I'm collecting golden fingers from all over the world

Chapter 40 Thousands of Killers and the Ghost Forbidden Formation

Yan Chixia glanced at Zhiqiu Yiye with a strange expression.彸

Based on his cultivation level, it can certainly be seen that Zhiqiu Yiye is already a monk in the foundation-building stage, and his magic power is higher than that of his stupid apprentice.

Although she looked a little out of touch, Zhiqiu Yiye's first impression of Yan Chixia was not bad.

Seeing his expectant face, Yan Chixia just thought about it briefly and agreed, which just in time saved him the trouble of recruiting outside.

He said to Chiqiu Yiye, I live outside the town without a home. If you come here tonight, I will teach you how to use this formation flag.

After saying that, Yan Chixia took Shi'er away.

The joy on Zhiqiu Yiye's face could not be concealed at all. He shouted behind Yan Chixia, No problem!

Yan Chixia didn't look back, but Shi'er curled her lips and looked back at Zhiqiu Yiye.彸

After they left, Zhiqiu Yiye also chose to leave.

It’s impossible not to leave.

He was afraid that if he didn't leave, he would really lose control of himself.

There are really too many treasures in Pawn Shop No. 9.

Why give him such a big temptation? When Zhiqiu Yiye left, his face was in pain and not peaceful.

Zuo Zixiong did not follow Zhiqiu Yiye and the others, but walked up to Wu Siyuan after they left.

Shopkeeper Cui... Zuo Zixiong opened his mouth.彸

Is something wrong? Wu Siyuan got the [Qiankun Zhengfa] and was in a good mood, so he looked cheerful.

Zuo Zixiong didn't know why, but he always felt an inexplicable psychological pressure in front of people like Wu Siyuan. This was something he had never felt in front of anyone else.

He calmed down and said seriously, Shop Manager Cui, this town is just a pond. With your ability, it is easy to get out of the town and soar into the sky!

Now that the Holy Emperor is on the throne, we are thirsty for talents...

Wu Siyuan waved his hands after hearing this, feeling speechless in his heart. Well, no matter how hard you filter your heart, you can't hide that Zuo Qianhu is a person who is foolishly loyal to the emperor.

Understood! Upon seeing this, Zuo Zixiong did not continue to persuade, but nodded gracefully.

He cupped his hands towards Wu Siyuan and said, Then leave Zuo!

Also, thank you very much, Shopkeeper Cui, for your recommendation! Zuo will bear it in mind!

Wu Siyuan did not respond.

Zuo Zixiong smiled, said no more, and actually turned around and left.

When he left Pawn Shop No. 9, all his Jin Yiwei men surrounded him.

Zuo Zixiong knew what they meant, and with a sullen face, he glanced around at his subordinates and asked, Have you found the place where you live?

A subordinate came up to him and replied, Sir Qianhu, the restaurants here are full of people! There are no free guest rooms.

But my subordinates found a family here who is willing to let us stay for a few days!

There's no coercion, right? Zuo Zixiong still knows something about his men, but as long as he doesn't go too far, Zuo Zixiong won't talk much. After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish!

How dare we? the subordinate replied with a charming smile, The man in that family is a famous executioner in the city. He came back to visit his relatives, saw us asking for a place to stay, and heard about your reputation, so he gave us a place to stay!

Oh! Then I should thank him properly! Zuo Zixiong said with a better expression after hearing this.

You know this from your humble position! Zuo Zixiong's subordinate replied.

Zuo Zixiong nodded this time and suddenly asked, You just said that this executioner is famous far and wide. What is his name?

Sir, his name is Yuan Detai! Zuo Zixiong's subordinate replied.

Thousands of people killed?! Zuo Zixiong was stunned for a moment. He really knew this person, or in other words, knew this person!彸

Yuan Detai is an executioner in Jinhua Mansion who is responsible for carrying out executions for the imperial court.

Because of its unique method of beheading, no blood is seen on the head, and the victim hardly suffers any pain when he dies. There is a slogan of the golden sword enforces the law, the head does not fall to the ground, the God is virtuous, and he is reborn in the west.

Everyone around him knew his sword skills. Whenever he killed someone, there were countless onlookers, and he got the nickname Thousand Man Killer!


The name Thousands of People Killed is definitely an exaggeration.

Yuan Detai has beheaded hundreds of heads, but with a thousand heads, he still has to keep working hard.

In these times, there is no shortage of heads for Yuan Detai to chop off!彸


Zuo Zixiong sighed secretly in his heart, and without saying much, surrounded by his subordinates, he went to Yuan Detai's house.

He also wanted to write a secret letter to tell the court the truth about the situation here, and asked the emperor to take out a large amount of treasures to trade with pawnshop No. 9, so that he could exchange for the [Three Yuan Golden Pill] that could extend his life by one period!

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Women's Ridge!

The place where Yin Qi gathers under the cliff.

It is the ghost monster at the junction of yin and yang created by the ghost king nine-tailed fox.彸

The size of the ghost is closely related to the strength of the ghost king and the opening location.

The ghost land opened up by the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox is not that big, and it is the size of Changlin Town when it is full.

But this corresponds to the strength of the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox.

After all, this guy has only been busy arresting brides to vent his grievances in recent years. He is not like other ghost kings who recruit troops, build mansions and cause harm to the world!

There are fewer killings, and the cultivation level is much weaker.

at this time.

In this ghostly place, a fierce fight is going on.彸

On one side are Yan Chixia and his apprentice Shi'er, as well as Zhiqiu Yiye, who claims to be an academician from the Kunlun Mountains, and Zuo Zixiong, a member of the royal court's imperial guard Qianhu.

They each held a flag of the Four Evil Formation, standing in the four directions of the ghosts. They attracted the power of the Four Evils' starlight to form the [Four Evils Forbidden Ghost Formation], sealing off the entire ghost realm.

With this [Four Evil Forbidden Ghost Array], the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox cannot escape into the real underworld.

Unless, this [Four Evil Forbidden Ghost Array] is broken!

And, it has to be fast!

Otherwise, if the four evil spirits work together, the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox will suffer a terrible end!

It knows this.彸

So the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox also fought hard!

It released hundreds of ghost brides.

This is the bride it has killed in the past hundred years.

He cannot live in peace after death, and his mind is controlled by the ghost king Nine-tailed Fox.

Every ghost bride has the strength of a fierce ghost at her weakest.

At this time, under the control of the Ghost King Nine-Tailed Fox, overwhelmingly filled with resentment, injustice, anger, and ghost energy, relying on the scarlet ghost sedans, rushed towards Zuo Zixiong's location.

The Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox is also hiding on one of the ghost sedans.彸

Its purpose is also simple.

Pick the weakest spot and attack with the strongest force.

These hundreds of ghost brides are expendable.

As long as there is a loophole in the formation operation and the confinement fails, the Ghost King Nine-tailed Fox will immediately tear open the underworld passage.

And as long as she escapes to the underworld, no matter how strong Yan Chixia is, she won't be able to find it!



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