

Your Majesty, dragon...

A eunuch suddenly broke into the Jinluan Palace.

This eunuch's position in the palace is not low, so he can come in like this.

I saw that he was in a panic and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Emperor Jiajing's rare good mood because of the title was gone at this moment.

Although his face was expressionless, his expressionlessness was an expression in itself.

The ceremonial eunuch next to him was very observant and immediately scolded him severely when he saw this.

But the panicked eunuch just kept repeating, Dragon, dragon, dragon...

Bold, the True Dragon Emperor is right here! What are you talking nonsense about? Eunuch Si Li said viciously in a drake voice.

Before he could continue, suddenly there was a light on the Jinluan Palace, and the sun shone on the faces of the emperor and the civil and military officials.

They were all stunned for a moment, then looked up.

The roof of Jinluan Palace has been blown off.

The next second, a huge dragon head came over, plunging the entire Jinluan Palace into darkness.

The dragon energy is released unbridled.

The entire civil and military personnel of the entire Jinluan Palace, as well as the emperor's eunuchs and guards, were so frightened that they turned into a puddle of soft mud and became a mess.

There was a smell of urine in the air.

More than one official was so frightened that he peed.

But at this time, no one pursued the matter.

Everyone looked at the huge dragon head above their heads with great fear.

This person, oh, no, I should say, this dragon, is naturally Wu Siyuan.

This dragon body is nothing more than an empty shell, the [Evil Dragon False Body] refined by Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan was hiding among them.

After he opened the Golden Palace, Long Yan looked around and saw the emperor who looked like an ant in his eyes.

Wu Siyuan transformed and returned to his human form, floating on the top of the Jinluan Palace. The [Evil Dragon Clone] shrunk hundreds of times and became a miniature dragon. It kept wandering around him and made low-pitched dragon sounds from time to time. Yin, shocking everyone.

This is one of the innate abilities of a real dragon - it can be big or small!

After Cihang successfully transformed into a dragon, it automatically mastered these abilities, even if it was just a [Hundred-Legged Dragon].

After the [Evil Dragon False Body] shrunk, the dragon energy also converged.

A group of important ministers and the emperor in the Jinluan Palace felt a little better now and regained their thinking ability. Unlike before, they only had fear.

They held their heads high and looked at Wu Siyuan, who was dressed like a scholar in the air, with complicated eyes.

The corner of Wu Siyuan's mouth was slightly raised. He just looked at the emperor on the dragon throne. With a change in his hand, he took out the [Three Yuan Golden Pill] that can extend life for sixty years. He said, I heard it's you. Are you sending someone to take this life-extending golden elixir from my hands?

At the moment of death threat, people's minds always move very fast.

Emperor Jiajing soon realized that Wu Siyuan was the shopkeeper of the mysterious pawn shop in Changling Town.

His thoughts suddenly changed, and he immediately bowed deeply to Wu Siyuan, who was above him, Your Majesty, please accept my worship!

Thank you, Immortal, for getting rid of the evildoer Cihang Pudu for our Ming Dynasty and saving the people of our Ming Dynasty from fire and water. This is a great kindness and kindness that I will never forget!

If the Immortal has any instructions, I will do my best to complete them.


Emperor Jiajing knelt down and licked Wu Siyuan, not caring about his status as emperor.

However, Wu Siyuan even toppled the roof of the Jinluan Palace, making it clear that he was looking for trouble.

If you don't kneel down and lick her now, why don't you wait for Wu Siyuan to settle the score?

Who said Jiajing Emperor Lake was painted!

How could the emperor of Hutu, who had not been in court for so many years and only focused on cultivation, still be able to control the government for so long without being ostracized by powerful ministers?

In fact, Cihang Pudu's high status was intentionally given by Emperor Jiajing.

On the one hand, Emperor Jiajing really wanted Cihang Pudu to lead him to achieve enlightenment. Although he knew deep down in his heart that this hope was very slim, but what if he succeeded?

On the other hand, Cihang Pudu was also the sword that Emperor Jiajing used to check and balance the officials of the imperial court. However, Emperor Jiajing later did not expect that this sword would escape his control, and the whole court would be devoured by it, and the entire Ming Dynasty would become its possession.

If Yan Chixia hadn't appeared later, even Emperor Jiajing would have been eaten by Cihang Pudu, becoming an important resource for him to transform into a dragon and ascend.

Of course, this is the plot of the movie A Chinese Ghost Story 2.

Cihang Pudu, the villain boss, was taken care of by Wu Siyuan, and these plots will never happen again.

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To be honest, Wu Siyuan was quite surprised that a dignified Ninety-Five Supreme Lord was kneeling and licking him like this, with such a strong desire to survive.

Can't you have some backbone?

It is true that the higher a person stands on the throne of power, the more afraid of death he is.

Although Emperor Jiajing's licking made Wu Siyuan feel quite comfortable and a smile appeared on his lips, the accounts that should be settled still had to be settled!

Wu Siyuan smiled faintly and said, In that case, you sent the people from Jinyiwei and Dongchang?

Immortal, it was the traitor who deceived me and made me think... Emperor Jiajing wanted to explain and put all the responsibility on the dead Dongchang supervisor.

Although the companion who had grown up with him was loyal and loyal, at this time, Emperor Jiajing could only let him, a dead man, take the blame!

If the immortal is still unhappy, then Emperor Jiajing can only let Daban's nine tribes be buried with him to obtain the immortal's forgiveness.

My dear companion, I will be successful in my cultivation of immortality in the future. I will be grateful for your contribution today. Emperor Jiajing thought in his heart.

Listening to Emperor Jiajing shirking his own responsibilities, Wu Siyuan's smile became even bigger, So, all this has nothing to do with you?

Emperor Jiajing smiled bitterly, neither admitting nor denying.

Then, Wu Siyuan slapped the hand, and the energy in the void quickly gathered, forming a giant hand and covering it towards Emperor Jiajing.

Do you think I would believe it?

The giant hand of energy dissipated, leaving only a pool of blood and mud, but the eunuch and palace maid next to it were safe and sound.

But at this time, they were all frightened and turned pale, and they were confused.

Wu Siyuan didn't care about them either.

Emperor Jiajing must die.

From the moment Wu Siyuan knew that Zuo Qianxiong and the others came here under the order of Emperor Jiajing, Wu Siyuan was already a dead person in his heart.

In Wu Siyuan's simple concept, everyone must be responsible for what they have done, even the emperor.

Don’t think that just issuing the [Sin Ji Edict] is enough.

Wu Siyuan believes in a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood.

After killing Emperor Jiajing, Wu Siyuan turned to look at the civil and military officials.

All these civil and military officials were so frightened that their faces turned blue, but no one dared to move.

Wu Siyuan had no intention of killing them.

He just said, Your emperor is dead, just choose another one to sit on this dragon throne.

In addition, Wu Siyuan announced again, from today on, Pawn Shop No. 9 will disappear into the smoke and dust. From now on, all those who are destined to get the [Lu Yin] distributed by Pawn Shop No. 9 will light [Lu Yin] at midnight. 】, they will be taken to the pawn shop to make transactions.

Okay, everyone, I'm going!

After saying that, Wu Siyuan deepened the flow of light and entered the body of [Hundred-Legged Dragon]. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a real dragon that was hundreds of meters long and soared into the sky.

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