the cold sweat on his head, and glanced at the "Nine Demons" next to him, and he was even more shocked by the attitude of Loki's god in his heart.

"Lord Loki, it's very late today, Lord Uranos has...

"Royman, you should understand what I said, I said... I want to see Uranus!"

Royman's body trembled involuntarily after listening to those words.

He could clearly feel that the Loki God at the moment was completely different from his usual appearance, his attitude was much tougher, and he clearly felt the pressure from the gods on his body.


He is just an ordinary guild manager, and he does not possess the strength of those adventurers, and it is even more difficult to support the pressure on the gods and stalwarts.

Royman felt the coercion almost at the same time, and his body had a corresponding resistance reaction.

The elf, who was already fat, was now even more embarrassed under the pressure of the gods.

Just when the fat elf couldn't hold on, a voice interrupted Loki's coercion from far away.

"Loki, come in by yourself."

Hearing that Uranus finally spoke, Loki looked back at Royman.

But with just such a look, Royman felt like his heart was about to freeze.

At this moment, Loki can be regarded as a lawless troublemaker, and is called Loki of the evil god in the heaven.

She's been a lot smoother over the years, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a temper.

Loki continued to the basement of the guild, where Uranos prayed.


Royman, who survived by chance, covered his heart and kept breathing.

The fat face that was blushing just now because of the coercion turned pale now.

This time, he saw how terrifying the deterrent power of the gods is. Even the normally smiling Loki god also has an angry side.



Riveria, who is also an elf, glanced at the fat elf she despised with cold eyes.

"When dealing with gods, you should first see clearly whether that god is joking or serious.

"This is a reminder for the sake of the same family."

"Remember one sentence, your ability to manage the guild is not the only one."

These icy words made Royman's brain wake up instantly.

But at this moment, because he is awake enough, his heartbeat will be faster.

He is not the only choice for Lord Uranos.

Just that one sentence was enough to wake him up.

He did not have the right to oppose the gods, but was given the right to manage the guild.

But as long as any god is really angry with this right, then he has the risk of being replaced.

So, the job is not his pride.

If he wanted to be proud of it, then at least he had to show that the guild did not have the ability he could not do.

And this idea also brought some joy in Royman's heart.

He wiped the cold sweat from his head, and with a fat body, he bowed to Jiu Mo Ji tremblingly.

"Thank you, Her Royal Highness.""

Riveria looked at Royman, who bowed her head. After all, she was also a member of the same family. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't even bother to say a word.


With a cold face, Loki walked to the basement and saw Uranus sitting on the throne.

"Loki, what's causing you trouble in the guild?"


Ouranos looked calmly at Loki with a cold face.

"Don't you know it yourself? It's another act of the dark faction, and it's also related to the dungeon."

Loki didn't say anything else, because she knew that Uranus definitely knew.

Ouranos paused slightly and looked at Loki with silence.

Such an attitude made Loki unhappy with a "tsk", and sure enough, the old guy knew it.

"You have your own reasons for not dealing with it, but I also have my reasons for wanting to act.

"The dark faction has done too much this time, and I need the right to take over."

"Also, this time Ishtar stepped over the line.

Uranos did not speak immediately, but looked at Loki silently.

"Ishtar has indeed crossed the line.

The only thing that Uranos does not deny, contact with the dark faction, and even the sale of people, all these are the problems of Ishtar.

"But you want more. 39

Uranus was outspoken and made clear Loki's purpose.

“Ishtar is charged enough to be deported, but not deported.99

"If you want to give Ishtar a reason to repatriate, I can give it to you.95

The implication is obvious.

If you want Ishtar to be sent back, then you Loki will pay the price.

This made Loki very dissatisfied.

66 "Hey! I'm ready to deal with the dark faction!

"I'll just deal with that guy Ishtar, and I still have to pay the price? You're holding up Ishtar too high!"

"Her presence serves her purpose."

Good guy, in one sentence, Ishtar's role is directly limited.

"Eulari, we need a hero, and Ishtar is a springboard.

This sentence is a little strange.

"Uranos, do you think there is no hero in Orari now?"

"The definition of a hero is a person who has set off an era, and there is no such person in Orali now.

Originally, Uranos wouldn't say these words, but since Loki bumped into this matter, she also has to take the responsibility.

"So, now this person has appeared?"

Before, Uranos didn't think Orari had an adventurer who could be called a "hero", but now Uranos kept Ishtar as a springboard for that "hero", which means that Uranus (King) OK) The "hero" that Lanos thought appeared.

Ishtar is the springboard, so that "hero" will inevitably have some intersection with Ishtar.

Loki, who was thinking so, appeared in her mind alone.

Bell Cranel.

When I first knew that Haruhime Sanjo's magic came from the mouths of the children of the dwarf, isn't this connection the most obvious answer?

So, the "hero" in Uranos' mouth is the child who made the runestones?

"Loki, make your choice.

Uranos did not continue talking, but let Loki make a choice.

Loki couldn't think for a long time, even if he really guessed the "hero" that Uranus thought, but thinking for his own family, in order to completely return Ishtar to the heaven, even if he had to pay some price to do.

"Okay! I accept the string of conditions you said.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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