I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 48 Xiaoqian, grandma, the old demon from Montenegro


A voice that was neither male nor female sounded in the room.


The cold and tall woman, oh, no, it should be said that she is a female ghost, has stood up and regained her appearance, with a look of fear on her expression.

It was frightened to the point of revealing its true form just now because of the roar of dragon energy. Of course, it also frightened the handsome scholar half to death when he revealed his true form.

But the fear it showed now was not because of that thunder.

But the thousand-year-old tree demon in front of him was wearing a black robe and dressed as a man and a woman.

The tree demon glanced at the female ghost Xiaoqian, and Xiaoqian's ghostly body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.睱

The tree demon said, Xiao Qian, the blood food you found this time is dirty and not very tasty. It is also so bad that it is not as good as other sisters.

Next time you do this again, I will give you to the old demon from Montenegro!

The female ghost Xiaoqian suddenly panicked. She knelt down and begged, Grandma, Xiaoqian just wants to serve you forever. Please don't give me to Master Montenegro.

Then you have to be more sensible! The dryad used its pointed fingers to lift Xiaoqian's chin, You have to work harder. Don't let me down!

The dryad's voice alternated between male and female. One moment it was as harsh as the white snow in winter, and the other moment it was as gentle as the drizzle in spring.

Yes, grandma. The female ghost Xiaoqian lowered her eyebrows and looked very docile.

The tree demon grandma nodded with satisfaction and looked down at the female ghost Xiaoqian. Its golden pagoda (urn) was under her control. Xiaoqian could not fly out of its palm and could only be enslaved by it. !睱


A ball of yang energy came from outside, Evil! Fight evil!

To a normal person, this ball of yang energy will only feel like a ball of hot air on the pavement, just like the blowing force of a hair dryer at the smallest setting.

But for ghosts, especially low-level ghosts, this ball of yang energy is no different from a ball of flame.

People will feel pain if they are burned by the flame of a lighter.

What's more, this is a ball of flame!

The female ghost Xiao Nie could not avoid it and huddled up in fear.睱

It was at this time that Dryad Granny took action.

For Xiaoqian, the Yang Qi that can cause her ghost body to be severely damaged in an instant is just a matter of course for her.

It just waved its hand lightly, and the yang energy was swept aside like a gust of wind, and then looked at the two young monks who rushed in with a half-smile.

One male and one female.

The two of them were not high in cultivation, not even in the foundation building stage, and they were holding a bunch of spiritual talismans in their hands.

The man looks older.

The woman is relatively young, but her appearance is ordinary.睱

When the two people rushed in, they were stunned.

I originally thought it was a harmful ghost, but why is there an extra demon?

Yes, they can still tell the difference between ghost energy and demon energy.

An exorcism charm that is lethal to ghosts, Chukimaru is as harmless to monsters as a toy.

As for the monsters that can transform, the weakest ones have the cultivation level of the Taoist Golden Core Stage.

They can only hope that this is not a transformation, but a monster using illusions to make itself look like a human.

But only monks in the Taoist foundation-building stage can contend with monsters that possess such means.睱

They are just two casual cultivators.

Hearing that Lanruo Temple was infested with ghosts, they took the talismans exchanged from Pawn Shop No. 9 and prepared to come over to slay the demons. They also wanted to see if they could plunder some rare materials and pawn them back to Pawn Shop No. 9.

Well, okay, actually the latter reason is the real purpose.

But whether it was lofty ideals or selfishness, they all disappeared after seeing Xiaoqian and the tree demon grandma.

Junior sister, use all the magic talismans! Then I will come to the rear, you run away! The mature-looking male monk said to the woman next to him without looking back.

Senior brother... There were tears in the woman's eyes.

A friend in need is a friend indeed, it turns out to be true.睱

I didn't expect that my senior brother who always liked to take advantage of me would actually be like this.

The female monk was very moved.

But the male monk was anxious, and he shouted, Quick!

The female monk reacted, immediately put her mana into the talisman in her hand, and then threw it out.

[Fireball Talisman]!

[Golden Armor Talisman]!

[Fireball Talisman] was activated into an orange-red flame and shot towards the Dryad Grandma.睱

The [Golden Armor Talisman] turned into a ball of golden light, covering... the male monk.

And then...it came to nothing!

Because the monk immediately affixed a [Magical Talisman] to himself, rubbed oil on the soles of his feet, and rushed out of the room like a monkey.

Only the female monk was left stunned when she realized the reaction.

Junior sister, I will definitely avenge you! The male monk running in front secretly made up his mind to fight to the death.

And the other side.

The female ghost Xiaoqian looked at it and was speechless.睱

Grandma Shulao smiled. She stretched out her hand and shot out green juice, extinguishing the menacing fireball. She turned to the female ghost Xiaoqian and warned her earnestly, Xiaoqian, did you see it? This is a man. !”

A creature that is particularly good at lying and deceiving women!

Xiaoqian remained silent.

Grandma Dryad didn't have much to say. With a thought, huge air roots rushed up from the ground, and in an instant, the confused female monk and the sprinting male monk were dragged into the ground.

By the way, the monk tastes really good. Grandma Dryad thought as she licked her tongue.

These people are so stupid!

Passing through the woods of Lanruo Temple is equivalent to entering its territory, so how can you escape?睱

It's just... Grandma Dryad looked at the location of Changling Town in the distance.

It was once the territory of the ghost king Nine-tailed Fox.

Both of them are like river water but not well water.

However, after a No. 9 pawnshop opened in Changling Town some time ago, everything changed.

Although Grandma Dryad never leaves this nest all year round, she still knows the surrounding situation well.

And now, a new golden elixir monk has appeared in Changling Town.

This is different.睱


In Changling Town, there is Yan Chixia, a master of Buddhist swords and swords in the golden elixir stage. She is nosy enough and difficult to deal with.

In the past, Yan Chixia did not dare to go too far because of the existence of the ghost king Nine-tailed Fox to restrain each other.

But this is now and then the other.

If two golden elixir monks join forces, it will also be very passive - at this time, the tree demon grandma still doesn't know that the ghost king nine-tailed fox has been captured by Yan Chixia!

If you knew it, it wouldn't be so easy and calm.

However, the current situation also makes Grandma Dryad feel a little worried.睱

Perhaps, I should go meet the old Black Mountain demon. Grandma Dryad thought.

The original form of the Black Mountain Old Demon is a Black Mountain in the underworld that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. His magic power is extremely strong and he has great influence in the underworld. He is the king of demons and the king of ghosts. He has countless ghost soldiers and ghost generals under his command.



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