I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 55: God, please spare my life (please subscribe)





Dangerous arcs suddenly crossed the sky.

The rays from different types of cannonballs fell on Cihang Pudu, the thousand-year-old centipede spirit.

Cihang Pudu had already shown his prototype. He was huge and unable to dodge these attacks, so he simply resisted with his physical body.

Hiss, hiss...

The result of carrying it hard was that Cihang Pudu, the thousand-year-old centipede spirit, was blown to pieces and hissed in pain. Some parts of his body were covered with white frost, which was the freezing ray, and some parts were scorched black. Laser burning, and in some places it was a lake of flesh and blood, which was the power of various artillery shells.

[Transformers] fell from the sky one by one and landed among Cihang Pudu, Zhiqiu Yiye and others.

Each [Transformer] is more than ten meters tall, and compared to Cihang Pudu who has shown his original form, he is not weak at all.

Cihang Pudu originally wanted to swallow Zhiqiu Yiye, Yan Chixia and others aggressively, but after seeing these dozens of [Transformers], it suddenly became a little timid!

It was like a little girl who was as beautiful as a flower and met a dozen rude men who were like wolves and tigers.

Cihang Pudu only showed his prototype, but he did not lose his mind.

Just now, the animal nature was aroused by the sudden underground shock wave.

Now in front of so many [Transformers], the animal nature has faded a lot.

Cihang Pudu paused for a moment, then suddenly his head went underground.

As a centipede spirit with thousands of years of practice, it is very good at escaping from the earth.

If the ground is compared to water, it is like a fish in the water. Once it is like a fish in water, it can escape far away and escape here in an instant.

But a dozen [Transformers] kept staring at it, preventing it from escaping long ago.

As soon as Cihang Pudu took action, seven or eight pairs of [Alloy Hands] stretched out and grabbed various parts of its body.

There are tentacles that grab it.

There are centipedes that catch it.

There are tusks that grab it.

Some caught it by the tail.

In short, Cihang Pudu was under control.

Of course, Cihang Pudu would not sit still and wait for death, but struggled desperately.

The carapace on its body is extremely defensive.

The centipedes on its body are also extraordinary after thousands of years of tempering.

The sharpness of Baizu is comparable to the top magic weapons.

Not to mention its fangs, which can bite off most magic weapons if you use any force!

Cihang Pudu struggled. Its centipedes and fangs would inevitably come into contact with the [Transformers].

Sparks fly.

Several [Transformers] have more or less white scratches on their bodies.

But that's it.

These [Transformers] were strengthened by Wu Siyuan using synthesis techniques, and the top materials from the two worlds [Dawn of the Era] and [Beast Blood Boiling] were used by Wu Siyuan on them.

Now the strength of [Transformers] has long been comparable to magic weapons.

That is to say, these [Transformers] do not have magic patterns painted on their bodies, otherwise these [Transformers] can really be used as magic weapons.

Of course, their current capabilities are not bad either!

Cihang Pudu struggled endlessly, and [Transformer] raised its fist as big as a sandbag and hit its body heavily.

Once, twice, three times...

The terrifying force made Cihang Pudu a little unbearable.

A black halo appeared on it.

This is the protective layer created by it using demonic power. It is the same principle as the aura shield created by Zhiqiu Yiye and the others.

The alloy fists of [Transformers] landed on the black halo, bursting out ripples of light, but they would not cause harm to Cihang Pudu like before.

Moreover, because of holding up this demon power shield, Cihang Pudu also isolated the [Transformers] from direct contact with his own body.

Cihang Pudu, who was originally controlled, gained limited freedom.

At this time, Cihang Pudu, who felt the crisis, completely broke out in order to survive.

A strong golden light suddenly lit up in its pair of compound eyes.

The next second, two dark golden evil lights burst out, shooting at the two [Transformers] 1 in front of them.

The evil light was so fast that even [Transformers] did not react, and two wrist-sized wounds were pierced through the body.

At the same time, Cihang Pudu's black halo suddenly lit up and then exploded.

The explosion was deafening.

The violent impact directly overturned the [Transformers] around him and caused various scars to appear in many places on his body. Cihang Pudu gained true freedom.

Of course, it also paid a huge price and became much weaker. At the same time, its aura dropped by a third.

Cihang Pudu's vitality was severely damaged.

But it couldn't care less about revenge at this time.

There are so many [Transformers], and the weakest one will not be weaker than the Golden Core stage.

A dozen [Transformers], who can bear it!

Of course Cihang Pudu’s best option is to run away!

Originally, it wanted to run back to the imperial capital and become its national advisor again, and then trick the emperor into promoting it to the position of protector of the country, asking the emperor to build it the Cihang Hall, and bring in all the civil and military capitals of the dynasty to eat their flesh and blood. Absorb their luck aura so that it can embark on the path of dragon transformation.

But now, Cihang Pudu feels that the human world is very dangerous, so it should stay in the mountains and wilderness for a while.

Don’t rush about transforming into a dragon!

It turns out that in the movie A Chinese Ghost Story, after Cihang Pudu showed his true form, he still pursued Yan Chixia and the others because he felt that Yan Chixia and the others were no match for him.

But now, Wu Siyuan randomly took out a few [Transformers] and frightened Cihang Pudu into doubting [Centipede Life]!

The two are really not of the same magnitude.

Cihang Pudu ran for his life very quickly. As soon as he thought about it, his body turned into a black shadow and tried to burrow into the ground.

But at this time, Wu Siyuan, who had been watching the show, felt that he could not go on like this anymore, and finally took action.

The universe is in your sleeves!

Oh, I made a mistake, it's [Shennongjiao Space]!

No matter how fast Cihang Pudu ran for his life, he couldn't be captured faster by the power of space!

Before it could react, it was sent to a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

The spiritual energy in the air was so abundant that it condensed into mist.

Just taking a breath, Cihang Pudu felt that his injury was getting better.

It is not a ghost and is not afraid of sunlight.

The light emitted by the ball of light had no effect on it.

Why am I here?

What a nice place!

Cihang Pudu was suspended in mid-air, thinking this in his ferocious and bloody head.

But the next second.

Two huge arms condensed in the void, one head and one tail, grabbing Cihang Pudu's head and tail.

Cihang Pudu lost his vitality again and exploded with demonic power, unable to break free.

The space power of this [Shennongjiao Space] is not so easy to break away from.

Wu Siyuan's consciousness condensed into a huge figure in the [Shennongjiao Space], and he took one step and came to Cihang Pudu.

Cihang Pudu was already trembling with fear and making a hissing sound.

Oh, Wu Siyuan can’t understand centipede language.

Cihang Pudu hurriedly used demonic power to vibrate the air and made a human voice, saying, Exalted Immortal, spare your life!

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