I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 116 The Loki Familia in Action

In fact, it is very similar to what Bell speculated.

Today's Loki Familiar really doesn't focus on the preparations for the expedition. Now both Finn, who is the head of Loki, and Riveria, the deputy head, are eager to find the black of the Ishtar Familiar. material.

Because both of them have obtained very reliable information to confirm one thing.

Recently, a lot of villains and elves have been sold to Happy Street.

The two head-level figures who knew this information put down everything in their hands, and were obsessed with sending God Istar back to the heaven.

As for the matter of the dark faction, hum~ It's enough to wait until someone is caught and tortured.

Under Raul's response, Elsa came to the Loki Familia again.

Aisha, who had been back for two days, had indeed discovered a lot of things. Today, she came to the Loki Familia to report again under the name of "Restaurance", "630".

Anyway, she already has some relationship with the extraordinary man of the Loki family.

Of course, this was also done with the permission of God Ishtar, in order to inquire about the situation of the Loki Familiar.

It's just that Aisha knows that she will soon arouse the suspicion of God Ishtar, so this time, in addition to reporting information on God Loki, there is also a reminder of God Loki's own situation.

As for the secrets under Happy Street, Elsa really discovered a lot.

It was still the same conference room as two days ago. Except for Loki, the remaining three people were the three Lv.6 members of the Loki family.

Loki asked expectantly.

"Elsa, how's the situation on Happy Street?"

Elsa didn't give a disappointed answer either.

"God Loki has confirmed that there are eight specially dug spaces 30 meters underground in Happy Street, and there are many people in the underground space, I think it should be those who were caught.

"There are three underground spaces and a passage to the outside of Orari.

"The rest of the five places together are... dungeons."


The results of this investigation shocked everyone present.

Loki's squinted eyes also opened directly, but this result greatly exceeded her expectations.

She is not ignorant of the fact that the rats of the dark faction are huddled in the dungeon.

The fact that the dark faction appeared in the dungeon a few years ago also proved this.

Those wanted guys never came out of the dungeon.

Then it is nothing more than that there are other passages to enter and exit the dungeon, or in other words, some members of the dark faction are hiding in the dungeon and refuse to come out.

"This time Ishtar's charges are enough."

With a sneer involuntarily on Loki's face, the space under Happy Street is connected to the underground city, which is a very serious problem.

This means that Ishtar must be inextricably linked with the dark faction.

If the kidnapped and kidnapped people are still found inside, then the sentence for Ishtar may be held tomorrow.

"Buying and selling people, fornicating with members of the dark faction, and trying to destroy Orari. 35

"One by one, one by one, as long as you grasp the evidence, it is best to find some members of the dark faction, then it is not a big problem to bring Ishtar back to the heaven.

"Aisha, please confirm the specific location first. I will let Hermes find the outer passage, and I will let the guys from the guild find the inner passage."

This time, Loki made up his mind that he must kill Ishtar with a stick.

If Ishtar is not brought back, how can she take Elsa and the child over here?

It's just that Loki suddenly saw what Elsa wanted to say, and Loki had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Elsa, what do you want to say?"

"...God Loki, maybe you need to act as soon as possible. Lord Ishtar wanted to know what your family wants to do, so I accepted the invitation here, but in such a short period of time twice in a row, Perhaps Lord Ishtar also senses that something is wrong.""

"That stinky woman is quite smart in feeling.

Loki understands that once Ishtar is really vigilant, the arrangement on their side will become useless, so this time he really has to act as soon as possible.

"Rivelia, go to the guild with me later, and when I persuade Uranus, you will take someone to find the passage to the dungeon.

"Grace, you go to Ganesha immediately and let that idiot investigate the passage leading to the outside together."

"Finn, you take Elsa to the action. Stare around Happy Street for a while, once Grace and Riveria start to move, all you need to do is to suppress those who resist... At the same time, you have to keep that child safe.35

Because of the urgency of time, Loki knew that today was the best time to start. Once Ishtar was really alert, things would be really troublesome.

"Get started now!"

Loki didn't hesitate, she walked out of the family's base and let Riveria accompany her to the guild.

The others didn't hesitate, and almost after Loki's order, the entire family moved.

Grace went to the Ganesha family.

There are many Lv.5 adventurers within the Ganesha family, and their own strength is at the upper level in Orari. It can be said that as long as something happens to Orari, it is definitely right to look for the Ganesha family.

As usual, even at night time, the Ganesha family is still very lively as usual.

The Ganesha family also respected the visit of "Chongjie" Grace, and immediately arranged for him to meet with Lord Ganesha.

"I am Ganesha!

The strong man wearing the elephant mask stretched out his strong chest muscles with his hands on his hips, as if showing his own advantages.

This is what the Ganesha god often does.

"Lord Ganesha, this time I am looking for you for a very important matter. 35

"Oh! Loki's child 0.5 actually has a very important matter... Well, let's talk about it first, if it's a personal issue, I don't get involved.

Ganesha is a principled god, and his attitude towards issues between gods and gods has always been that he is too lazy to participate. As a guardian of order, he is not suitable to participate in private affairs.

"Lord Ganesha, it's about the dark faction."

"Dark faction...

Ganesha's eyes flickered with a hint of coldness, and in the eyes of Orari's serious gods, the dark faction was an existence that everyone shouted and killed.

What those lunatics do is to raise the table.

Not only did it destroy the place where the gods were looking for fun, but it also endangered all the children of the lower realm.

Whether from the point of view of private or public interests, the dark faction is definitely the most hated group of people in Ganesha.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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