Zhiqiu Yiye plans to enter the No. 9 pawnshop to find out the truth.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch the tiger's cubs?

Anyway, the young casual cultivator said that even if he didn't take it as a thing or just take a look, nothing would happen. He would just be asked to leave within the stipulated time.

Besides, if it really doesn't work, Zhiqiu Yiye can just take out some things and pawn them. As one of the three most respected disciples of the Kunlun sect, he is not poor.

Thinking like this, Zhiqiu Yiye stood in the queue and lined up.

At this time, a group of official servants wearing brocade guard uniforms and embroidered spring knives at their waists stood in front of a man with a shaved head, armor, and a black cloak. There were four straight swords in the sword pouch on his back, and a sword on his waist. Led by a military attache with an auburn whip, he walked over.

The leading military attache looked dignified without anger.

But the Jin Yiwei guards behind him couldn't help shouting, Master Jin Yiwei Qianhu is here, and there are a lot of people waiting, why don't you get out of the way quickly!

There are ordinary people in Changling Town.

When they saw this scene, they had already pulled their children away from it.

And those standing in line in front of pawnshop No. 9 are all monks, and they are all monks with a certain level of cultivation.

Although these monks do not have much dealings with the government, they are generally arrogant and arrogant. How can they pay attention to these court eagle dogs!

Zhiqiu Yiye can be said to have the highest cultivation level among the monks lined up. Of course, he would not pay attention to these court eagle dogs, but he still looked back curiously.

The leader, the military attaché known as Qianhu, had a vague sense of intimidation about him.

This should be the effect given by the [Dragon and Tiger Qi] given by the court, which has a certain influence on the monk's spells.

What the civil servants of the imperial court received was dragon energy.

The higher the official position, the higher the trust of the emperor, and the more dragon energy.

Civil servants of the imperial court who possess dragon energy can resist the attacks of ghosts and ghosts.

Of course, it’s useless if the levels are too different.

Dragon energy has no effect when faced with physical attacks from monsters and spirits.

This is different from the world of [Yi Ding].

[Yi Ding] The Taoism of the world is related to the soul, so it is greatly affected by dragon energy.

But in the world of [Immortal in Painting], Taoist spells are related to spiritual energy, and the imperial dragon energy has a certain impact on it, but the impact is not that great.

Civil servants are protected by dragon energy, but military officers are also protected by it. The essence is dragon energy, but because of the different attributes, the dragon energy of military attaches is stronger when expressed, so it is also called dragon and tiger energy. It can ward off evil spirits and suppress evil. God's effect.

The power of ordinary monks' spells would be compromised against a court military attache with the aura of dragon and tiger.

But that’s it.

Maybe casual cultivators would be more afraid.

But those monks from famous sects generally did not boo these imperial military attachés.

Zhiqiu Yiye is like this.

He just looked at these royal guards quietly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Qianhu, the unflappable Jinyiwei, brought a group of Jinyiwei to a place not far from Zhiqiu Yiye.

I heard this Jinyiwei Qianhu look around with a dull expression at the monks present, and then said politely, I am an official of the imperial court, Jinyiwei Qianhu, Zuo Zixiong, by the emperor's order, came here to announce the entry of the owner of the pawnshop No. 9 Jingmian Sheng. Please come out and see the owner of the pawnshop No. 9!

As soon as he finished speaking, the closed door of Pawn Shop No. 9 opened.

A man came out.

Everyone present, including the monks and Jin Yiwei, looked at him, making the man uneasy.

What's wrong? The man asked in confusion and a bit of uneasiness, and tightened his clothes again.

This person is none other than the [customer] who just entered the pawn shop!

No one answered his doubts.

Because at this time, a familiar voice came from Pawn Shop No. 9, Next one.

The face of Zuo Zixiong, a member of the Jin Yiwei Qianhu family, changed slightly, but he said loudly, Please come out and see the owner of the pawnshop No. 9!

Next one! This is how the people in Pawn Shop No. 9 responded to Zuo Zixiong.

Zuo Zixiong's brows furrowed slightly.

But the Jin Yiwei behind him were all furious.

One of the Jin Yiwei shouted angrily, How bold! A mere pariah dares to disobey the emperor's order!

Be careful of the nine clans that will kill you!

Zuo Zixiong remained calm.

And a young man with a serious expression and a serious expression finally walked out of Pawn Shop No. 9.

It's Xia Houwei! He's the number one swordsman today! Not all of the people in line were monks, but also warriors.

A warrior recognized him.

Isn't the number one swordsman today Yan Chixia? Why is it Xia Houwei? Didn't Xia Houwei lose to Yan Chixia's move?

Yan Chixia has retired to seclusion! And although Xia Houwei is young, he has defeated all the swordsmen in the world and has no rival. What is he if he is not the number one swordsman?

Several warriors couldn't help but talk about it.

But those cold-faced young men called Xia Houwei ignored him completely. Instead, they looked at the monk who was first in the queue and said coldly, Don't you want to buy something?

...Dang... The monk was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth and said, it doesn't matter even if this may offend the court.

Well, a group of monks from all over the world do not boo the court eagle dog, but an individual monk still has some scruples when facing the behemoth of the court.

After all, monks are also human beings. They have to eat and sleep even if they have not cultivated to a level where they can look down upon princes.

So when Jin Yiwei asked him just now, he hesitated and didn't dare to walk into the No. 9 pawnshop carelessly to avoid receiving the hostility of Jin Yiwei.

However, Pawn Shop No. 9 sent people out, so he did not dare to refuse. After all, although Jin Yiwei was fierce, the opportunity was right in front of him, and he did not dare to miss it. If he was blacklisted by Pawn Shop No. 9, he would not be with him. After making a transaction, he would be so depressed that he would vomit blood.

In comparison, Jin Yiwei's hostility is nothing!

He shrank his head, lowered his head, and walked into the open door of No. 9 Pawn Shop.

In the eyes of a group of Jin Yiwei, this behavior was a naked slap in the face.

Bold! What a good thing!

It was the Jin Yiwei who had shouted the question just now. In order to leave an impression on Zuo Zixiong, he brazenly issued the Xiuchun Dao, kicked off his foot, and flew towards Xia Houwei.

The heavy sword shadows with fierce sword power are about to cover Xia Houwei!

Xia Houwei was suddenly attacked, his expression remained unchanged and his eyes were cold. He didn't bring a sword. Of course, he didn't need to draw his sword to deal with this guy.

Cloud-dispelling palm - overwhelming mountains and seas!

Xia Houwei moved out his palms, and immediately the shadows of his palms appeared. The force of his palms was as fierce as an overwhelming force. It came first and covered the Jin Yiwei who flew over.

The Jin Yiwei felt covered by countless palm shadows. He only resisted a few moves before being hit by a palm.

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