Wonderful success? Wu Siyuan chuckled and said, Zuo Qianhu, you are talking about our store's [Three Yuan Golden Pill], right? This pill can indeed prolong life for a period of sixty years, even if it is taken by ordinary people, it will still have the same effect. 鱞

If you want it, you can, you can take it away with 100,000 yuan!

Wu Siyuan stated the condition of treating everyone equally.

Zuo Zixiong's expression suddenly froze.

As a member of the Jinyiwei Qianhu, a secret service agency that helps the emperor monitor hundreds of officials, he still knows some things, such as this [yuan coin].

Zuo Zixiong knew that [yuan coins] had to be exchanged with rare treasures or rare books at the pawn shop.

These are the secret treasury of the royal family and the private treasury of the emperor.

But the emperor doesn’t want to come out! Tao

The emperor just thought of a mouth and a name, and took the life-extending elixir of No. 9 Pawn Shop and the entire treasure of No. 9 Pawn Shop as his own.

Perhaps from the emperor's point of view, the whole world belongs to his Zhu family and is all his.

But this put Zuo Zixiong in a dilemma.

Master Zuo, you can borrow enough yuan coins from others, or you can take out treasures or magic methods and come to me to pawn them. It's only worth 100,000 yuan coins. You can take this [Three Yuan Golden Pill] as you like. Wu Siyuan said.

Zuo Zixiong's face was very helpless. This helplessness was like the feeling he felt when he saw traitors in the court, loyal ministers were criticized and imprisoned or died unjustly, but he was full of passion but could do nothing.

He also wanted to try to persuade Wu Siyuan in the name of Dayi and Baojun, but Wu Siyuan's attitude was very firm.

Zuo Zixiong's brows couldn't help but frown. Tao

Yan Chixia, who was standing next to Wu Siyuan, couldn't help but sneer, Haha...

There is a strong sense of irony in it.

And Xia Houwei, standing behind Wu Siyuan with a stern face, his eyes were full of disdain, The imperial court...

Zuo Zixiong felt a little embarrassed.

The reason why it was embarrassment rather than anger was that firstly, Pawnshop No. 9 was mysterious and unpredictable, and he did not dare to offend easily. Secondly, these two men who showed disdain for the imperial court were not simple.

Xia Houwei, the best swordsman in the world, has already demonstrated his strength in front of Zuo Zixiong.

Just that palm made Zuo Zixiong no longer sure of victory. Tao

And this Xia Houwei is world-famous for his swordsmanship.

In fact, Zuo Zixiong misunderstood this point.

Among Xia Houwei's many martial arts skills before, swordsmanship dominated.

However, his swordsmanship has never been better than Yan Chixia's.

Now, Xia Houwei sold himself to the No. 9 pawnshop and became a thug of the pawnshop. He obtained the [Cloud Pavilion Palm] and the elixir for improving his skills that can directly point to the master level.

He Youman personally gave guidance, and Xia Houwei had a good understanding. He had already transformed his internal strength into [Xuyun Jin], and had initially mastered the twelve-position [Cloud Pavilion Palm].

Wu Siyuan will not be like Xiong Ba, who teaches one hand to hide the other, twelve moves [Cloud Pavilion Palm], including the most powerful one [Gloomy Clouds], Wu Siyuan has taught them all. Tao

Anyway, the church will not be Wu Siyuan's opponent!

But it's different for Xia Houwei.

In this world, martial arts has only developed to the innate level.

Even Yan Chixia's martial arts cultivation is only innate.

This is true for both Xia Houwei and Zuo Zixiong.

However, the [Pailing Cloud Palm] given by Wu Siyuan to Xia Houwei can directly reach the master realm. It contains the secret to breaking through the innate realm. In terms of intention, it has surpassed all martial arts in this world.

[Paiyun Palm] As the main martial arts of Bu Jingyun, the instant noodles head male protagonist in [Fengyun] world, it is a pretty good martial arts in the early stage. Even in the later stage, Bu Jingyun’s martial arts attainments have improved by leaps and bounds, but [Pai Yun] Cloud Palm] has still not been eliminated and can come in handy on many occasions. Tao

Of course, [Pailing Cloud Palm], one of the three unique skills, is definitely not as good as [Three Points of Returning Vitality], which is one of the three unique skills, but in this world, in terms of martial arts, it is definitely top-notch.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …

Xia Houwei alone was enough to make Zuo Zixiong fearful, and the bearded man who followed Wu Siyuan out of the counter had a gleam in his eyes, and a fierce sword intent seemed to emanate from his whole body.

This is a situation that only he, who has also condensed the sword intention, can perceive.

Another top swordsman! Zuo Zi said ambitiously.

He looked at Wu Siyuan.

Wu Siyuan looked ordinary. Tao

However, the news about Jin Yiwei is that this mediocre No. 9 pawnshop owner has caused many strange people to disappear from this world.

None of those people have been discovered yet.

Now, Wu Siyuan's danger level within Jinyiwei has risen to the highest level.

If Zuo Zixiong was afraid of Xia Houwei and Yan Chixia, then he was a little afraid of Wu Siyuan.

Because Wu Siyuan's methods are unknown and traceable, the unknown is scary.

Fortunately, Jin Yiwei's information also shows that Wu Siyuan has always been indifferent and has a particularly friendly service attitude as long as he does not actively attack him or do other things that endanger Pawnshop No. 9.

This is also the reason why Zuo Zixiong came into No. 9 Pawn Shop alone. Tao

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

There's no use painting a pie.

There is no confidence in taking it by force.

But the emperor’s order cannot be disobeyed!

Zuo Zixiong sighed inwardly, and then said to Wu Siyuan, Shopkeeper Cui, in this case, I will pawn some things with you, and you can see how much money I can exchange for them... Oh, it's Yuan coins...

When he said this, he attracted the attention of Zhiqiu Yiye, who had been wandering around in the pawn shop.

Zhiqiu Yiye also wants to know what pawns at No. 9 Pawnshop are like! Tao

When Wu Siyuan heard Zuo Zixiong's request, he was also curious about what kind of rare treasures the royal family would bring out, and whether there were any profound Dharma books that he really needed, so he nodded and said, Okay, what do you want to pawn!

This horse-cutting sword is made of hundred-forged fine iron, with meteorite iron incorporated into it. It can easily blow or break hair. It has been with me for many years. I want to pawn it. Zuo Zixiong took out the horse-cutting sword that he carried with him. Said reluctantly.

It's Mr. Zuo's favorite thing, so... 5 yuan. Wu Siyuan glanced at Zuo Zixiong's hundred-forged sword and quoted a price. To be honest, he quoted this price because he wanted to kill it. A lot of people were killed on the saber, and it contained a certain amount of evil spirit, so it had some value.

Otherwise, in the real world, Wu Siyuan could get as much money as he wanted for a sword made of this kind of material!

Zuo Zixiong's expression changed slightly when he heard Wu Siyuan's valuation.

This horse-cutting sword has followed him through life and death for so many years. In his mind, it has long been a priceless treasure.

If it weren't for the emperor's order, he would never take it out. Tao

For a true warrior, a weapon that is closely related to his heart and soul is more important than his wife.

It will never be sold unless it is unnecessary.

This was not only a humiliation to the weapon, but also a humiliation to his martial arts.

When Zuo Zixiong made this decision, he felt very painful inside.

But what's even more painful is that the weapons he regards as treasures are just garbage in the eyes of others!

That's it?



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