A large group of people arrived in front of Pawn Shop No. 9.

This house, which was originally just an ordinary shop, attracted the close attention of strange people and high-ranking officials from all over the world because of the signboard of [Pawn Shop No. 9].

It is true that if the mountains are not high, there will be immortals and spirits; if the water is not deep, there will be spirits if there are dragons.

Zuo Zixiong sighed in his heart, and he took the initiative to ask Ying to tell Cihang Pudu and the emperor's companion, I am a national advisor, a supervisor, I am a humble official, go ahead and inquire about the situation.

Zuo Zixiong was familiar with the situation, and the emperor's companion had already agreed in his heart, but he still looked at Cihang Pudu.

Cihang Pudu glanced at the pawn shop in front of him. Although the real dragon aura was very vague, he was still aware of it.

Its eyes flashed with greed, and its desire to obtain this true dragon's legacy was almost ready to come out.

It didn't even look at the emperor's companion. To it, this was just food.

It just said sanctimoniously, No!

The poor nuns will make them come out obediently, let them wake up and come back to their senses! Cihang Pudu said.

It has this confidence. Even if the new Danjie monk it sensed that day is from the No. 9 pawnshop, so what?

Just one or two human golden elixir monks are not in its eyes.

It is a thousand-year-old demon that is only one step away from transforming into a dragon!

Before Zuo Zixiong knew Cihang Pudu's plan, he saw Cihang put his hands together and began to mutter, Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!

Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!

Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!


Cihang Pudu's whole body glowed with a peaceful and warm golden light.

Originally a Buddhist verse full of great wisdom, when it was read out by Cihang Pudu, it seemed to have a demonic nature, as if he was unforgivable, and only by throwing himself into the arms of Cihang Pudu could all his sins be resolved.

Zuo Zixiong couldn't control himself and wanted to get closer to Cihang Pudu.


He suddenly realized something was wrong and gritted his teeth. The pain woke him up and his eyes became clear.

He looked around. Except for the emperor's companion, only a few people could stay awake. The others looked lost and swaying.

Zuo Zixiong looked solemnly at the sober Dongchang supervisor. Both of them saw deep sorrow in each other's eyes, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zuo Zixiong and the others were actually affected.

Cihang Pudu's [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound] is mainly aimed at the people in Pawn Shop No. 9.

Xia Houwei, Luo Weiwei, troubleshooting and problem solving.

Xia Houwei is doing better. He has practiced [Paiyun Chapter] and is working hard to integrate his thoughts and internal power in order to break through the master realm and be able to fight Yan Chixia.

Therefore, he still had a little ability to resist in the face of the [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound], of course, just a little. He was soon fascinated by the [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound], and involuntarily approached Cihang Pudu outside the house.

Xia Houwei was like this, but Luo Weiwei, who was just an ordinary person, was even worse at solving worries and problems.

The first time he heard this [Sanskrit Sound], he lost consciousness. With a strange smile on his face, he staggered out of bed and walked towards Cihang Pudu's location.

Wu Siyuan was deducing the skills in the quiet room at a critical moment. The densely packed words, as big as mosquitoes, flowed and collided in the Bagua phantom, or collapsed and disappeared, or turned into new words.

At this time, Cihang Pudu's [Sanskrit Sound] came. Immediately, Wu Siyuan broke through his guard. The shadow of the Eight Diagrams that had deduced most of it shook violently like an earthquake. Then, like Buddhism, What was said, the dream bubble, disappeared.

Those auras, those days and nights of hard work, all disappeared like a dream.

Wu Siyuan's face suddenly turned pale, then red again, then blue again - livid!

He couldn't do anything because he was concentrating just now. Now that he didn't want to deduce the technique, the golden elixir stage spiritual consciousness came out and scanned the surroundings. He found a large number of people in the court, as well as the leader with golden light in the middle. Monks and nuns.

Wu Siyuan suddenly understood the situation.

Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately? This is the [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound] from Cihang Pudu, the big boss in the second part of [A Chinese Ghost Story], right? Is that what it looks like? Wu Siyuan said.

The real body is a thousand-year-old centipede spirit, but it's completely invisible and doesn't show a trace of evil spirit! Not only it, but also the protecting monks and nuns around it, all of them don't show a trace of evil spirit. This is incredible!

This is not a transformation! When a monster transforms, it will still have its demonic aura, and it cannot escape my consciousness!

It's the function of the skin! Wu Siyuan recalled the plot of the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story and suddenly thought of the reason, The skin can block the evil spirit. So even a little demon can cleverly hide his own evil spirit!

Wu Siyuan understood why Cihang Pudu was able to sneak into the court without his identity being discovered, and why he could become a national advisor!

He has been in this world for some time, and he also learned from the practitioners in this world that the imperial court would enshrine a group of practitioners.

These cultivators may not be very powerful, at least a sword cultivator as powerful as Yan Chixia would disdain to be driven by the emperor.

But there are still ordinary monks, after all, it is easy to practice among the public.

Golden elixir stage monks may not be available, but there is certainly no shortage of foundation-building stage monks.

None of these foundation-building monks discovered the monster identity of Cihang Pudu and his men. The role of this skin must be the key.

Wu Siyuan felt a hint of interest in his heart, although he still didn't know why Cihang Pudu came to him?

Could it be that he was attracted by the treasures in his store?

If you don’t do business according to its rules, are you preparing to rob it?

Wu Siyuan sneered in his heart, and when his mind saw that he was about to step out of the No. 9 pawn shop to solve the problem, he frowned slightly.

Cihang Pudu’s layer of golden light that looks like Buddhism is not simple.

Once these people who are confused by the [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound] get close to Cihang Pudu, they will be killed by those golden light bodies.

However, this [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound] will only be effective on people with low strength.

For example, Wu Siyuan is already in the golden elixir stage. Under normal circumstances, this [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound] will have almost no effect on him.

And He Youman, who helped him protect the law, was only in the late stage of foundation building, but he had also condensed the Yin Shen and had strong mental power. The [Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound] had no effect on him.

But other people in the pawn shop don't have this ability.

After all, it was their boss and owner who signed the contract, and Wu Siyuan couldn't let them just play it off.

To deal with this guy, you still have to use force to overcome skill! Wu Siyuan thought.

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